February 22, 2006

49th - does this smell like chloroform to you?

20 - nobody has guessed it yet. and no, i will not just tell you.

before i begin. i am losing my shit. this specific shit i'm talking about is my books. i miss them. i'm missing a lot of them. please return them to me. you may re-borrow them but i need to see them first. my shelf is getting to look kinda bare which is odd because i keep buying more books but my shelves still manage to look more and more empty. so please, if you have any books of mine, bring them back please and then you may by all means, re-borrow them but the step of them coming back must be observed in every case. i know my wicked is basically destroyed and one of my star wars books is missing. i'd like to know the state of my other stuff.

caboose update - caboose punked me the other day. it was a good one. i don't remember what it was about but it was interesting. i really wished i remembered because i remember being amused and thinking, "i'm blogging this". anyway, kudos to caboose. if you're wondering why this was worth mentioning, its because caboose doesn't get these shots in very often and it's important to encourage people when they do something amusing.

ok, so everyone who read the last blog said my wants list is too stupid and i should release an acceptable version of it. so here it is: batman begins dvd - lord of the rings extended edition boxed set - lord of the rings musical tickets - wicked tickets - the battle tanks from thinkgeek.com - the buddha board - interesting t-shirts - stuff, useless stuff. you know what? screw this. i'm not helping people buy me shit for my birthday. you wanna get me something [as you should] you should be able to think of something on your own. no more lists from me.

random news - i was downtown with shiv checking out a friend's gig [andy came too] and we decided to get some street meat while we wait. we were walking to the TD across the street to get some cash and this homelesss dude asked if we had any spare food or money. we didn't but since i was getting a hotdog, i asked him if he wanted to come with and i'll but him a hotdog. he said no thanks and instead asked for fries from mcdonalds. a picky homeless guy? go figure. he was sitting outside a mcdonalds so i figured, what the hell, why not but still. strange, no? he had a dog too. . .

afterwards we grabbed some dinner at the friendly thai, which was pretty good. me loves mango salad...

so i bought myself a gift. i've wanted these shoes for a very long time. about two years, i think. and they're so hard to find. i found them once a few months ago but with a very small price tag with a very very big number written on it in very small neat writing. so i decided not to get them. being responsible... on saturday, i was out with shiv and i found them at sports check and they were cheap [well, significantly cheaper] i didn't have the cash on me so i put them on hold. i figured i could talk a sibling into buying them for me - it didn't work. so come monday, i bought them myself. they're sooo cool!! by the way, they're heelys, if you're wondering. they're sooo cool!! anyway, they were a bit expensive and i really could use the monies for other things so i'm really thinking about returning them but i REALLY don't want to. what to do? im taking votes...

oh, check this out - this is the warning sticker on the bottom of the shoe, " WARNING - by peeling this sticker, you agree to waive the right to sue Heeling Sports Limited and their owners, officers, directors, employees and/or representative for any injury, death, property damage, or incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of this product. You also agree to assume and accept all risks of serious bodily injury arising from the use of this product. This agreement is intended to provide comprehensive release of liability, but is not intended to assert any claims or defences prohibited by law" these shows are mainly sold to nine-year-olds. what kind of irresponsible, jackass parent is buying these for their kids?

i ran into the angry brown girl! the angry brown girl was this chick who used to work at FS with me and then she randomly disappeared. she was a seasonal. she's so angry. not angry for any specific reason. none that i can point out, anyway. i was at a birthday party over the weekend and i see this girl and i'm looking at her like i know her from somewhere and she walks over and starts talking to me. i'm like, "holly shit! angry brown girl" she doesn't like that name which makes it all the more fun. but yea, i met angry brown girl again.

my book recommendation of the blog is fight club by chuck palinuk. friggin awesome book. friggin awesome movie. god damned terrible video game. avoid the video game at all costs. just read it and watch it. both experiences are very good. for you sensitive ones, it's not about violence or destruction, it's about evolution. it's about like six hundred things. just read it, watch it, don't play it.

so, my new cell phone still isn't here. i'm getting a little pissed and the antsy-ness is dying down, which really is no fun. by the way, i got, or am getting the motorola pebl in maroon. it's soo pretty. i can't wait for it to get here. if you're going to make any comments about how i'm girl, stuff it. sideways. note - for the people who know how much this purchase has cost, don't share.

oh, guess who's working stupid hours stupid if you guessed me, you would be most correct. i'm working at 8am up until about 4/430am. screwed up huh? i also might be doing the same shift the following the day. i'm going to die. all are invited to my funeral. same stipulation as the previous invite to my funeral.

i had to share this, "so, is there any tread left on the tires? Or at this point would it be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway?" stewie from family guy talking to hookers. me likey stewie.

ok, i go now. i can't sleep. i should go to bed. toodles.

be good.


p.s. remember, bring flowers.

