February 27, 2007

74th - almost dead, coca-cola zero and our very own ice queen

picture [above] - "Shivali looks HOT!" - quoted. This is currently her facebook profile pick so I'm guessing she agrees. Guess who got cut out of this picture?

note - today's pictures are from Shiv's Birthday Party on Saturday. The quality sucks because these pictures were picked off facebook, which also sucks.

picture [left] - all of us, except haider, who is taking the picture. notice me ignoring the photo. you'll see why.

I'm driving along on the 401 at about eighty kilometers, about thirty seconds from my exit. It's snowing and the snow plows are about 5 minutes behind me [they go so damned slow]. I indicate and move into the right lane and when i straighten out my car, I lose it. My car turned sideways one way, then the other way, then all the way in a circle and then facing forward again. At this point, I had already conceded the point in trying to saving myself from an accident. Just looking for something safe to hit [a ditch, a guard rail, those giant buckets, anything just not another car]. Another full spin and I'm on my exit ramp facing the right way and everything. I carry along my merry way. I'm pretty sure the dude behind me called 911 and reported a drunk driver.

picture [right] - what the hell is she laughing about? who laughs like that?

Coca-Cola Zero tastes just like diet coke which is plain nasty. I like Coke. I like Coca-Cola Zero's new can [hehe can...] but I'm sorry. It's still just diet coke. If you're going to ask why I even drink Coke-Cola Zero, here's why. My office stocks water bottles and Coke Zero. I generally avoid the Coke Zero but once I'm out of water, I need something to drink. Coke Zero is the only other thing available.

picture [left] - how HUGE is that broccoli? that steak wasn't very good. it didn't have any flavor but LOOK AT THE BROCCOLI!

It was Shiv's birthday yesterday. We celebrated on the weekend. It was fun. We went to see Pan's Labyrinth which was very very good but very sad and totally not a kid's movie as I thought it would be. None the less, it was good. It has Alice in Wonderland qualities, which is awesome. Later, we had Dinner at Baton Rouge. In keeping with tradition, it wasn't very good. It was alright. They serve awesome Broccoli. They're genetically modified HUGE. There are pictures on facebook if anyone is interested to check it out. I'm not sure in who's album though. Then a few of us went back to Shiv's to hang out. I curled up on the floor in front of the fireplace and napped a wee bit. Then I went home. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIVS! i'll be posting pictures in a few minutes.

picture [right] - omer trying to eat shiv. he did this last year too.


p.s. How do you feel about kabbalah? It reminds me of Bob Loblaw.

February 22, 2007

73rd - I believe the only word to describe it is 'snafu'

We've all had our moments of saying some pretty horrible and ignorant stuff. Myself, more than others. However, when you manage to say something so bad that you've managed to offend me - now, that's saying something. I won't name names but this happened last night and I was mortified at what this person who's name I won't say, who's an asshole that he/she could say something like that. That's how my long and sorta sleepless night started. All of me hurts right now.

SNOW! *glee* Does it snow in Kansas? I came outside this morning and my car was completely covered in beautiful, heavy packing snow. then i had to clean the cars and the driveway. Still happy. I love the snow. It's just good. I'd like to thank our resident Ice Queen for this. I hope this lasts into the weekend.

Right now I am trying to figure out how to design a data entry method for computer illiterate people that involves as little new data entry as possible. I'm still working on it which involves learning software I never really cared to learn. It's going very well.

I am broke. This weekend is Shiv's birthday. She's going to be super-old on monday. We're celebrating before her memory starts to go. Happy Birthday Oldie!

Today, I get to hang out with Shiv, Tom, Florina and Sameera. I believe last time we hung out, it was a lot of Wii-ing and harassment while Wii-ing.

Ok - I go now. This wasn't very interesting. So, to make it more interesting. What is your ideal weight and why don't you weigh that? I'll tell you why? You're a fatty. Except for Twig, I'm guessing you like being tossed one-handed. Begin.


February 15, 2007

72nd - Now you know

I'm trying this thing to keep my blogs generally shorter. Mainly, by sticking to one topic. But that requires blogging more often. It become an issue. This blog touches two issues.

OPINION. I think this is more directed at brown people.

