July 23, 2009

169th - Proposal

If friends or family or co-worker or stranger tells you that The Proposal is a great/good/funny/watchable/tolerable movie and that you should watch it, punch them in the kidneys. Then while they're on the floor in pain, steal fifteen dollars from then [cost of movie ticket plus slushie], watch a different movie. Kick them in the groin for good measure.

HOLY CRAP that was movie was bad. I have never gotten so antsy during a movie. There was only one funny scene in the movie and on retrospect, that scene was only funny because the rest of the movie was so unfunny. Also, to the girls on the other side of the theatre who kept laughing heartily at the movie, you'd better had been high or I will find you.

I'm starting a new project. I think it will be fun. More on that never.

My sister won't take me to the mall to buy a notebook because I won't tell her why I need it. Sisters are weird.


July 20, 2009

168th - Ovaries

Biggs is here!

I grew up in Markham, not five minutes away from Pacific Mall, which is as densely Asian populated as you can get without going to the Asias. I've also been hit [while in pedestrian mode], not once but twice by an Asian driver. Just saying, when I make comments about Asian drivers, I have a solid foundation on which to base it on. I'm not just being racist. That being said, this isn't about bad Asian drivers. This is about good drivers, who are Asian who I feel deserve an apology. I just wanted to say, if you ever see us brake for no reason when you approach a turn and we're going straight or wait a little longer when turning left on an amber light to make sure you're actually stopping or pause extra long at a stop sign to make sure you're waiting your turn and not just pausing and going, we're sorry. It's not your fault. It's "...the subtle racism of lowered expectations..." and we're sorry. In our defense, there are the rest of you guys.

Now, we're on week two of not driving. If I haven't mentioned before, I stopped driving for the month because insurance costs are a bitch. I also live out of the way of everybody so I'm pretty much a burden on anyone who wants to hang out with me. Mostly Mome and Scooter have been driving me about and most of my friends have been pretty decent about it. Some have been asses about it and have actually just left me. Those people have been marked off my Christmas card list. I hate public transportation.

Shiv is coming in ten days. We are excited.

So, yes. I have ovaries. I started playing this game on my iPhone called Sneezies. OH MY GAWD! SOO CUTE!! I wanna vomit! It's also a simple, visually appealing, fun, addictive game. BUT HOLY SHIT! SOO CUTE!! Seriously, ovaries. I have them.


July 10, 2009

167th - DUCKS!!

Do you have any idea how hard it is to stay mad when your phone auto corrects, "FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK!" to "DUCK DUCK DUCKING DUCK!" . . . It's very difficult!!

Also, this is for Shiv. She doesn't have Flickr access so she can't see it. It will amuse her. She is stressed out. Good luck on Wednesday!

It's so easy to focus on things like cleaning and tidying up when you have actual work that needs to be done. I spent the whole day cleaning my room. I put in new bulbs. They're very bright. In related news, I've gone blind and have a headache. Stupid bulbs.

In unrelated news, Iqbal sucks. He knows why. In even more unrelated news, I am not Emergency Response, nor am I 680 News. In an emergency, it's best to call them first. However, I am flattered that you think of me when shit goes wrong.


July 8, 2009

166th - Sleep

I have a batman window sucker thingy. I got it from Japan.

So, lately, there have been a lot of late nights running into the wee hours of the morning. Which is loads of fun, most of the time, except for one tiny little thing: every one of those late nights is followed with an obscenely early morning. This results in very minimum sleep and this:

photo [above] - A few lessons learned from this. 1. I need to wash my face before taking photos of myself. 2. It's still very uncomfortable to take photos of myself. I don't know how girls do this all the time. 3. I'm tired and hate the sun.

I can't sleep in silence but I also can't sleep listening/watching something boring. So I'm trying something new. Instead of loading a season of a show or an audio book, I load up two or three episodes of a show on repeat or the same chapter of a book. The theory behind this was that although interested, my brain will wander and I'll fall asleep. I have episodes of Frasier memorized. It's not working.

This is fun news. Last week, I tried my hand at gardening. Not mowing the lawn stuff, actual gardening. It involved using a shovel, a hoe, some other stuff to get the bed ready. Then planted tomatoes, cucumbers, chillies and eggplants surrounded by flowers. The choice of seed was not my choice, was my Mother's. Anyway, the point being. Not only does this make it official, I'm an old man, or as Caboose puts it, "gay", it's very enjoyable. I didn't feel inclined to have my iPod on or anything. It's just good solitary work. My mind didn't wander off to some disturbing crevice, I didn't keep looking at my watch. Something very soothing about it.I even broke into a wee bit of a sweat. I don't sweat. So, yeah, I have a new hobby.

I've been planning some other stuff to do in the yard, one of which involves cutting down a big ass tree. I've been telling myself that this is a disaster waiting to happen even though thus far my math seems sound. I can be a really big ass sometimes. We'll see how it goes. I really should take pictures of this.
