December 20, 2005

41st - my coke is colder than when i bought it...

edit - asmar says i'm not allowed to swear on my blog because sacha reads it. so fu*k you asmar and fine. by the way, sacha swears more than i do. have you ever had a conversation with that girl?

this will be my third attempt at blogging this.

mome told me this joke. how many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?

LETS GO SWIMMING! bwahahahah. it's funny because it's true...

i'd like to start off by saying that the snow plough people who do my street are bastards. as are the garbage collectors. here's why:

ok, so thursday night was the big storm thing and on the whole toronto emergency services did a great job with snow and accidents and etcetera - i get up in the morning, early to shovel the driveway so i can get to work [had to be in by 8]. nad helped. i pull on an extra pair of trackies, multiple tshirts and a sweatshirt, 2 pairs of gloves and socks, my hat and my hood, put on my jacket and zip up. i'm ready to shovel. it's a storm after all. in about 5 minutes, i was sweating. anyway, spend about 2 and a half hours at this during which the snow plough comes and as expected blocks off my driveway [i like in the corner of my street so that blockade a about three times the size of a normal driveway blockade] which i clean off. after this, i take my sister to work, go inside, warm up, shower, get dressed [nicely, this was after all the start of my weekend] go outside to find a few thing things. one. emergency response is really good because they've already done a second pass. two. the garbage people did not pick up half my garbage which the previous snow plough run had buried in the snow. three. the second plough run had cleaned off that bit of snow containing my garbage and my garbage was now touring the street. four. my driveway is blocked by a wall of snow and garbage. five. i was a little pissed [not to mention clean]. i got to work at 12.

i'm tilted all the way back on a chair being shaved by a man i've only met twice in my life. he says to me, "you need to relax a bit" to which i reply, "you're holding a very sharp blade to my throat, the relaxing thing isn't going to happen". this got me wondering, do barbers say this to people as a joke or do they mean it? by the way, those towels burn.

so, last weekend was THE WEEKEND. it was awesome, minus a bit about cleaning. but nonetheless AWESOME!! vin's a punk and bailed on me however, still good. the storm didn't pose too much of an issue, i got there on time, ate some wicked food, hung out with some people i haven't hung out with in a long long time. it was good.

a list of places i ate.
friday night - cosmic charlies - i had the salmon. very very good. i think all their food is very very good. everyone should go there. incredible food. and eerily amzing dessert. i think think they put drugs in it. i asked but they won't admit it.
saturday morning - smitty's - i had a quesadilla - i've only been there twice and it was very good both times. white people know how to make quesadillas. the people there are so white. they go into discovery channel mode when they see me.
saturday night - lynn garden - manchurian fried rice, crispy beef and scechzuan chicken - for all you guys who things lucky's and chopsticks are good restaurants, you don't know nothing. eat here. it's excellent. eat at lucky's if you want an out from work or generally enjoy dioreah [i can never spell this word].
sunday dinner - kilin - spicy salmon rolls, surf clam, white tuna sushi, california rolls, miso soup, maqrel, salmon sashimi, a bunch of other stuff - delicious. whit tuna taste better than normal tuna. maqrel taste like sick. surf clam is interesting. spicy salmon rolls are to die for or at least to kill for.

we went shopping on saturday which was a very stupid. why is around christmas people take on the mantra "it doesn't matter if i live or die or kill others, billy must have that toy!" OBEY THE FU*KING TRAFFIC LAWS! if you don't know the rules of a 4 way stop, don't fu*king drive. if you roll in behind the car in front of you who's right of way it was and you figured you could squeeze in so you don't have to wait fifteen seconds, i hope something big, like a hummer hits you [a hummer's gotta have some use in a city]. waiting for five seconds for your turn won't kill you. in fact, it'll probably save your life. as for the asshole who drive over the curb and sidewalk to nab a parking spot. enjoy syphilis.

you know, i never really had a rage issue until i started driving. now i wish death upon everyone who gets in my way.

nonetheless, my weekend was fun. i even got some cricket in on sunday night.

by the way, i have some mild to semi-serious food poisoning. it was worth it.

