August 30, 2005

11th - blogging from work...

note - this will be a "lite" version blog (no pictures) as i am not using ducky (my home computer). deal with it.

alright, so its 315pm. i'm at work and what am i doing? that's right. i'm blogging. you may ask, why am i blogging? because i am bored out of my skull and my manager is away so there nobody to provide direct supervision.

to be honest, even if there was someone watching me, i'd still be blogging.

i should make a note to thank smuffy who has been giving me rides to work because i've become too lazy to take the bus. its two bussed and double fare. thats 5 bucks and an hour of my time. so, thank you smuffy. most of the time, when she gives me a ride, the standard bribe is included. (standard bribe = tim hortons food on the way there). so, thank you asma.

that is not to say i'm not thanking the other people who give me rides all the time. this includes: peter pan, haider, mansoor, had (who's not in detroit and doesn't give me rides anywhere), nad, papi, etc. scratch the etc. that's it. i apologize if i left someone out. ah, yes, vinita.

i'm eating harvest cheddar sun chips which are by the way, disgusting. how do people stomach this crap. i assume this is how the human body reacts when it eats human meat for the first time. it can't get much worse than this.

news - my van is going bye bye. at first, i was happy because me dad told me it's going out for repairs but now i find out that it's not, he's replacing it with the exact same van. only green. ew. green is such a nasty colour. the blue was bad enough, but it grows on you. blue is the kind of colour you get when you can't decide on a colour but green just show you have terrible taste. i rather be seen as someone who is indecisive, not someone who clearly wreaks of bad taste. goodbye van. i never got to take you apart.

shiv is probably happy about that. hmph.

anyway, i should get back to work. it's getting crowded. it's tuesday for god's sake. what the hell is so important to buy that you couldn't wait til i wasn't here? stupid bastards.


- always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much. (i forgive the m&m people for making the blue ones. you lost a customer and i still hope you burn in hell, but i forgive you. however, i wish nothing but bad things upon you stephen king. i hope you burn in hell for what you've done. i do not forgive you)

August 29, 2005

10th - tell me whats wrong with the picture...

picture - read title.

that's right! you guessed it! the pizza is missing the cheese. how wierd is that? which pizza guy randomly forgot to put cheese on the pizza. anyway, this is not my pizza. this is adidi's pizza.

yes, i know i haven't blogged in a while. i'm sorry. i've been busy.

guess what? on saturday i made a buck commision. do you realize how stupid that sounds? a buck. one solitary dollar in 6 friggin hours. thank god for subsidy pay.
anyway, this blog is basically pointless. it more or less had the point of letting you folks know i'm alive and relatively well.

picture - more freaky-naughty cousin lovin. it's not really cousin lovin, but i'm not going to search for a picture now. it's an amusing picture.

eat me.

so, one of my friends has no idea what bill and ted's excellent adventure is about? i can only shake my head is disdain.

i'm not exactly sure what disdain means but it seems appropriate. correct me if i'm wrong in my usage. wait, don't correct me.

i saw that movie today at walmart (don't ask why i was there) - but i saw bill and ted's excellent adventure there for seven bucks and i really wanted to buy it. i didn't beacause i'm getting ong bak on tuesday and that's all the monies i'm willing to spend on movies right now.

news - i bought movies today from pacific mall. love that place. nowhere else can you get three dvd movies for 20 bucks. you can't beat that. plus, i got seven. which is excellent.


- small earthquake in chili - not many dead.

August 25, 2005

9th - mmmm food ... blech

today was an interesting day - all who read my blog earlier this morning know how entertained i was.

quick note guys - all the pictures are clickable - they get bigger.

picture - this is the bottom level of the store. it's completely empty.

while i was at the store, i went exploring. there's a whole lower level. there is this room, which is the size of the store - completely empty. there's a drain in one corner. i hope everyone is thinking what i'm thinking. that's right, fight club or maybe an underground casion but those things get robbed a lot. is that not a super find though? it also must be noted that the ground is smooth, not polished, but smooth. break dancing anyone?

anyway, after work i had to go do random stuff. i also forgot my sunglasses at asma's house. i miss my dkny sunglasses. so, on my way to asma's house, i make a left turn off shepard onto mccowan and this chinese dude made a right turn after i started my left and cut right in front of me. i should point out at this point that i had advance green. but anyway, i'm about to hit him, and following peter pan's philosophy that we don't use our horn enough, i honked at him. little chinese guy gets pissed at me and starts yelling shit i can't hear and waving his fist. he was so upset, he waiting for me at the next red to tell me off. i didn't give him the chance though. i rolled my window down, gave him hell for being a blind jackass and left.

my point being. people do stupid things. we all do. i've done plenty. my family and friends can attest to that. but that doesn't mean when you do something stupid, you can't just admit it, apologize and move on. admiting you're wrong doesn't make you look bad.