February 14, 2006

48th - the portuguese word, "fu*k"


i can't believe its only Tuesday! this week is going to suck. i'm tired and sore already. i basically, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, wake up, check email, get ready, go to work. that basically sums up my day. i also blame this for my blogs being less interesting than they used to be.

i just finished reading the hollow chocolate bunnies of the apocalypse by robert rankin. the girl at chapters suggested it. it's was very entertaining. its more the dialogue than anything else. the conversations are awesome, very matter-of-fact type conversations and the narrator is hilarious because it goes on tangents and the actual plot is about a kid and teddy bear solving the mystery of someone trying to kill off all the famous nursery rhyme characters [humpty dumpty, little miss muffet, etc]. it's really funny. so, this is my book recomendation. i picked it last tuesday and i finished it last night. which is about four days longer than it should have but things like work, sleep, food, showering got in the way.

anyway, sixth is turning 21 this year. in a wee over a month, actually and people have been asking what does sixth want. so here's my currently running want list. it's not too long, but its mainly pricey, so i'm not expecting most of this stuff as gifts unless someone rich loves me very much or unless if i my name is under the billing option. these are in no random order. for birthday presents, i have no idea. if you're actually going to buy me a present, you should know me well enough to know what i would like. here's my wishlist anyway.

01. x-box 360 [premium/ultimate bundle]
02. 30" hdtv for the x-box 360 [yes, i know that sounds stupid, but i'm going to just buy them together]
03. motorola pebl u6 [i need a new phone and it's very pretty]
04. books - son of the witch, first edition alice in wonderland, anything pratchett, anything by suskind and so on. i also like random dictionaries. [this is a constant thing]
05. mazda 3 [red]
06. alienware m5500 [already working on it]
07. ipod nano or ipod 30gb video
08. rebel xt [dslr camera. i want one. will have one. not anytime soon]
09. clothes - shirts, shoes, need new jeans, etc [also a constant]
10. palm tx [it's a palm. can't explain much]
11. any useless thing that strikes my fancy
12. new watch - there's one from fossil i really like and one from kenneth cole

so, there's my list of things i want. i'm planning on acquiring most of these items within the next eighteen months. that's my goal.

it was mam's birthday on sunday. mom is "twenty-seven" now. which incidentally makes her a year younger than her older daughter. i know its weird, but there's mums for you. i figured out something cool to get her and i was going to pick it up and my sister is like, "no, they need this thing for their bedroom" i hate giving boring gifts. birthday gifts are a time for indulgence. you should give people shit they're not gonna buy otherwise because they think it's a waste of money or whatever. they stuff they need, they can buy themselves.

oh, so this weekend was interesting. i actually had a training scheduled but that was moved to next monday and i got to hang out with my friends out of town. we went for dinner at cosmic charlies which was awesome and then we went to a club thingy. now, as most of you know, i don't enjoy clubbing. this reaffirmed that whole thing. it was actually fun though, minus the incident of some white kids getting nekid. being drunk is not an excuse for being a retard. if you can't be responsible when drinking, don't drink. on monday, their brilliant, well through-out excuse will be, "so what? i want drunk!" it's not an excuse. if you're a whorey drunk or one that likes to get nekid when drunk, good for you. well more good for others around out [unless you're ugly like some housemates i know] but whatever, don't go out in public. i have nothing against drinking or against getting drunk beyond belief [i personally dont. i'm adding that in because i know hadia reads this occasionally and will wonder], but you're an adult, you can't blame that fact that you were drunk for whatever you did while you were drunk. there is something wrong with white kids...

also, my top six is related. things i would rather do than go clubbing. as in things i normally wouldn't consent to, unless clubbing was the alternative:
06 - attend aa meetings
05 - go to a strangers funeral
04 - german opera
03 - get something waxed by an amateur
02 - seniors bingo
01 - watch passion of the christ and titanic back to back

i got new shirts. they're both green, which is interesting since i don't normally wear green. i will show them off on the blog, once they arrive in the mail. i hate waiting [read previous blogs for my opinion on waiting]. im excited though. i like sudo-offensive shirts.

oh, this was something fun someone said to me on chat. i'm not gonna write the person's name because they were adamant that i not. "omg i'm so happy / i was aiming for my intro to be around 200 words / and i finished typing and it was EXACTLY 200 words / that kinda thing makes me wanna touch myself" which was replied to with, "that is so going on my blog" to which was replied, "can it not" to which i replied, "but it must" it went back and forth like this for a while.

