July 26, 2006

62nd - I can hear myself blink?!

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce to my loyal blog readers [all four of whom seem to be fuming because I haven’t bloged in the last little while – six weeks, I think] to KINGOF9X. KINGOF9X is my new computer. So far, I’ve managed to virus it four times. It’s a bit of a pain in the ass. I actually don’t care too much because I’m still waiting for my Windows CD to show up in the mail. I got a copy from Eastern Europe for 60 bucks. Completely legit, sorta. Don’t judge me, it’s 300 bucks here. It’s just too much of a pain to go through the effort of having a “backed up” copy updated and stuff. So, sixty bucks and I needn’t to worry about none of that. Once that comes, I’ll sit down and set it up right. You’ll note I’m being very mature about this whole thing as I bought this computer because I wanted to sit around and play video games. I’m putting that on hold for the next few days while I focus on other things, like packing and work and cleaning/packing the basement.

Which reminds me – technically, the basement of out house is seen as my space so naturally, when it becomes a mess, it’s my fault. Fine, I can live with that. However, spending the past few days going through everything, I’ve learned a few things. For one thing, most of the stuff down there, IS NOT MINE!

I actually packed away my books. Well, most of them. I still have the little shelf and my comic books to pack still. I’ll get around to it eventually. I’m leaving out a few comics and a few books to keep me occupied while the move is happening. I’ve chosen, Fruit, the first three Harry Potter books, The Watchmen, Preacher Vol. 01 and Batman – Hush Returns. That should hold me.

Laptop Woes – Harley bought a new laptop for herself because she’s selfish and doesn’t like to share. Especially with her younger sister, Bill [don’t ask. I don’t get it either] who she’s hated from the day she was born. Middle children are always so jealous. Anyway, she’s on laptop exchange three now. It keeps having issues. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Harley, in this tough time. On the other hand, my lappy is back and working nicely.

Random Gossip – Congratulations go out to Judy, who has recently gotten engaged to her boyfriend. [for those wondering, reports of her father surviving his stroke when he found out are still on hold, since he doesn’t know yet. *he’s a bit racist and her boyfriend is not Chinese*]. Anyway, we’re happy for you. Also, please call me when you tell your dad.

Ok, so this next part is what I initially blogged about and then after asking one person’s opinion, decided not to post it because it seemed a tad inappropriate. But then I thought about it and it’s not really inappropriate as long as I leave this disclaimer. DO NOT READ THE NEXT PARAGRAPH IF YOU’RE UNDER 17! First, who the hell are you to be reading my blog? I demand you reveal yourself. Note, I said reveal. Not expose. Do not expose yourself. Not in public anyway.

Have you ever been in a situation that was already pretty uncomfortable, like being at the mosque/church/temple/etc or waiting for an interview or talking to some auntie you’ve never met or standing up in the bus during rush hour? Then all of a sudden your mind wanders and you’re now suddenly panicked because you’re turned on. If you’re a guy, you know what’s upcoming. You try your best to divert your thoughts to something less tantalizing like Stacy’s mom and realize that wasn’t a good idea. Now you’re stuck because you can’t get Stacy’s mom out of your head and there isn’t enough blood in your legs to make a run for it. Plus, you’re now humming the song so more and more people are looking in your direction. So you shift awkwardly in your chair or reach into your pocket to adjust your “cell phone” or whatever the case. But what about those moments when you can’t do anything? Like when you’re praying. [FYI, Muslims do the whole stand and sit thing while praying and you can’t be adjusting your fun bits while engaged in prayer] In girl’s cases, it’s not as blatant, but I’ve been in enough situations where you can tell something ain’t quite right. Sure, you’ve got noting peeking [well, sometimes but hardly], but the signs are there. You’re talking to a bunch of aunties and suddenly, your mind wanders to that incredibly hot, sexy man-friend of yours [Example: me. Better example: Igor] and all of a sudden you get a little flushed [known as a sex-flush, which actually sounds like the act of flushing a used condom – not the point], eyes dilate a little , breathing gets a bit funny, sudden and frequent shift of positions. Relax. Everyone noticed. No need to get hysterical. – So, here’s my thing. Those are the wrong moments to be turned on at, but what about when you’re turned on at the wrong things. Or the wrong thing gets you going? Example, someone, possibly me, but we’ll never know, was on the road a few weeks and saw a gorgeous red Ducatti 999s and was a little turned on by the whole thing. If any of you would like to share similar experiences in the comments section, please do so. It’ll be fun. Anonymously or not – your choice.

I gained some weight! OH YEA! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY out to Reema [damned present is still in the mail] and Nomi [I haven’t shipped it yet]! If I missed anyone, I’m sorry. You’re clearly not that important to me or I’d remember. I’m joking. . . but yea, that’s probably true.

I NEED HELP! I’m developing a spending issue. I just can’t stop. In the past few weeks I’ve bought three pairs of designed sunglasses, a whole bunch of clothes, a new computer, a new 19” LCD [which is totally didn’t need], books, a damned cool lighter, a shit load of comic books, an old SNES with Donkey Kong games. A whole bunch of stuff I don’t remember. I’m actually starting to leave my Visa and debit card at home now just so I don’t have any money when I’m out minus the cash I’m carrying.

Ok – I’m going to stop now. Next time on the Sixth o’clock News – Exclusive photos of KINGOF9X, an even more exclusive Caboose’s People, and some other shit I haven’t thought about yet. But I promise to blog more frequently.

Be good.


P.S – Quick Recap [of stuff I remember] – Sister came to visit. Lots of fun! – Went to Guelph and hung out with Nilusha. Also, lots of fun! – Nilusha is gone to Europe for two weeks – Got my LOTR trilogy back – Bought Shit – Hellish few weeks at work. 12-15 hours a day, night time, seven days a week. Not fun! – Moving stuff being finalized – Haven’t bought any new shoes [Momarian’s doing] – Ok, really. Nothing interesting.