and now, here's a list of things i've been wrong about.
- queen street west
- the chair incident
- duck hunt
- that time i figured we should all play quiditch (it just never clicked in)

yes, i'm sure there is plenty, plenty PLENTY more. there is no need to add. it's a sampler, just to show that everyone, even someone as perfect as me can make mistakes.

moving along...

picture - this is cuisine of india. a restaurant on highway 7 and somewhere between laidlaw and mccowan, on the north side. where the licks and harveys is. more about this as you read on.

later on, i went to grab food with me mate. we decided upon brown food. yes, i know, we get brown food at home, but whatever. we went to cuisine of india, since my attempt to find that other brown food place by q's house failed. we went in, its very dark and gloomy and smacks of effort of being brown. even the mirror in the men's bathroom was a window frame with a mirror behind it. not sure how that makes it desi, but it does. anyway. over-priced food (seriously, if you wanted some onions on the side or lemon and yogurt or whatever, its an extra dollar!), slow service (especially considering there were only six people including us dining there), no butter chicken (what were they planning on serving white people exactly? white people think we live of butter chicken. they're always so enthusiastic to try it.) and to top it all off, the food was CRAP! i normally don' t use uppercase letters, but in this case it was needed. 3 bucks for a roti/nan!! you would figure that would an endless supply till your meal is done or something, but it's one, cut in half!

basically. never go there. go to chohan's instead. i don't know how to spell chohan's.

alright, i have to get ready for work. hurray! someone eat me.

quick note - from now on, it's a guessing game who the quote at the end is from. kudos to whomever gets it right. and maybe once you get like 10 right, you get a prize.

be good.


- whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, heaven in its infinit mercy, sends them a fat missionary.

8th - the right thing...

ood morning my lovelies!

you know that feeling when you have to make a decision. you know what the right choice is and what you rather be doing instead. but regardless of how important it may be to do the right thing, you still rather be doing anything else. this is one of those times. i know being here is the right thing to do and i've been here for almost a whole 10 minutes and i really wish i wasn't. you know, if the world actually wanted us to do the right thing, they wouldn't make it so boring.

and hence, here i am blogging once again.

note -there will be no pictures in this blog as this is not my personal computer. unless you guys want me to post random stuff from this computer. i doubt that would be interesting, unless you find something amusing about marble and granite tiles.

also, if you haven't guessed by now, i'm at my parents store. helping out. i will be here from now until around 9ish, me thinks. which is cruel. luckily i bought books and there's a computer here (my old computer, which i still want back) with web access. i might also have to do work at some point.

a majority chunk of last night was spent sitting on a greenbox with me best mate, vin, waiting for me other best mate, wyld to come out so we can go to dairy queen so i could get dinner. dairy queen has this mushroom swiss sandwich, which is excellent. the rest of their food i wouldn't feed to a starving donkey, but that one sandwhich is good.

anyway, wyld - screw it - from here on in, known as shiv, is such a chick. people think i'm always late. well, i am but it's not because i'm getting ready! also, hehehahahahaha (4 others will get this)

picture - this is the blushing groom to be (read below)

i have started the long, relatively pointless task of burning my star trek - deep space nine seasons onto dvds. this is actually a wedding present for my nephew (i'll post his picture right here when i get home) because he didn’t care if it was original or copied or whatnot. i really regret not just buying him the seven seasons. i've been working on this on and off for more than 3 months now and i'm not almost done. the reason i opted to do this is because star trek seasons are EXPENSIVE. between 100 and 130 each season and as much as i love star trek, i don't have that kind of money. but i found an online store selling all seven seasons, in a set for 200 something american - which is about 300 bucks canadian. i really wish i had done that instead. but it's too late. i'm almost done. his wife is going to hate me for this. unless, of course, she's a trekkie but i somehow doubt that.

note to Babylon 5 fans - it sucks, you suck. it works for you.

i shall continue this later - i'm sure over the next 10 hours, i'll have an excuse to come back and blog some more.

be good.


- i am not paranoid. paranoid people think others are out to get them. i know they are.

