November 27, 2009

181st - Sorry Auroosa

I will never side-hug anyone ever again. It's face hugs from here on in..

To all my face-hugging friends, I'm very sorry.


November 22, 2009

180th - Sharing

Today I thought I'd share one of my favorite comic books with you. Transmetropolitan:

Anyway, I love this comic. Go read it.

Quote of the day


November 17, 2009

179th - Ripping off Horse

Horse, or Harley~Quinn does this on Flickr and I thought it was a cool idea.

I decided to start off easy. I also decided I didn't want to get up. So here, guess the five.There were all taken while sitting in the same spot in the library.

Thas all. Peace out.


November 9, 2009

178th - WTF flickr!

So, Flickr has this thing here every time you log on, it greets you in a different language. I like this feature until I saw this today.

Encourage real languages or Klingon or Elven or friggin anything but FLICKR, DO NOT ENCOURAGE LOLSPEAK! That's the part of the population we're hoping natural selection, or a shotgun does away with so we can put that embarrassing time behind us.


November 8, 2009

177th - Causality

1. My family likes to turn the heat up
2. I sleep with my window open
3. My neighbours are morning people who own an electric saw
4. I hate my neighbors.

November 4, 2009

176th - Sugared UP!

Let's start off with something fun. I was at Service Canada yesterday morning getting some stuff sorted out. I was there good and early and I was the only one there for about an hour. Apparently, nobody needed any servicing from Canada. There were three employees there. During the hour or so that I was there, we all became acquainted and chatty and whatnot. Eventually I finished my stuff and I was leaving. Purposefully, right into a glass wall. Left a faceprint and everything. It hurt. I turn around, all three of them are snickering at me. I try to save some dignity and laugh along and say, "I hope you found that amusing because the rest of your day will suck." To which I got a reply, "Yeah, I can see why you were laid off." DUDE!! I have never been burnt that bad by a fifty-sixty year old. I was impressed. My face did hurt for a few minutes afterwards though.

HOLY CRAP! So much SUGAR! Or something. I dunno. Since morning, I've been overly excited and hyper. I think I was creeping out the people at the bus station. It's not even sugar. I haven't had that much sugar. I am kinda hungry though, but I just got this spot so I don't wanna go get a sub and then look for another spot. Someone bring me a sub! Stupid library's stupid no reserve system.

Also, big announcement. I know you non-users thing it's douchey but seriously, we all know the truth. You're just jealous or stupid. Possibly both. Anyway, welcomes to Scooter and Nad for joining the iPhone club. Before someone named Ani makes a comment about it being just another piece of technology that makes us lazy, I'm gonna go ahead and say, it's a phone and a toy combined into one. And you can possibly do some productive work on it as well, so I'm told. What is wrong with that? Anyway, hi people. Cookies are on the table. Also, I now have the new 3GS for no reason, but for no actual cost, so can't really go wrong there.

Birthday Wishes for October. Omer, Aneesa, Sumi, Vinita, Amaan, Momin, Qudsia and Bilal. Wow, October is a busy month. People were busy in January and February.

Has to be said - ZOMBIELAND IS FRAKKING WICKED! Everyone needs to go see it. Invite me when you go. So damned entertaining. I laughed my ass off that whole movie. Despite two scary ass clowns. Who hired a NFL sized man to be a clown at an amusement part? It just doesn't add up. It's also inconsistent. Anyway, amazing. The most entertaining movie I've seen, start to finish in a very very very very very very long time. Also, Emma Stone is kinda hot, but I feel she's more Momin's type than mine.

Seriously, things and people have been scaring the crap out of me lately. It's happened like four times now this week. One incident was on Friday at Spring Rolls. Waiter came and topped up my water, I said thank you. Then he came around bussed my plate and scared the bejesus out of me. I don't remember the other stories but they are there. If you know them because you were present for them, post a comment.

Alright, I'm in school. I had time to kill so I did this. Now I'm off. Peace out. Now to visit Flickr after about a week. Go visit flickr, I'm uploading new photos fifteen minutes from now.

Disturbing revelation about Scooter. She wants to throw bricks at starving school children. She said so yesterday at Metro.
