October 31, 2005

30th - survivor is a good tv show, but a bad game...

hello all

even though i don't blog very often, i do take the time to read other people's blogs. i don't get why why i feel guilty when i do. i get moments where i feel so nosey when i'm doing it. but people read my blog so it's all good. anyway, i was reading the other harley quinn's [courtney's] blog. it was about a bunch of stuff including student activism and foreign aid. i don't know what it was, something irked me to leave a comment that was as long as her blog. then other people got involved. so there are three running opinions so far. all reply comments are as as long, if not longer than the actual blog. however, everyone should go check this out. www.courtneylee.ca - the blog is called, "on canada and the world today" check it out and comment. its need more than three perspectives.

i just finished watching the latest episode of smallville. it was about vampires. it was a halloween thing. it was terrible. have a halloween special that has nothing to do with the actual show's storyline. it's fine. people forgive that sorta thing. and for the love of god, stop slandering vampires. and kristen kruek...more on that later...

ok, i have a new job. it's been about three weeks now. it's cool. i also serve as the IT guy which is awesome because i get to do something i hate and that's what work should be. suffering. no, it's not that bad. i'm just a drama queen. anyway, i get a panicked phone call sometime at night because there is a problem with a word document. the image wouldn't stay where it was put. it kept moving around as they typed. so i told them how to fix the problem and then they insisted on sending me the file to make sure it's ok anyway. i wish my job was just IT. my blog would be just about that.

on another hand [this is unrelated to above], being an IT/tech/geek guy, when i say something is the problem, don't correct me by saying something ignorant like, "no, i'm sure this is the issue. this doesn't have anything to do with it" ask question if you want, but if you can't use word properly, don't assume you know how the rest of the machine works.

at pretend work, [futureshop] things are wicked now. i get one shift a week, which is all i wanted. since i don't make any money there anyway. all i do is go hang out with people i like. however, my manager wont fire me. this is getting in the way of my severance pay, but this is still good. i have my staff discount, and i only have to work saturdays. not like anything is ever done on saturdays before night time anyway. so all is well. now, if only i could talk her into giving me the saturday morning shift instead of closing. that would be perfect.

yesterday was mome's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMIN! for this birthday, he got many a cool thing including not one, but TWO JOB OFFERS! even cooler, a batman cape. to celebrate we just hung out [yes, we're a lazy folk but i like just hanging out] and we played survivor. this is not a nice game. its cruel and sets people off against each other. perfect for kids [comon, you can just picture it. a bunch of third graders crying and getting into fights], not for adults. i got voted off first. hope you all get the plague!

i finally got some tv watching done. which means, i watched a bunch of shows on my computer. the makers of smallville owe me an apology. their new season was way to over hyped. it was okay as you except from smallville. it wasn't spectacular. which brings me to another point. i hate kristen kruek. why does clark love her. she always looks like she's about to cry. god, i wanna give her reasons to cry. just smack her around a bit [before you all band together against me, i'm not advocating abuse towards whiney, cry baby women, just kristen kruek]. at least one of us would feel better than. plus, she looks like the whimpering type and that's just annoying.

prison break on the other hand is friggin awesome. why can't smallville learn from prison break. send clark to jail! or lana, i'm cool either way. but seriously, i watched all eight episodes in one go. so friggin cool! now the problem is i have to wait each week for a measly hour of prison break.

i miss scrubs and arrested development. i haven't seen any new shows in a long time. bring back scrubs and arrested development. i don't care about baseball and football.

alright, lets review. go read courtney's blog. pit small children against one another by making them play survivor. smack kristen kreuk around as chance permits and murder all baseball and football players so scrubs and arrested development comes back.

last but not least, be good.


p.s. is it wrong to buy an high definition tv for the sole purpose of playing x-box 360? it will be used for other things but the main purpose for buying it will be high definition gaming?

p.s. today's halloween and i am totally unprepared. to make up for that. send me pictures of your halloween costumes and i'll put them up here and then rant about how much better my halloween costume could have been, if only i had the free time to put it together. [honestly, my best idea was being koolaid lite]

October 25, 2005

29th - those muslim extremists might have a point there...

today i am working from home. for the first little bit anyway. this is because i gotta design some letterheads and stuff and it's just easier to do on my computer than slow-ass company ones. i need a laptop. someone buy me a laptop. a nice one. possible green or red, but not together. that would be gross.