August 24, 2005

7th - i would rather be blogging...

picture - let us begin with some cuteness. this is my grand niece, the previous grand niece post's older sister. this picture is awesome. i don't know who took it though. not me.

i'm tired - my feet hurt - i'm annoyed - and it's not looking any better today.

yesterday, i went to work. for those who don't know, i work for futureshop. it's one of those bestbuy, circuit city type places. anyway, i started at 1, forgot my shoes at home (was wearing sneakers) and had to wait for someone to bring me shoes before they would let me work. needless to say, i napped in the staffroom.

around 2, i started working. it was a slow day. i made 36 dollars. thank god for subsidy pay. anyway, these two guys came in looking for camera. they didn't make a cute couple. and they were one of those, "i bought my tv here and got a thousand dollars off, so i should get some huge discount because i'm loud and irritating and i exist." i don't like doing the discount thing, so i don't. i'm not going to get fired to save some guy 50 bucks. anyway, i had to call and get his card authorized because he didn't have it with them and there was some stupid little complication with his card where he was charged once but there were multiple authorizations for the same amount. took him to customer service where he harrassed and fought with one of my managers over nothing. an authorization without an invoice number is not a charge and it drops off the account in less than 48 hours. anyway, he wanted us to either give me two more cameras, etx without receipts or give him 1400 dollars cash. this started at around 730ish and went on for till a little past 10. that's an hour after the store closes. so, my manager finally comes to a resolution of sorts with this guy and then my department manager came and within 20 seconds, ruined it by telling the dude we're doing him a favour by doing this. when he got annoyed, she told him he had no proof that these charges exist so he's here arguing for no reason. (she was right, there was no actual proof of these charges - so if he left, the other autdorizations would have been dropped because there is no invoice number with them and all would have been well.) anyway - this lead to another 20 minutes of stupid discussion where me and my other manager had to kinda phase her out of the discussion.

anyway, so stupid. by the time i left it was about 1020ish. i was not happy. and all this time, my friend was waiting for me.

and then it got better. so much better that i wanted to stab myself in the foot. but we won't discuss that. i got home around 1ish.

picture - hieeee found this. it's of some dude in gaza. at first glance it looks a hell lot like me. me with long hair, not me now. as you look closer, it looks like some sun burnt white guy, but still, the cursory glace is creepy. apparently, bizarro world does exist and it iz gaza. however, people who look like me shit disturbers regardless of which part of the planet we're from. he's about to get beat up.

anyway, today is going to be fun. i'm finishing up this ridiculous training module for work and then i'm headed over to my family's store to help out. if anyone wants marble and granite stuff, let me know. then i'm going to come home and shoot myself because that'll be my entertainment for the night.

quick note - sarah just sent me this. read this article. it's short. that's so stupid. read it, and come back.

ok, now that you're disturbed, someone explain this because i sure as hell don't get it.

picture - i was in priya's with my friend. fyi - priyas is a little brown grocery store and i see this. naturally i pull out my camera and take a picture.

anyway, i should be heading off to do more important stuff. i'm headed to the store. i'm taking books and stuff with me because i have no idea what to expect.

you've had your fill of the cute, the weird, the eerie and of my bitching about something. what more could you ask for? no, i don't have any money to give you. go away.

alrighty, we're off. be good.


- children are the most desirable opponents at scrabble as they are both easy to beat and fun to cheat.

August 23, 2005

6th - even the best people make mistakes...

picture - here my special ed picture. it's not so much the helmet, but the look on my face that makes it so. anyway, this is a few months ago. long beautiful hair. i'm getting off track. this leads to a blonde moment i had a few days ago. taken with webcam (which is now an infa-red cam)

we're sitting around discussing city life vs small town life vs suburban hell vs ethiopia vs etc. one of wyld's friends was visiting and he's from a small town and he was talking about clay shooting. "it's practice for duck hunt" - and i, genius that i am, without skipping a single beat, "why would you use a real gun to practice for a video game?" then there was an awkward silence. shut up, you all thought about the classic NES game at first too. don't lie. get down with your special-ed self. so, yes, that was kinda embarrassing. here, i'll throw in a picture of thomas on a subway for the first time.

picture - here is wyld trying to kill thomas. thomas wouldn't sit down (he did eventually) see the look on her face? that's the last thing you see before you die? it's also her camp-counselor cool. but yes, thomas is on a subway for the first time. he seem excited about the whole thing, wouldn't you say?

i have a problem! well, i always do, but this time it's big. it was already big, it just got worse this morning. i don't wanan discuss it. just letting you people know. my usual sunny disposition may not be around all the time. more on me not talking about it later.

2 minutes later - it just got worse. my plan to weasel out of it just fell through. this is perfect. ohshitohshitohshit...runningrunningrunning. that's it. i'm running away! no, i'm not. that smacks of effort. what i need is a plan. no, that involves doing stuff. i need to come up with a strategy or mission statement or vision.

ok - i definitely have more important things to be focused on right now. so i'm going to go do that...hopefully.


- self decapitation is an extremely difficult, not to say dangerous thing to try.