Light Eyes - I don't get the obsession people have with light eyes. Having light coloured eyes automatically makes you attractive. You could have ugly, squinty eyes like Ellen Pompeo (Meredith from Grey's Anatomy) and people think she's got gorgeous eyes. I'm sorry, did we all miss the SQUINTY? There's other examples, but you get the point. Having a different colour eye is rare, yes and it's more eye catching, but just because you have blue eyes or green eyes doesn't automatically mean you have nice eyes and it certainly doesn't bump you into the automatically attractive category. "Oh, my God! He's got blue eyes. He's gorgeous!" Ugly people can have light eyes too. Shape, size, etc don't matter, huh?

My preference - I like brown eyes. I'm not saying I have a bias but - screw it, I probably do. If you have nice brown eyes that stand out, doesn't that seem a lot more impressive than having rare coloured eyes that stand out just because of their colour?

Coloured Contacts - People who wear colour contacts. Are you going for the eerie-zombie-dead-eye look? Is that kinda what you're going for? If so - Mission Accomplished. I'm not saying don't do it. But stop trying to pass it off as your actual eye colour by wearing them all year around. Nobody's buying it. Personally, I want and plan on getting purple contacts but that's for fun. Not because I want people to think I'm a space alien of have some weird disease. Nobody is going to look at me and go, "That guy has purple eyes. They're so pretty"

Now, my birthday list. This is mainly for people who keep asking me what I want. I prefer you come up with your own ideas if you're planning to get me something.

- A wallet - Non Black. Something with a print.
- Shoes (really, don't try to surprise me. I'm picky)
- Batman - Year One
- Minilop named Anthony Hopkins.
- Least I Could Do - Book 1-3
- Busts:
  • Batman
  • Morpheus (Sandman)
  • Death
  • Desire
  • Harley Quinn
  • Joker
  • Catwoman
- X-Box 360 Premium
- Fuzzy Slippers
- A turtle - A big one.
- A PSP (used, if possible)
- A Nindendo DS
- iPod Video - Black
- Clothes (Stores I like - Bluenotes, Zara, Mexx, R W & Co, Guess)
- Most of the stuff from thinkgeek.com
- Sumo Omni Chair from sumolounge.com - Red
- Preacher - Books 5 and Up

There are no set plans around my birthday weekend, but keep it free. The only sure plan I have is to watch 300 in the biggest and loudest theater possible. Then they'll be other stuff. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I'm thinking Mome's Marvel Superhero Exhibit idea might be fun. Oh, and food.

Okay, back to eyes thing.


February 9, 2007

71st - I've never felt this much joy for someone else's misfortune

It's 400 in the AMs and this is what's going through my mind.

Zaffar - I want grapes.
Sixth - Screw that. You want a Hot Dog.
Zaffar - I want a hot dog.
Sixth - Good girl
Zaffar - And grapes.
Sixth - Where the hell are you gonna get grapes at this hour?
Zaffar - Dominion. No, Sobeys. They're grapes are probably less soft.
Sixth - But hot dog.
Zaffar - I can get both.
Sixth - Fatass
Zaffar - I hope there's a hot dog vendor open at this hour.
Sixth - Me too.

So we go looking for a Hot Dog vendor and lo and behold, we find one. Sucked for him that he was working at that hour but YAY! for me. Then after a run in with a wierd homeless guy who wouldn't take my extra hot dog but asked me for more money [after i gave him a twoonie and explained to him I had no more money. I really didn't], I was driving to Sobey's, I got spot checked while trying to stuff as much hot dog into my face as possible.

Officer - Good evening, sir.
Me - Hgh!
Officer - Have you had anything to drink tonight?
Me - Nao! Nft Reawy! *I put up my finger asking for a minute* No, no drinking.
Officer - Where are you headed?
Me - Sobey's, I want grapes.
Officer - You know, it's not really safe eating that while driving.
Me - I know, but it was getting cold. Want one?
Officer - No. Where did you find a hot dog guy at this time?
Me - Yonge & Wellesley.
Officer - You drove down town to get a hot dog? [note - i was at the 401 and Nielson]
Me - *pause* No, I was working downtown. That would be crazy.
Officer - Alright, go ahead.

He gave me a weird look as I drove away, continuing to stuff my face. I went and got my grapes and went home. They were delicious.

I feel like wearing a tie today.