"the buuyancy of a bubble" words used by some boy to describe himself. it was in some dude's blog description [the profile bit]. everyone should go read the blog just because it said that. i think he also talked about his physical. the blog is called "my blah blah blog". i copied the link and then copied something over it. a buck to whomever finds the blog first.

my sister requested i write a blog about the whole pda epidemic we've been experiencing and i did. guess who hasn't read it yet? punk.

picture [left] - my conversation with sabeen this morning like ten minutes ago. read it. i'm leaving it open for interpretation.

speaking of sabeen. one of my friends, caboose told me this. according to her world religions teacher. in islam, when you go to heaven, you don't meet god right away. in order to prepare to meet god, muslims take part in a massive orgy which is concluded with a twenty-four-year long orgasm. then you're ready to meet god. my only question is. why aren't more people muslim? this is the kind of thing we should be using to recruit people. the catholics don't have anything this good. twenty-four-year orgasms. i told caboose to give her prof my number and ask her to call me because i wanna know where she got this from. this woman is the reason someone nutball imam is gonna bomb a school one day because he doesn't want the secret getting out [this woudl explain why they're soo religious, the child-molesting bastards. note - i hate priests/imams/mulas/pandiths/etc of all kinda. not just muslim ones with the exception of the brother kayum(sp), "you respect, honour and cherish the womb" but honestly, why are we not using this for marketing? also, do you really wanna meet god right after you did that? "so, what have you been up to sixth" - "umm, nothing."

so, i wrote an email last night about how we don't do anything anymore. the kids, i mean. grown ups are always doing stuff but it's usually uninteresting and work related. anyway, last night me and mome went to drop off his brother to the greyhound station on bay street. i tagged along because i wanted cookies and didn't much feel like walking over to the macs across the street. yes, i know it' a three minute walk but i was tired. so we went, one out way back we decided to go to dominion instead to you know, save fifty cents. we ended up getting sandwich meats, cheese, cookies, chocolate, milk and bread. then we went to my house and made sandwiches. well, mome made sandwichs, i supervised. so me, mome and abbas [who was studying for some french thing and my god, it's irritating. i honestly don't like the french language.] sat around talking and eating sandwiches. they were good. so yay! we randomly did something.

PLANS - this friday night. i am throwing the first ever SEHRI(sp) PARTY for the kids [this is a prototype party]. meet up at my house around late nightish. we'll hang, watch a movie, i'll rape some people in free4all hockey, we'll discuss the twenty-four-year orgasm and do the sehri thing. spread the word - not to random strangers. contact me or mome for details. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY.

something noticed at the grocery store. someone explain old and extra old cheese. why is it refrigerated? is it kept in the fridge during the aging process? wouln'nt this be like one of those things which we thought was great but now we know isn't good for us like fireproofing with asbestos or lead paint? and what the hell is carefully aged mean? you watched it grow old and mouldy? explanations people.

detroit people - people from detroit, come visit us. all of you. ok, by all of you, this means the people we know. this isn't an open invite to the bums or the homeless or those anti-abortionists or that black kid handing out the kkk pampflets. this is for the khans, mirzas, ahmeds, maloufs and any other names i forgot. but those specific people. but yes, listen to asmar and visit. for more information, check your email.

which reminds me of a quick notice. I DO NOT CHECK MY HOTMAIL. if you email something to my hotmail account, don't get huffy when i don't know about it. the only reason i have a hotmail account is for msn, no other purpose. if you must email me stuff, send to sixth.lie@rogers.com or my sixthlie.com accounts, but those aren't active yet. thank you.

ok, i should really go do some work. later days.

be good.


p.s. does anyone ever listen to me when i say be good? for example you had some evil scheme going on in the back of your mind and then you read my blog and decided not to do it? i'd like a few testimonials.

