August 6, 2007

92nd - Does this blog make me look fat?

18-year-old*1 - Name, Quit acting like an asshole.
Sixth - Excuse me?
18-year-old - Quit acting like an asshole, Name. Want me to say it slower?

The blog previous this one was posted on June 14th, 2007, some 55 days ago. We're sorry.

Here's the quick update - It's been up and down. Ups were really great. Downs were really really sucky. It's been for the most part pretty mundy*2. This will basically be an update blog with mini rants along the way. I know update blogs suck and are head-to-brick-wall boring but I'll try to keep things interesting, but most of all, brief. I'll add pictures when I get the chance later tonight. Right now, I don't feel like it. There's a lot of them.

Saima's Married! The wedding was lots of fun. I got sick, which is always a sign of a good wedding. There was a five mile hike involved. None of us were too pleased about it. It should be noted. I was wearing a white dress shirt and a tie during said hike. *3 On the way back, I was too sick to drive and peacefully asleep in the back seat, there was a slight misunderstanding regarding Canada being North or East of Tennessee. We took a more scenic route home. The scenic route we chose took us through, North Carolina, West Virginia and Ohio. Also through a small county called Jonesville, which is a dry county*4. That only extended out trek home by about eight or nine hours. Congratulations to Saima and Rashid.

So, I found out over the past few weeks that my blog makes me seem like a really big asshole. I found this out from Reema who was very surprised to find out that I wasn't completely horrible.
Reema - You're not as mean as I thought you would be.
Sixth - Meaning?
Reema - I read your blog. You seemed like a mean person.
Sixth - Really?
Reema - Yea

HOLY SHIT! Sarah is getting married in less than two months. For some reason, I feel a little nervous about this. I don't know why. Our family has a very strong belief that the last minute is as long as those last forty-two seconds in movies, right before something is timed to blow up and the hero is now putting his plan to disarm the bomb into action. Everything that needs to get done will get done during that time. I'm going to need clothes.

I miss Shiv. This isn't really big news or surprising news but I felt I should mention it. I miss Sushi. Arthur is probably worried sick about us, wondering where the hell we went. I even miss having my ass handed to me in Burnout*5. I am very uncomfortable with how important some people can become.

I got a new camera [Canon SD750]. It's got the exact same specs as the one I originally wanted [Canon SD1000], except it has a bigger screen and no viewfinder, it's just just prettier and double the price. But I got a super good deal on it and it's not something you buy everyday, unless you're Sarah [is that still a sore spot?] so it's okay. Mome said so. I'm not sure it was the best timing though. I've already been asked a bunch of times so I'm making it official. No, you can't have my old camera. I love my old Sony V1. I like it better than this one. I still plan on using my old camera. It's got way better manual options.

Reem's Birthday was on the third of August. There were Wings involved and the Bourne Ultimatum, which was INSANE. My present rocked! thanks to Mome for helping packing that up. I didn't mention a lot of birthdays. I'm sorry. I can't think of any right now.

Movies. I still haven't seen The Simpsons Movie. WTF, mate? Or Shrek the Third, but who cares about that. Transformers was awesome, minus that god damned Mountain Dew robot. I hate you so much Pepsi. You had ruin the two hour Chevy commercial, didn't you? Order of the Phoenix was good. Not great. It was very cool in the IMAX. Last twenty minutes are 3D. I need to finish watching Disturbia. Pirates 3 was disappointing. Such a good start and so many promising side stories for what? A WHIRLPOOL!

NO SPOILER ALERT - Potter Seven, Deathly Hallows was AWESOME! I was so impressed at how she managed to make everything count from all the books and conclude so neatly with almost everything wrapped up. Now for, Ron and Hermione - The College Years.

I was in Edmonton last week for a work thing. It's so clean, and for some reason reminds me of Full House. In a good way. I also went and saw my old house*6 and Jasper Park. I hadn't flown in a while. I had expectations. It's not as cool as I remember it. It's like taking the bus. I didn't get a chance to check out West Edmonton Mall or anything though. Going back to Edmonton tomorrow, then to Winnipeg on Wednesday. Should be back on Friday. Next week, not exactly sure.

Hope this was entertaining. I'll add in pictures later.


*1 The 18-Year-Old in this exchange is generally regarded as the sweet good girl type in the worst of times and yes, I have decided this blog needs foot notes.
*2 Mundy means Mundane. And yes, I have decided this blog needs foot notes.
*3 Advice from Experience. Pumas are pretty and all, they don't grip anything if the intended surface to be gripped grip is even thinking about something wetter than the Sahara or Jonesville.
*4 Now it makes sense huh?
*5 And ONLY Burnout. Possibly Smash Brothers but that game doesn't count on the count of its serious suckage.
*6 FYI, I'm originally from Edmonton.