igor update - igor has a pierced eyebrow. i never noticed. he also wears very unflattering white briefs. nonetheless, igor is very pretty. shiv, you should meet him.

that reminds me. shiv is a punk because: tries to make me feel guilty for not finishing my food ["think of the baby cow that didn't get that milk" etc] - calls me on all my BS [and there's a lot of it] - thinks she can beat me in video games other than burnout [in which admitted, i get bent over and taken advantage of] - calls me princess - gives that glare that can make people shit themselves - threw a chair at two of her friends - lives in p.town - likes tomatoes - has a thing about her bed - i could go on but she'll beat me and i'm still recovering from the last beating.

if you're wondering about the blog title, its because the guys i'm working with right now are portuguese and the only word i can make out in there is fu*k. and its mixed in so nicely that you barely notice it. i thought it was amusing.

ok - i must go. i need a shower and some food and then work. this week is gonna suck.

be good.


p.s. whats more messed up? talking to plants or talking to your cat?

February 9, 2006

47th - baby, you make me feel like a butcher, i wanna chop you up and cut you...

16 - nobody has guessed it yet.

ok, so i haven't blogged in a while - i sit down to start, but then i get distracted by something. my distractions this week include sopranos, smallville, house, work and sometimes sleep. it gets in the way sometimes.

im not sure if i've mentioned this before, but here is goes anyway. fart people. not people who are flatulent but people who have fart personalities. people with fart personalities are they type of people, when around are generally unpleasant in a minor nuisance sort of way and the second they leave, you feel better and never think about them. that is, until they reappear. now think about it, you know a few of them.

you know, my job is interesting but sometimes it can just drag on. sometimes air monitoring is just as interesting as it sounds. also, i feel like i'm having a mid-life crisis. i'm too young to be having a mid-life crisis but i'm showing symptoms. i'm antsy, and i've been looking at a lot of new cars, sporty ones. i feel this need for a 20/21 year old girlfriend. i want foods that are bad for me. i feel the need to buy things that i particularly need at this point so i'm more in touch. i want an ipod nano and a LCD tv. alright, so some of these wants are more easily gratified than others. it's not right.

oh, sugar - i have to go to work. i'm finishing this first

i have, well had a whole bunch of stuff to do today. but that's all over now.

i wonder if i'm behind on my book thing. my book recommendation for the week is:

anansi boys - neil gaimen
the book is about fat charlie whose dad just died. he hates his dad. his dad is god. it's an interesting read. i'm not gonna go further into but its really good. its neil gaimen which is basically a sure thing.

oh, i decided to try something fun for this blog. i'm going to randomly pick a person, sacha and go on about why this person is a punk. sacha is a punk because: she has a thing for krum and not cedric - never finishes her blogs and blames her computer - doesn't respect my uber thugliness - was involved in incident that got me grounded which incidently caused the creation of this blog - can probably kick my ass and then feel guilty about it while i twitch violently on the ground dying - has a thing about wooden spoons. and now you know why sacha's a punk.

i get paid today! all the money is already spent so i guess it's not really a big deal but it balances out. i have gas money for once and hot dog money and parking money. i'm beginning to hate this car. one, shit keeps going wrong with it. i could have just leased a new car for how much i pay to maintain this thing. but i may have monies to go see the lord of the rings musical, which is awesome. all you people not in toronto - hahaha, suckers...

so, i met this guy named igor at work. man, what a let down. he was a bit mechanical but other than that, it was the biggest disappointment since the crucifixion. i mean come on, your name is igor. play the part a little bit. just for other people's amusement. do it as a joke. do something. don't carry about like a normal human being. you're not. he was very pretty though. you could just get lost in those eyes... anyway, shiv, you'd like him.

ok, so my top 6 for this blog is going to be incomplete. the category is "things that feel good but really shouldn't" i could only come up with four. the other two are filler. you guys can add in your stuff and i'll update the list to include the best ones. also, don't act like you've never done any of these.

06 - having excreted a particularly long one-piece
05 - messing something up and backing off just enough so when the next person comes, it fucks up and they get blamed for it
04 - picking out a hard booger thats lodged way up there
03 - watching people struggle with parallel parking
02 - farting in the winter
01 - watching little kids get smacked by parents because they won't stop crying

ok - that’s all. i must go to work. i will try to blog more frequently. i'm actually very very disappointed with the lack of participation on the previous entry...

be good


p.s. i had a zipper incident a few days ago. unpleasant. let it be said: cell phone rings can freak people out when they're exhausted and in a compromisable position.