October 11, 2006

65th - Smarties and other Non-Eatables

Pictures are brought to you by Eid and Mohsin's wedding [who is currently in Turkey, honeymooning] and the letter "Z" [it's pronounced "zed", not "zee"]

picture [right] - I'll be killed for posting this. But we can all agree, it's worth it. This is Had, getting ready for the day. I like this picture. Freaky Had News. When Had & Nome came to visit for Eid, the weirdest thing happened. We went to bed at like seven-thirty in the morning and Had was up and about by twelve in the afternoon. It's a sign - The world is ending, sooner than we thing. For those who don't know. Had may have developed a reputation for sleeping in to the point where someone was late for her own birthday party, in her own house. Yea, she's gonna murder me for this. Fortunately, that won't happen for a few weeks because she doesn't live here. She's in Philadelphia. Bwhahaha.

Eid was FUN! We got Eidy for the first time in a while. I came out with some decent scratch. Plus we did the "Secret Eidy" thing for next Eid. I got the easiest person possible. Hehehe.

picture [left] - This is me and Asmar, who has a new blog. This picture serves three purposes. Useless plug for Asmar's Blog, which by the way has a very unfortunate name. - Two. Yet, another picture of Asmar online. I wonder how many of those are floating around. And three, it begs the question. Why am i shiny? My clothes are from Shivs, who brought them from India when she went for four faaking months. Everyone liked my clothes, except for Had. But she's a punk and has something against red. How can someone related to me not like red. It's absurd.

I gave this some serious thought. There are things i require which seem practical enough, but don't exist on the market. I must have these items to make my life simpler. I've been giving some thought to hiring Oompa Loompas for making things i can't find on the market. But then I thought some more and figured, where the hell am I going to find their stupid little island. Then I realized, they're unionized and who wants to deal with that. They'll want benefits and want fair wages and what have you? So, instead I've decided to wipe them off the face of the Earth. I will give fifty bucks for every dead Oompa Loompa reported. Reports must be proven by taking video of you [the killer] cutting out and eating the Oompa Loompa's heart. I know, they look a bit funny, but they taste just like green jelly beans. So, there you have it.

picture [right] - This is House and baby, Jibba the Hutt. They don't live here anymore. Rehan, either. They're gone to Calgary and we all only have one thing on our mind. "Who willingly moves to Calgary?"

Okay - so it's been like a month since i blogged. Eat me. I've been preoccupied with a whole bunch of random shit. I've forgotten most of it now, but it was important at the time and we all know i never remember anything outside of my current project/obsession/etc.

Birthday Wishes - Sariya, Princess Yalnee, Qudsia, Omer, Sumi, Bilal and Momarian. I've called and wished you all personally, so don't complain about this crappy mention. By the by, everyone should go check out Harley's birthday blog for Momarian. It's quite awesome.

picture [above] - This is Mohsin getting ready to head out to the banquet hall on his Baraath. He looks eerily happy. Another fun thing to note that Mohsin is as tall as certain people while he's sitting on a chair and they're standing. [examples - Kuki Baji, Qudsia, Shivali, House]

I'm a pedestrian again. Which is loads of fun. I crashed my car over a month ago. October fourth to be exact. It wasn't fun. I t-boned some idiot girl who was turning left out of a parking lot. Her fault. I spent a good hour trying to get her to stop crying. Long story short. I don't have a car anymore and Nicole, who got her license in August this year got six demerit points and a whopping six-hundred and fifty dollar ticket. poor stupid kid. Since then i drove around a Yaris and now that's gone so, it's the bus for me.

picture [above] - This is Kerri. She got married the same night as Mohsin. She's also honeymooning in Turkey.

The one thing that does suck about being a pedestrian is that you can't always feed any little want that pops into your pretty little head. In this case, i am talking about my week-long jonsing for some Harvey's. Seriously, I think it's been like three days since this urge popped up and nobody has done any thing to help which leads me to believe, you're all bastards! screw this - i'm going to Harvey's. I'll be back.

picture [left] - This is Nad and me. Nadia has a picture like this with most people at the wedding. My hair looks so faaked up. Looking at this picture made me decide to change it. I got it cut - It's very difference now. Anyway, you can see my left eye beginning to swell up. I'm actually very sick in this picture, so don't complain. I couldn't find a good picture of it, but me and Mome are pretty similarly dressed. Same colour scheme. Not planned. Just very good taste.

Later that night - I had a box of Smarties and I have to say this. WTF? I ONLY GOT ONE RED SMARTIE! I'm officially announcing my boycott of Smarties. [Side note - The new Smarties bar with the pop rocks - What the f*ck were you people thinking?] Smarties is now being added to list of "Edibles not to be Eaten". This list includes: Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Miscellaneous Soggy Foods, M&Ms, Those little black things in rice, Black Licorice/Black Licorice flavored things. There's probably a lot more, but I can't think of anything. I'm itising and loving every minute of it. Lordy, that was good.

Before I take off, I just wanna say, I'm not like a video game that you can just play with. You can't button mash and fiddle with my analog and not expect to get a reaction. A special move type reaction. A console is worthless without games to play on it. That's how i feel about us. I'm a game system and you're my halo. And . . . my feelings for you are like . . . a memory card . . . and i no longer have any clue whatsoever what I'm talking about.

Be good.


p.s. I will try to blog more often. at least once a week. you have my word as a blacksmith, which isn't worth much since you know, not actually a blacksmith.

October 1, 2006

64th - it's time

i'm going to talk about my feelings. it's my blog, so shove it. i'm unhappy. not in the i'm cranky because i haven't eaten all day way. i'm genuinely unhappy with my life. i feel like i'm wasting it. frankly, i am. i'm screwing up all over the place. i'm not in school [i'm dying to go to school]. there are just so many things i'm supposed to do and it's just becoming a too much. i just want it all to go away. but of course, that isn't going to happen any time soon. i don't know what to do.

i'm at that point where everything is getting to me. i feel like i don't know, i am destitute. i don't have a leg to stand on. . . i am alone.

i feel abandoned.