January 31, 2007

70th - "I like being able to toss them one-handed"

This annoyed me a little bit the other day.

I like skinny chicks [not coat hangers]. I also like normal-sized, healthy chicks. There is nothing wrong with that. I don't like fat, obese chicks. I don't find them attractive. That apparently, makes me an asshole because I'm causing heavier girls to develop this ideal image of what people like and they strive to be like that and that causes eating disorders, depression, etc blah blah blah. So, I'm a horrible person. Note - This isn't even referring to someone who's 10 or 20 or even 30 pounds overweight. This is referring to people who qualify as obese. It's also not referring to people who ave any sort of condition like elephantiasis or some genetic weight issue. Honestly, screw off. The people who think that me and people like me are the cause of the problem. Look at yourselves. You're the same people who tell your kids it's okay to be fat, as long as you're not one of those stupid, overly skinny girls. FYI - overeating and obesity is also a disorder. It's not normal.

When you get down to it. People with eating disorders, who are unhealthy and too skinny aren't really hurting anyone but themselves. The worse they'll do it crawl into some corner and die and maybe vomit on someone when actual food enters their system and they go into shock. Fatties on the other hand are eating more food than required for one person, are taking up more space in subways and crowded areas, and are using up more soap. I'm not even gonna mention Laura Plus.

And before some genius chimes in with, "Fat people aren't hurting anyone but themselves. Why does it bother you so much?" One. It's not aesthetically pleasing. Two. What about a conscience, huh? Fat bastards will devour everything in sight and as long as they can keep paying for it, we as a people will keep supplying them. Now think about this. There are entire families [here and on the other side of the planet] that don't have access to enough food to feebly feed one person, yet over here, Tubb McFattens can eat enough for three people every meal. Even if you look at Africa. It's not like there isn't food. There's plenty of food. But look at the incredible demand we have over here. Plus, we've got more money than them. So why bother selling it to them, when we're willing to pay more than ten times what they can afford to pay. It's a wonder, people who work on these farms and plantations don't have access to enough food to feed their families even though they work on a FUCKING FARM!... slash plantation.

So, why am I an asshole because I have more of a problem with fat people than the twigs, but people who are okay with being fat are considered positive, and upbeat, and bullshit bullshit bullshit? Why?


January 18, 2007

69th - my sister's fuzzy pink slippers.

it'll help a lot if you click on the images to read. Also, Firefox users - use the little magnifying glass thingy to make it bigger.

i hope you guys managed to read that. otherwise I'll have to type it out and be pissy about it.