June 30, 2006

61st - painkiller

conversation 01
"hey, how was your weekned?" - great - "did you have sex?" - no, i didn't get around to that - "why not?" - i was um, busy - "that's not a good reason" - i'm sorry? - "you're twenty. you should be having sex all the time" - silence - "there's a whole mall upstairs full of pretty girls. go have sex!" - i'm working, right now. maybe later

conversation 02
"why don't you have a a girl friend?" - i don't know. because i work about a thousand hours a week and she would feel neglected? - "are you a homosexual?" - no, i don't think so. - "what you mean, you don't think so?" - i'm not - "so, why aren't you have lots of sex?" - umm

i work with all older folk and i find it a wee disturbing how interested and concerned they are about my sex life and the lack of one. i'm constantly being questioned about it. it's worse when they start pulling other people into the conversations. is this normal workplace discussion?

pictures [above] - this is me on my way to the dentist [left] to get my wisdom teeth pulled and me later that night [right]. my dentist is friggin wicked. he did four wisdom teeth and a filling in one hour. and i basically have no swelling and feel pretty okay. i was sore for a few hours but that was it. everyone kept telling me i'm gonna be swollen like a chipmunk in the morning and stuff like that. he [the dentist] called me later in the evening to check up on me and i asked him about the potential swellings and he's like, "i'm good dentist. there will be no swelling" and there isn't.

i've got pimples in my eyebrows. well, two of them. how messed up is that?

i'm having hunger pains. the last solid thing i ate was yesterday morning around 9am. pancakes with sameera at markham station. sameera drove me to my dentist appointment so we figured we grab breakfast on the way because i was jonsing for some pancakes and the dentist told me to have a heavy breakfast since i won't be able to eat for a while afterwards. news - i got all my wisdom teeth removed yesterday and got a filling fixed.

i was driving home from downtown and i was talking to a friend of mine when i happened upon this absolutely gorgeous red ducati 999s. and i was kinda staring and probably drooling a little out of the side of my mouth. so i tell my friend about it. my friend says...

conversation 03 [abridged]
"ok, calm yourself. you seem a bit aroused by this" - ahem, a little - "that's disgusting, *name* - what? - "you're turned on by a motorcycle!" - failing to see the issue here - "you're a human being. you should be turned on by other human beings! no bikes!" - but it's a ducati 999s! a red one! i would have sex with that if it were possible and raise our little human/ducati hybrid children. - "you have issues." - you know, its normal to be aroused by a piece of pretty machinery. - "uh, no it's not" - pretty sure it is - "no, it's gross. you're a human. you should be turned on my other humans. not by some machine" - i don't see why i can't do both - "because it means some motorcycle is more boner-worthy than a human being" - sometimes...

this went on for a while. so, opinions?

pictures [left] - i'm going to start a new thing called "caboose's people" i've already got some awesome things to post here. guys, feel free to add stuff to this category.

so, here's this blog's winner. i was at yorkdale mall a few days ago and i was in the parking lot grabbing some stuff from my car, when i see this woman pull up and park. i had my camera in the car so it only seemed appropriate i share this with you people.

before reading forward, look at the two pictures and see if you can figure out why she's one of caboose's people.

did you see it? if not, look at picture number one. you can see she's parked across two parking spots. however, if you walk around the car, you can see she is in fact parked over four parking spots.

why people like her have nice cars like this very pretty purple lexus is beyond me.

yes, it's a chick. i'm not assuming it's a chich, i saw get out of the car when she parked and left.

my sister's coming to from philly today. they were supposed to be here by 10am. that was the plan as my sister put it, however this is my sister so they're going to be about three to five hours late. i love how her husband, who before my sister was always on time and pretty anal about the whole thing has kinda learned to deal with being late more often than not. married people are weird.

alright, i'm going to go. heaven forbid my sister [who lived in this house] see the place a little unorganized. parents are so strange. stranger still, my other sister.

picture [above] - how is this not boner worthy?

be good.


p.s. i demand people come visit me and bring me cold things. not because i really want cold things but because it seems like the right thing to do. comics would be acceptable as well.a

June 13, 2006

60th - "parental responsibility" is not a dirty word

NOTE - I was supposed to add in the pics for this one but my cable is missing, so I will add them in later.

how the hell is 7up all natural? think about this. 7up is a carbonated beverage [pop] - this would be one of those cases of using the word 'natural' very loosely, isn't it? i understand, that technically everything is natural, but this is just taking advantage of that technicality.