October 20, 2005

28th - you are free to do as i tell you...

[disclaimer] - this blog is based on a collection of personal and non-personal experiences. there may be references pretty close to what you may or may not have encountered personally. if there are any similarities and you feel i'm judging or poking fun or being an asshole, this may be a good time to reflect on your doings as i'm not the only person who feels this way. note - you can stop reading now if you think you're going to get offended or pissy or feel the need at the end to call me. seriously, i'm not gonna hold it against you.

i hate this week. it hasn't been a good one in any sense. i've been tired. i've been cranky. someone ate my cereal. i've had no caffeine [since detroit] and i haven't done anything fun [i've been working every single day for the past two weeks almost]. you'll excuse me if i sound a little short.

i've decided i need a vacation. i'm planning to pack a few clothes into my bag and head over to peterborough. a small town inhabiting some eight thousand people. a few of which are my mates. so i'm planning in dropping in on them tomorrow, if it's ok with them, of course. we'll see. there i shall be be [if i go] till sunday. so i'm blogging now because i'm not doing it from there. however, if anyone from there reads this, then i guess the cat is out of the bag. call and let me know if i can come. [i've already contacted all applicable bosses and copped out of work. i had to use some pretty shitty excuses but it got the job done. if it didn’t, i'm fired. whoopdie doo]

ok, now on to the actual blog bit. today i'm going to talk about a subject i wouldn't normally touch with a ten foot poll. you guessed it. the whole issue of love and relationships. [inspired by various people and one person saying, "why don't you write a blog about PDAs?" here you go hadia]

relationships are a good thing. they're a time to explore a person other than yourself [not a masturbation joke but that fits too] and it's a chance to learn and grow and all that good stuff. it's also a good chance of becoming a better person because you get to witness first hand, the effects of all the stupid things you did and how it affects other people. you also learn about being happy even when you feel like shit because your partner is happy and you learn about compromise and you learn about guilt. also, you will learn a lot about what kind of horrible, insensitive, selfish, uncaring excuse for a person you are. oh, and you learn about guilt. did i mention guilt? lots about guilt. so relationships are good, in general. then people get involved and ruin them. here's how.

if i'm fighting with my girlfriend. it's none of your business. don't interject with your opinion. nobody cares. at the same time, we shouldn't be having random fights in front of everyone. furthermore, if you're fighting with your boyfriend don’t go telling everyone what an asshole he is. it doesn't solve anything and makes the "finally, meet my boyfriend" type events very uncomfortable. dirty laundry belongs in a washer, not in bowling alleys.

have respect for one another. its important. her feelings are as important as yours. so when she has an issue with something you've done. don't throw something she's done that's worse. we don't forgive. we kinda let things slide until we can use it to hurt the other person or when we feel we're cornered about something. don't do that.

don't lose your head. i've heard the whole "dive right in" and "leap of faith" bull and i'm glad for those masochistic people who found new ways to hurt themselves. putting faith in something is fine. nothing wrong there. i encourage it. BUT losing all common sense it not. be realistic and take your time. if you're in love with a goat and you've thought about this long and hard and they goat feels the same way, i'm happy for both of you. i'll even buy you a nice wedding present. but if you're in love with a wall and just have to nail it [see, puns aren't funny caboose] it's not realistically possible. i mean, where would you sleep. be realistic in what you expect from your partner and the people around you.

a request. when you're in love and all is good and sunny in your world. don't come and bore us to tears about it. some of us are single and have not yet [or ever will] experience the joys you're experiencing. some us don't want to. please, show a little respect for the people around you. we have feelings too and gag reflexes.

which leads me to my blog discussion. PDAs. my opinion - little public displays of affection are fine. so, grabbing your girlfriends hand for a minute while you're in the mall or giving her a small hug or kiss is fine. good for you. you're expected to do that sorta thing. those are the signs we look for when we're wondering if you're a couple or not. but don't be gross about it. rubbing up on each other in the mall, making out on the subway, calling each other every edible food you can imagine is not acceptable. it's shit that nobody wants to see. if you really love each other that much and can't keep your hands to yourself, then the mall isn't the place to be. get a room or a backseat of a car or a bathroom stall. i don't care and there, you can do whatever you want to another. hell - moonwalk, jesus style for all i care. bring the goat too. just not in public.

this goes the same for gay people too. i don't care if you're liberated and free and you feel like i'm trying oppress your love for one another. not in front of my face. you get the same emotion from me as all the other people in love and that's apathy. feel free to do whatever you want. be as gay as you want. not in front of me. same rules apply to you as straight people and you goaters too.


p.s. get your "in love" buddies to read this and defend themselves.

