April 14, 2008

111th - So many babies...some of them aren't new borns.

I suck. I really do. I admit it. I haven't been blogging and I also haven't been visiting the blogs I normally read. I'll be catching up on that for the rest of the week and this weekend.

Fair Warning - This is going to be pretty extensive.

I've been putting off blogging because there are a few blogs I've been meaning to do and the one I wanted to do before all of them was of about the Michigan trip a few of us went on the March 16th weekend. That whole thing has been delayed because my camera is was left in Michigan and then my sister in Pennsylvania took it back with her because she figured she'd send it out and it'll be faster. My camera is still in Pennsylvania. I don't think she's planning on posting it back even though she owns the exact same camera. It's rude, i know but that's pregnant people for ya. So that's my lame ass excuse.

Everyone needs to go check out the 'Straight from the Horse's Mouth' blog. Specifically, this one. Read - Comment - Let it be awkward, if necessary. In the name of truth.

So, since the Michigan trip blog can't happen. We can all give Hadia dirty looks about that. We'll talk about other stuff.

There was also a blog about Plan7 - but that still needs work. So that leaves one topic, which isn't very thought out, but hell - You know as well as I do, most things I do aren't very well thought out anyway.

Sidenote - there will be minor griping about useless shit in the middles.

Lets start with something fun.

photo [below] - This is in some guys bachelor apartments. I wonder if there was a sale or he has some sort of horrible disease.

So, the past few weeks have been pretty up and down. Some HUGE events took place. Most of which I'm going to kind of glaze over and a lot of little useless things happen and I'll be focusing in on those.

The Birthdays

Since my last blog, which was way back when. The following people got older: Saddaf, Khayam, Sacha, Me, Planet Arubia, Shagul, Kuki Baji, Anima, Judy and Nadia. I think that's all of them. Apologies to anyone I missed - I didn't mean it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y'ALL!

By the way, I got some faaking WICKED stuff this birthday. There was TONS of cake! [Thanks Shiv, Family, Nida/Arubia!] And I've been told I still have a few things coming my way which I'm excited about. I actually spent the day of my birthday at someone's else's birthday party. In the evening we all hung out at the Siqs place and it was wicked. There was a inordinate amount of singing for some reason. [I just realzied, I don't have those pictures either. I'll find them eventually].

The whole weekend of my birthday went pretty well. Including gas and everything, I only spent like 100 bucks. Then my car died because he's an asshole!

Summary - Laughter Yoga seems cool but not so much. The last bit was fun though. Whirly Ball and Laser Tag are - yes, I'm going to say it - AWESOME. Hanging out a bar that only your group is in and nobody else is pretty cool until the DJ plays that song from Ghost. Dad's what she said.

Buying Stuff

I finally, about two weeks ago, starting getting into my new x-box 360. It took Halo 2 which is actually for the original x-box but whatever. The sad news is, it's hooked up in my sister's room [who oddly enough shows more interest in the 360 than the Wii. My Wii has feelings too!! Hehee...Wii].

My beautiful Motorola Pebl [I'm sure I blogged about it at some point] has been slowly getting old and senile and had a couple of 'senior moments' over the past couple of months and sadly, I had to admit that it was time for a replacement. I sold out and got an iPhone. It's very pretty. I've already dropped it twice and almost cried the second time. Incidentally, My Pebl now works just fine. Asshole.

It occurred to me that I don't own any running shoes. Upon some rummaging int he basement it turned out I was wrong. I do own running shoes. They're white Nikes that I got in grade 11, after sending the pair I bought in grade 10 back to Nike because I didn't want them anymore [something I learned from Daniel]. Point being the running shoes I have are damned old and I think it's time for a new pair.

I know, they're yellow. Side note - The photo above is about the shoe I bought, in case you didn't catch on to that. Since about grade 8/9ish, I've kinda stayed away from the yellow But I'm really liking these shoes and they weigh like nothing.

So, my whole deal about not buying myself shit for ages has kinda gone out the window this past month. I've also been looking to get Bigby some stuff and the only thing so far that I liked was this [see photo below]. Me Mam thinks is wasteful and stupid because Bigby can't actually play with them, but I think it's cool.

Explanation. They're leather stuffer animals. I thought they would look cool in the Nursery. Nadia said we can't buy the pig because of the whole Muslim deal. There is also a Monkey, a Penguin and a chrome ducky, which I'm assuming isn't part of this set. Opinions?

I still haven't gotten my camera. I am woe about this. I want it.
Summary - I don't like these new consoles buy their damned buying points to download stuff online. Microsoft points are EXPENSIVE! Just say the damned dollar value!! The iPhone is pretty. Bigby has cooler stuff than I do.


A few days ago, someone asked Dad where Mum was. Before he responded, I said, "Mom left." There was a semi-awkward pause and it occurred to me that was taken the wrong way. Mom's gone to Pennsylvania to hang with Hadia, Nomi and Bigby. She claims she'll be back in a month. She's a bad liar.

House had the baby! Her name is Simra. She's all healthy and stuff.
Nida [in the motherland] had the baby. Also, alls well.
Beena had the baby. Premy. She's doing alright though.
Bigby is upcoming. He's a complete punk, which is pretty awesome. So much for Nomi's concerns about him not being a weird ass.
Kiran [Motherland] is also preggers, quite a ways along too.
Anyway, HAPPY BABY TIME to all involved there. Kudos... I'm almost positive I missed one.

Here are some photos of Simra and Jibs. I miss Jibs.

I've been having a bit of an up and down sort of relationship with one of my friends. On one hand, great friend and care a great deal for. On the other hand, drives me up the faaking wall and it's just constant. I've had fantasies about doing some pretty evil shit only to realize I'm grinning while thinking about them. I have no idea how to go about this anymore. I may have kind of spazzed at the person and told them to piss off and not contact me no more - which may have been a mild over reaction but I still don't think I'm wrong on this. Friendship shouldn't be this hard. Your fiends have faults. You know this, they know this. You should be able to forgive them their mistakes, if they're, 1. trying to redeem themselves. 2. even if they can't. Before it's pointed out to me, I'm aware it's a tad more complicated than that. In my opinion, that was an excellent summary. If you can't forgive your friends or let shit go [especially little habits that they can't seem to break], why be friends with them? Just go.

This guy is a douche. This I would say is worse than that woman who parked in four parking spots. That also happened at Yorkdale. I think this guy was nervous about teh length of teh front end of the minivan. Normally like 3 feet, but nowadays you never know.

I mean, COMON!!

The twins are turning ONE! There's a party on Sunday. It's Mikey themed. I'm supposed to be somehow Mickey-ish. I have no idea what I'm going to do.

Summary - Babies. So many babies.

I think that's enough for now. I need to start visiting all the blogs I normally visit. I wonder if you people have been good on the posting? I somehow doubt any of you are doing much better than me.

I'll blog more from now on. Try anyway.