yesterday, i did not feel well, so i was going to go into a work a bit later. that didn't happen. i went to go say bye to shiv, who's going home [abu dhabi] for the holidays. i have nobody to harass over the holidays. anyway, we hung out for a bit and then i left with mome and asmar to do some stuff, leaving my car at her house. her friend picked her up and they were off to the airport. around 330ish, i get a call saying the car broke down and i need to come get her and stupidly i went. after i got her luggage and her in my car during rush hour traffic, it dawned on me that i really should have just sent her a cab which would have been faster and the freak-out of her aunt calling me every ten minutes to see where i am wouldn’t have happened. i dropped her off at the front and took off to park. on my way back in, i asked the guard where the check in for klm airlines way. he said it was all the way on the other side, 'it's pretty busy, you better run." i look at him, "i'm muslim. i'm not running around any airport" he just laughed. thank god he laughed. anyway, she made her flight on time. it's a bit embarrassing being the very last person in a very long line-up. we're brown, it's kind expected, but then after about 20 minutes, some white dude came in behind us. we both felt better. then i came home.

on sunday morning around 11, i get a call from mansoor. he wanted me to come to the mall with him to look for phones for amina. he said it would take an hour. i stupidly decided to go thinking, 'it's just an hour and by brown time that's like 2 hours. no big deal' i got home around 530. i even ended up doing amina's cell phone activation myself on my day off from work. then i had to help some other customers while i was at it because i happened to be there. then some new kid whose bent of staying after the season is over asks me if i'll pass him the sale [i was going to pass it one of the guys who are on commission because its worth 40 bucks to them]. he's such a little snot. i've already told him, he's not staying after christmas because they're gonna ask us about him and none of us have nice things to say about him. he seemed offended by that, but his attitude hasn't changed any. then warren asked me, since i'm doing the activation why don't i just put it under my number. a thought which didn't even occur to me. so i did and i have 40 bucks now. hurray. then i had to scramble around and get back to the mall to pick up shiv and nadia. lots of fun.

oh, i've been tagged. this means i have to list five weird habit things about me. i'm going to copy and paste the rules from harley's blog. brb.

“The rules are: The first player of this game started with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself," and then tagged 5 people, who then had to write an entry about their five quirky little habits, as well as state the rules of this game clearly, and then list the next 5 people they wanted to tag.”

i asked around a little and these seemed like the popular ones.

1. bathroom check - every time i enter the bathroom to do my businesses, i do a simple check. i flick on the light and the fan. i check the shower, the cabinets, underneath the toilet seat, any nook and cranny i've missed. i check the taps work. if i'm doing my doodies, i do a test flush [followed by a curtest flush and a final flush].

2. sleeping - as we all know, i barely sleep. i'm fine with this. other people seem to have a huge issue with this. lately i've been sleeping a lot more. not in my bed. i mainly sleep on the couch. either in the basement or in the living room. i haven't slept in my bed in i would gather over three months at least. sleep is for the weak.

3. new bars of soap - not really a habit, but it fits. i hate new bars of soap. they're awkwardly sized and the corners/edges drive me nuts. i don't use or touch new bars of soap.

4. morbid/spacy - this may come as a shock to some of you, but i can be a little morbid. i'll let you guys fill this one in in the comments section. i can also be a bit spacy and as shiv puts it, i go off on 'the most fu*ked up' tangents ever. she doesn't like my hypothetical stories that much.

5. txt msging - i send people weird text messages all the time. and most of your bastards. i do that when i'm bored and hardly ever get a reply back. asima has kept me company, manny has, shiv does, and i think that about covers it.

you guys can fill in anything i've missed. apparently people i asked for stumped with this as response, "what isn't weird about you?"

the people i chose are.

the porch of doom
sarah [that cell phone habit of yours better be in there]
sacha [who has a blog, i think most of you didn't know that]

note - for those who have a blog and don't have a blog. leave your five in the comments section and on your blog. just so more people can read it and think i'm not so screwed up. everyone else, feel free to leave your five as well. it'll be fun. i'll list people who i'm expecting. manny, vin, caboose, asima, nomi, bob, momin, amaan, asma, yalnee, haider, mansoor, amina, waleed, saddaf, sameera, halima [manny make halima do this] and so on and so forth. you all know who you are.

ok, this seems to be getting long enough as it is and i should get back to recouperating.

good bye folks.

be good.


p.s. people who say 'happy holidays' - don't you think you're ruining it for the people who actually celebrate christmas. it's christmas time! say merry christmas! why do people get offended by other people's religions. it's their happy time of the year, let them celebrate it without bringing your 'we're oppressed by christians' bullshit into it. so, happy christmas, happy kwanza, and happy hanukah. they're separate. treat them separately. don't bunch them into, happy holidays. and it's a christmas tree, not a holiday tree. what the hell is a holiday tree? only chritmas has a plant in the package.