October 16, 2005

27th - "i hope you find god" in the bad way

hello all

before i go on. congratulations to qudsia and azher and everyone else. there is a new baby in the family. it's all good. it's healthy and a bag of mush and all the other things babies are expected to be. qudsia is up and about and she's all happy and stuff too, as is azher. is it just me, or it wrong to use the camera flash when taking pictures of babies? [i don't do it, others do] someone should find out. same rule as all the other babies. i will definitely not be picking him up until he's older.

it's been a while. i've been busy. experiencing blog withdrawal. so here i am. let us begin...

i've decided i need a palm [a pda, i still have both my palms]. after much debate with myself and reluctant friends who didn't care which one i bought or whether i shoved it up my ass after i did buy it, i decided on the palm tx. it's not the top of the line one but its got the big screen and built in wireless and bluetooth and it's all good. now, i need to find it in canada. why can't anything just be simple.

i made a rule a couple of days ago regarding my buying habits. when i save money for things. things under 1500 dollars. i will not buy it until i have at least 1.5x the money. the palm is not part of this new rule.

title - met this very christian woman today and after a while she made the comment i hope you find god. the scary part is as she said i got the feeling it wasn't meant in the "find peace" sort of way. it was meant in the "i hope god finds you" sort of way. it was a scary moment.

work has been crazy. i need a car. too much bloody traveling to not have a car. i spent almost six hours on the bus, subways and walking on friday. that warrants a car. must buy car. i really for some reason want a civic sir. i don't even like hatchbacks. back to work. think industrial plastic wrap. took some pics with my phone. will post once i get my data cable working.

what does this mean - i was sitting on the bus and this chick came on she was standing in front of me. i read her bag. it was some brand [i forget the name] but i remember their tag line and i want an explanation - "57 percent no concept, 43 percent good sense" - what the hell does that mean. this is like lewis black's comment, "if it wasn't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college"

anyway, i finally got around to putting up my website. well, the under construction page of it anyway. so, visit sixthlie.com so see my under construction page. i haven't had time to do anything else. but that's gonna change tonight. after this blog, it's web designing time.

so, the amount of stuff i have to do is piling up and i'm gonna die. it's not that i don't have the time. i just always find myself doing something else.

decision - i had decided to keep my futureshop job until i bought me some cool swag since i haven't really bought myself anything with my discount. my manager came back from vacation and within 20 minutes i announced my decision to quit. she didn't even say anything to me today. we literally exchanged 5 sentences. this is how big of a bitch she is. her presence is causing me to quit.

ok, it's photoshop and dreamweaver time.


p.s. aparently you people are passionate about body parts and not about other topics like jackass employers so here's the new topis of discussion - ass cleavage. i have seen too much of it this past week. not the good kind either. the plumber kind. anyway, ass cleavage. good? bad? double standards? etc. enjoy.

October 12, 2005

26th - vomiting sunshine and sweet nothings

picture [left] - so me and andy were coming from sauga on monday evening and ran into some funny looking cars. here's one. a pink dodge neon. deceivingly fast, blatantly ugly. this is her actually getting away from us because she realized i was trying to take a picture.

i vow never to step into a batting cage again. surprise, i don't wanna talk about it.

today was my first day of work at new job. it was boring. well, it was training so i guess that was expected. i'm going on site tomorrow. maybe i should shave.