i'm going to quickly recap the past 2 and a half weeks. not in order but whatever. lets start:
my car broke down on the highway. got towed. fixed. 350 bucks. stupid pile of shit - we were waiting for a truck delivery which was about 4 hours late and we found out the guy tipped over the truck because he was running late. you have to really stupid to tip over a truck. we're talking those big ass trucks that makes the truck from terminator 2 look like a hot wheel - i've been very very thirsty lately. been drinking between 5 and 9 liters of water a day. pee is still yellow - vinita is sick and a punk - sitting in the mall, this dude came and sat beside me, took his hat off, put his face in and starting crying. i mean CRYING crying. wailing. not whimpering. uncomfortable - went to wonderland. fun! found game thing involving climbing a later. will probably lose a lot of money before winning it - saw district b13. french movie. very good - saw cars. pixar movie. damned fantastic - got my camera in the mail! hurry! - bought a bunch of books. nothing new here - had a strange discussion with my family over dinner regarding cannibalism and which type of people we would eat. by family, i mean the kids of the family. not my parents and siblings. i would eat someone from argentina, between 20 and 26, medium build slightly on the soft side, vegetarian - odder discussion concerning buying second hand things which lead to beads and onto other stuff - caboose is still reading perfume. it's been more than a week. it's like 200 pages - tried black cheery vanilla coke. i like it! - still no news on this camping plan, which sucks - body hurts due to very fun day yesterday. father's day picnic. read more on that below - end recap

yesterday was an awesome day - all of my body hurts. yesterday, we took all the dad's out for a father's day picnic since today's weather is going to be total crap [more on that later]. we haven't picnic'd in a while since last summer was the weddings. anyway we managed to get in a few hours of excessive exercise. me and sarah left the picnic to get supplies [water balloons, giant rubber container, cookies, candy]. then we setup water fight number one. by this point mome was involved as well. taking the water balloon filled contained from the car [we used the car to transport the container back and forth] to our picnic area was very hard. but we made it up there and everyone had fun. the adults got involved and everything. fun way to cool everyone [water was cold] off. then we played ultimate frisbee for about an hour which was exhausting. then we left and setup round two of the water fight which took place just as everyone was starting to get the idea to leave. then all the kids [because we have no common sense] decided we're going to wonderland. as we got on the highway we decided to go to a local park instead and have a third water fight. so we did. the water was FREEZING. i mean freezing in the sense were you couldn't get used to it no matter how soaked you get. after we were good and wet and soaked, we took the wee ones home and the rest of us went home to change and shower. so gross: went home and jumped in shower and i literally felt slimy. then we all went for wings at the only place for wings, all star. edmonton won and tied the series

i know. i haven't blogged in like two weeks now. i'm sorry. all four of you who read my blog. i've been on this really screwed up thing where i've been tired every night by like 12am. really, really tired. i think it's something to do with the lack of reading this past week. i got hardly any reading done.

OH MY GOD! SPIDERMAN IS AN ASSHOLE! yesterday was new comic book day and in the marvel universe there's this civil war thing happening and there's a superhero registration act [think x-men mutant registration act] so that superheroes are responsible for their actions. the poster-boy for this campaign is none other than peter parker. yesterday, he outed himself. that's right. everyone in the marvel universe knows that spiderman is peter parker. why the hell would he do that? - this better not be like that dead superman shit in 98. OMFG! that was eight years ago! how damned old am i?

PHOTO CONTEST - i was talking to harley and i've begun work on my photo contest site. in the mean time. ugly green shirt contest. find ugly green shirts and send to me at sixth.lie@rogers.com. ugliest shirt gets prize that is yet to be determined.

i just picked up my sister from the mall and i was making a right turn at the light. i was about to make my turn when this old dude changes lanes in the intersection and almost hits me. then he actually had the nerve to slow down and swear at me. i guess since he's a thousand years old and not long for this world, he was in a hurry.

ok, about the parental responsibility thing. i'm absolutely sick and tired of these fucking useless hack parents and hillary clinton and that other asshole, what's his name, joe lieberman. PARENTS - it's not the media's job. if you think video games are too violent or that cartoons are too violent. don't let your kid play them or better yet, teach them that it's just a video game. not real life. if you're not willing to take part in your kids life and keep an eye on what they're doing and teach them right from wrong. don't be surprised when they're getting arrested for selling drugs, theft or going on a murderous rampage in their high school. your parental neglect is not my fault. it's your fault. you fix it. don't expect the government or the media to. i don't see why you lack of parenting ability has to affect the rest of us. take care of your own fucking children. POLITICIANS - do you honestly not have more important things to do than to keep gong after video game manufactures? you know, maybe the war, health care, child care, something. is this the best idea you assholes can come up with to rally those half-wit parents who just need something to blame other than themselves for the way their kids turned out? ESRB - there is a god damned rating system on games. it's called the ESRB [Electronic Software Rating Board] maybe if you pay attention to your kids and pay attention to what they're buying with their allowance money you might notice that on every video game there is a very clear rating, telling you what kind of game it is and what kind of age group it is intended for. GAMERS - most gamers are normal. yes, there are some messed up, over obsessive ones, but those types are these in every group. think religion fanatics. think star wars fanatics. think george bush [war fanatic, if you didn't catch that one]. i've played violent video games and watched violent movies my whole live. i giggle like a school girl when i play grand theft auto and i'm walking around a fictional city running over old ladies and killing hookers. but i know that it's just a video game and in real life, this kind of behavior is not the best idea.

be good


p.s. i had a piece of double bubble gum and there was a fortune inside and it said, "you're old enough to better" that's not a fortune! so, here's my question for the blog. "you're old enough to know better than to . . . "