December 10, 2005

40th - i think i've lost my touch

seven more days, baby!

today is day thirteen of the nineteen days of work. i'm doing well. a little tired and very sore but doing will. i have no idea why i'm sore. anyone else know?

ok, i really need to apologize for my last few blogs. not interesting at all. really, very terrible, so sorry.

i'm got work at FS today which is very exciting, i know. i start at 1 but i gotta take nadia to work at 12 and there's no point in driving back home so i'm going after i drop her off. hopefully, end up sleeping in the break room, but probably working. there's some issue going on there right now. something about a pissed off customer who's pissed at my department about something or another. i don't wanna go!! weekend weekend off...must focus...bigger picture....focus...

ok, it's the next day now. i am hurting all over. in places i didn't even know could hurt. i went to FS and in my ten hour shift, i basically sold stuff for the first two hours and then it got boring. it died completely. now, i can work long shifts. however, when i'm working long shifts with absolutely nothing to do, i get a bit cabin feverish. i spent a few hours harrasing co-workers and playing with the light sabres. i want those so bad. 150 bucks each one. i want them. we even cleaned the department, something i never do because well, i don't want to. eventually, all energies left me and i got this very queasy feeling i my stomach and that was the end of the fun. the next three/four hours were terrible. and in about 2 hours, i get to do it all over again. hurray.

after work, i called and found out people were at mome's so i headed over there. i ate some food, then i hung out for a bit, then i napped on the couch and woke up to a discussion about somebody saying two thirds of the world is muslim. that was a debate for a while. so here's the answer. and then if you go here, it leads to some interesting stats. there are five hundred thousand scientologists. we should do crusade their asses. around 330ish or 400ish, we decided it's time to go home, so we did. i slept not so well on my couch which bugged the hell out of me. i needed sleep. i kept waking up every hour and then i started imagining that damn dripping sound from the kitchen. it can drive a person crazy.

so, that makes today day fourteen.

ok, i'm going to go get ready. later days.


p.s. view picture below. on how many levels is this wrong?

December 4, 2005

39th - you on the internet

picture [above] - i like monkeys. has nothing to do with anything.

picture [right] - i'll explain this later in the blog. this is anonymous.

this burger i am consuming at this moment tastes like rubber. mcdonalds is gross in general but it's even nastier cold.

ello people

first off, peter pan is the coolest department manager ever. i went in to work yesterday expecting to be put in the gone batshit bonkers category for asking for the 17th and 18th, the weekend before christmas off and he gave it to me. ok, he said i'd have to do him a favour, which was working today and next sunday, which didn't turn out too bad because people were just throwing money at us today. i made a wee over two hundred bucks. and so i'm two hundred bucks up, which i'll be getting on the 16th and i have for my weekend off. me, shiv and vin have big plans. well, not big huge, but big. you know wha- wait, screw you. i don't have to explain myself to you.

i am le tired. i was working till nine today. ended up being at work till a little before nint-thirty, which i didn't mind because i was helping some lady. then i had to go get my sister from her work and then drive back to my work to pick up my sister's friends, who are cashiers and therefore take forever getting out of work. i got home a bit past eleven.

picture [left] - this is asmar. creepy i know, they look so alike.

eewww. i just burped and had to experience a bit of that burger again. why do i eat these things. oh right, it's because i like to punish myself once in a while. makes everything balance out.

so, a couple of days ago, i was bored online so i did random google image searches. then i ended up looking for people's names. then i started doing the people who read my blog and i got some interesting ones. the interesting ones are posted here. my favorite one is at the top.

DO NOT search for "nome", it's disturbing. trust me. don't let curiosity get the better of you and go look now. i'm really telling you not to. trust me. this is kinda like the devil's rejects thing.

yes, so my last blog was depressing. i'm sorry. it happens from time to time. but as mentioned before, my blog is about me and my selves and one of my selves was bit depressed. we're better now.

picture [above] - this is bilu, as is mentioned in the picture.

random pointless sentence. see, random. no point to it whatsoever. told you. stop reading this sentence. you're an idiot. you're still reading this. wow, how dumb are you? stop reading this paragraph. it's about nothing.

picture [below left] - this is mome. well, actually moomin.

picture [above right] - this is manny. this has basically nothing to with any part of manny's personality that i know about. if anyone knows otherwise, let us know.

so, i'm working ninteen days in a row to get my 17th and 18th off. is it worth it? hell yes. i'm going to enjoy those two days.

alright, i'm tired. its 2am. work in the morning. i get to sleep in tomorrow. yay. i'll continue posting picture of you people as i go.

night folks.