so all of a sudden, i have way too much shit to do. i guess this is kinda self-induced. i have my popsicle stick project, my birthday present *no longer mural* for smuffy [which is a few months late, yes], website for work, website for chiby, web site for filmi [my god, they're gonna get sued. not by me], and last by not least - SIXTHLIE.COM is coming back. i really shouldn't announce that it existed once. it didn't do so well. BUT this time it'll be cool. plus, i'm gonna move my blog over there so you're gonna have to go there to read it anyway. so, look out for that.

picture [right] - this is the back of said ugly pink dodge neon. check the plates. she wouldn't get out of the left lane so i couldn't get a picture of the front. what you're not seeing is that it says, "pretty in pink on the front windshield"

horrible news - tobey came to visit at futureshop [no, that's not the terrible part] and she brought me cookies [stop jumping the gun, i'm getting there]. anyway, she gave me cookies which makes her one of the coolest people i know. so, she told me to hide them away so i don't get in trouble, which i did. ok, you all already know what's coming up. they're still there. unless someone ate them. warren, looking in your direction. so i'm gourmet cookie-less. i'm so sad. i'm sorry tobey, i can't tell you what your cookies taste like but they looked good. ok, i don't wanna talk about this anymore. it's making me sad.

i wanna get this out of the way - i like my job. i do. really. i like the people i work with. i meet interesting people [tobey]. but i hate one person. well, two people. ok, three people. three people i hate. one, some dude i don't care to talk about. two, some short person who cares what colour my undershirt is. my underwear is nobody's business. especially from a professional stand point. and three, my dept. manager. how can one person cause me so much aggravation. text messaging is not a valid form of communication. i've been getting about three hours a week, which equates to a two-week pay cheque being about eighty-five bucks. what the hell does one do with eighty-five bucks? i can wipe my ass with it. but then i'll probably get some sort of nasty std or worse. unless i use the actual cheque but . . . ok getting off topic. anyway, so now i have a normal, real job. so she starts giving me hours for days i'm not available to work anyway. now she's on vacation. i had a shift today from five to nine. did i go? did i remember? one more time, text messaging is not a valid form of communication.

picture [left] - another ugly car. this is a honda de sol. it's got some sort of floral line pattern on it and i think it's got actual texture. the dude actually slowed down and kept pace with us so i could take this picture. we were too close though.

ok, over the weekend i randomly reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. this way a blank futureshop receipt. one this receipt is a chick's email address and i have no recollection of someone giving me their email address. i'm assuming she's an eighteen year old brown chick. and i don't know why, it's bugging me. i wanna know who it is but at the same time i don't wanna email her and say, i have your email address, who are you? brown girls are snotty and i'm probably just gonna get some bitchy reply back. so, if anyone knows a desigal87@whateverthehell.com, let me know.

i think i may have just seen the dumbest music video of all time. butterfly by crazy town. what the hell. she's not a lady. she's a butterfly? also, you're trying to be all manly with your tattoos and nipple piercings, right? glowing star tattoos are not manly. blowing your tattoos as kisses, also, not manly. twitching awkwardly like ben stiller in zoo lander, entertaining but, not manly. looking way too serious in a video about a kinky butterfly [?] is not right. everyone should download this video and watch it. while you're at it, watch the gasolina video [all of it] and explain that to me.

picture [right] - this is the last one. ok, i know i sound like a total prick because i'm making fun of people's cars. i don't mean to. it's simply my opinion about your ugly, pile of shit car. you're fully welcome, encouraged and entitled to have your own horrible opinions and tastes.

if you're wondering about the vomiting sunshine bit. without going into any specifics, here it goes. people who are in that beginning "i'm in love" *gag* phase are gross and completely unaware of things. it's great to be in love, and yes we're all happy for you that you found love while the rest of us are still alone and miserable but please be just a wee bit considerate of the people around you when you speak to each other. you're seeing rainbows and we're seeing roadkill. meet us half way and see colourful roadkill. keep your poems and letters and the constant, "i love you", "i love you more", "no, i love you more" bits to yourselves. you can discuss the rest of the stuff with the rest of us without a problem as long as there are no rainbows shooting out of your ass while we do. it's distracting, not to mention disturbing and takes us to places we don't want to go. other than that, we're all happy for you as long as you respect our gag factors.


p.s. topic of the day. jackass managers, supervisors, co-workers, those people.

October 3, 2005

25th - twenty-five apparently...bragging rights.

yay! twenty-fifth blog! i finally get a new page on that page where i decide to post a new blog. that's about all that's significant about the twenty-fifth blog.

so, while i was cleaning my basement, i stumbled across some art supplies of mine. art supplies that cost me an arm and a left [not mine, of course] so i decided to paint a mural in my brother's room. then that quickly lead to realizing painting is not one of my talents. so i decided to practice on a small piece of canvas. it turned out a lot better than i expected.

picture [right] - here is the initial sketch of my painting. the two pictures above it are the originals off my cell phone. 2 bucks to whomever can name one of the tracks in my monitor corner.

my sister came for a visit this weekend for the first time since she got married. her, nome [husband] and bob [brother-in-law] came for the weekend. it was so much fun. we didn't really do much. but it was fun anyway. once again, it's really cool how comfortable and informal we are. we ate wings [once takeout, once at the place which was much better. take out wings suck]. we went to a birthday party. we chilled and did nothing. i raped a bunch of people in "free 4 all" hockey [who three got shut out? *bas, mome and nome* that's right barbies and princess *bob*. who's your king and ken *bob*]. we randomly decided to go bowling at 230 at night. i painted a picture. watched the wedding videos more times than i cared to [which is any number higher than zero]. went to tim hortons far too many times in a 55 hour period. it was great. then nome and bob had to go home and they left us had for two weeks. so now we have her back. THAT WASN'T PART OF THE DEAL! as mome puts it.

oh, before i forget, i wanted to take this moment to thank everyone who reads and comments on my blog for two things. one, the man boob discussion. i didn't know people were so passionate about man boobies [if you're confused and afraid, read the blog before this]. second, despite my efforts to never actually mention my name or anyone else's name, it's all over the comments section. thanks for that. i don't really care, but it kinda makes it concrete who i am. i can't deny it anymore, if someone were to ask.

picture [left] - this is the initial black outline. ok, i know you're generally supposed to wait to the end to do this because it covers up little slip-ups and stuff, but i chose to go this way because i really wanted to see bats painted already. let it never be said that i'm a patient man. .

i'm pointlessly tired. which is weird because i don't sleep ever so i should be used to this kind of feeling but this feels worse. i think it's because i'm still recovering from the sickness.

ok, so the painting is done. on to my next project. i bought one thousand popsicle sticks and some glue for five bucks. now, i need something to build out of them. any ideas? that's the discussion topic for this blog. seriously. here, i'll put it in the form of a question. what should i do as my next project? the medium is glue and popsicle sticks. no, i will not dry a bunch of glue and carve something out of it.

has anyone seen the aveo commercial. this dude parks his car, and he gets out to get his kid out of the backseat and he pulls out this huge sumo wrestler guy. "things in the aveo are larger than they seem" it's just a cute commercial and that sumo guy looks very happy about being carried by little wee man.

picture [right] - here is the final product. i didn't turn out as great as i wanted but it turned out a lot better than i expected. i guess that's a mixed blessing of sorts. i'm sorry to all the people i ignored while working on this. now, what to do with it?

that's so sad. someone busted open one of shopping carts to get the quarter out. how badly did you need a quarter. you could have just asked someone for one. or you know, returned the kart. jackass.

i love having a digital camera. it makes taking random, pointless pictures so much easier and way more cost effective since i wont ever print these pictures out. especially now, since my staff discount of fifty percent [which equalled to about 15c a photo] has been reduced to fifteen percent [which is about 25c a photo]. which makes my staff discount price more expensive that most photo finishing palces regular price. bastards. i'm quitting anyway. i don't need this amount of bullshit for a meh paying job.

ok, i'm off. i've got some emailing to do. some arrested development to watch. some cleaning up to do because otherwise mother will kill me. and i think i should take my siblings out to watch a movie. i'm thinking corpse bride.

oh, i just read this blog. it was mentioned on the login page. the porch of doom. it's entertaining and like my blog, about nothing at all.