August 22, 2005

5th - comments about my blog belong in the blog...

picture - this is caboose, relatively shit-faced. i know caboose hates me right now. yesterday was caboose's birthday. hurray for caboose! i'm sorry. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CABOOSE!!

i've had a long, anti productive and over all shit smothered day. it started off good. but then i left the confines of my basement into the realm of the sun and it all went to hell.

i got absolutely nothing done today. not even the simple things like returning a book and sending off a package. then i went out and things just got worse. which brings me to my brief explanation.

generally, i am a relatively calm type person who isn't really phased by anything. generally. people have become so used to this, they don't think about it. however, every once in a while when hell freezes over, pigs fly, the one ring changes masters, a new group decides to persecute the jews, the moon turns a pasty blue, and frogs rain from the heavens, it might be possible for me to get upset. when this happens, i dealt with in a very simple way. i become silent and morose for a few days and then i go back to normal. in this time, the best bet is to leave me alone. i'll come out of it.

this was just for future reference.

i'd also like to take a very cheap shot at this - "You're like an electron, so negatively charged..........!!!!!!!!!!!!" you know who you are.

today, i got a call from someone saying they read my blog and really enjoyed it. i also got text msgs from two people and a couple of comments over msn. that's all great guys and thank you for the support but please, can we comment on my blog on my blog? i promise to check every single day or as often as possible anyway and i'll make a note of memorable ones, like that lovely little gem in the paragraph above.

picture - more cousin lovin. not my cousins but somebody's cousins. cousin's who frown upon the cousin lovin of my family. uh huh...

lately, i've noticed. my temper is getting worse. it's not a good thing. any suggestions on how to deal with this. it's not good. help me.

ok, i'm going to go now. this blog doesn't seem very interesting. i'm sorry. next time..


- i've got all the money i need if i die by four o'clock this afternoon.

4th - we big on cousin lickin...and rageahol...

picture - today we begin with something adorable. this is my grand-niece. i believe that is the technical term for it. in the mirror you can you see peter pan. none the less, she is adorable. there's about a hundred thousand pictures of her.

a note to harley - i was actually planning to do this since last night. the fact that your blog has pics of your niece on it is entirely coincidence.

now that we're all feeling fuzzy inside. lets move on. later in the blog, something artsy (can't think of a better word) and of course something embarrassing.

news - i slept last night somewhere in the 430 to 5am range. i know, hurray for me. but here's in the kicker. i slept in my bed! those who know me, get that. the other half, i don't normally sleep there. it's more a platform for me to store my laundry on. it also serves as a reminder to my famliy that i exist. i don't think it does the latter job very well.

since we were on the topic of my family, we have three nazis in the family. one is the dance nazi. she was exposed as a nazi weeks before my sister's and my nephew's wedding. no, not to each other. to different people. just in the same week. yes, we're loonies.

our newest nazi is our game nazi. he's little and adorable but a nazi none the less. never has such anal-retention from a 10-year-old. whether its rule's of conduct for video games or timers in board games. he's on it. and to top it off now, he's become a shit-talker (which is AWESOME). ever get smack talked to you from a 10-year-old. there's something other worldly about it.

there is a third, i just don't remember. more on that later.

picture - this is my best friend, wyld. took this picture in a park. i really like the way this picture turned out. i think it's the hat. i donnu. none the less. kudos to me on liking my own work. i'm sure the subject had something to do with the way it turned out, but not really.

wyld is a 20-year-old ipod owner (jinx has a shirt that says ipood with silhouette of a dude on the jonh. how great is that? that's a plug jinx, give me free stuff) who is all about saving the world. her interests include making me feel guilty for not finishing my ice cream, "think of the baby cow (calf, i know) who didn't get the milk that went in your ice cream!"... and ripping people's egos apart. she's hates children but is however smitten with some of them (sumi, a bunch of kids at camp, the piranha boy) and is the director of a summer camp program in which she deals with 40ish kids, five days a week. smart move there buddy. you really know how to pick em. remember those commercials "big things come in small packages" where you got these huge stuffed animals in these wee boxes. well, she's like that, only filled with rage instead of cottony goodness. tread carefully... i'm kidding. she's harmless. she would brake in the middle of a highway to save a crossing squirrel but probably throw a person out in front of the car so the laws of karma are appeased.

did anyone else notice on friday that most people have no idea what the non-working traffic light rule is? it honestly took me close to two and a half hours to pick up my dad because people think that no working traffic light means drive through. i mean, at least caution is an order.

and i leave you with more cousin lickin. we're big on that.


- the secret to my happiness is i have the heart of a twelve year old child. i keep it in a jar over here. would you like to see it?

August 21, 2005

3rd - it's not pink! it's a lightish red...

picture - this is my cousin trying to lick my other cousin. i know we're brown and the cousin loving is all good (i know i'm a jerk) but this is still pretty wrong. anyway, this was taken with my ericsson t616. lovely.

yes, i know this is my second entry of the day, but i could't help it. a good idea is a good idea. i've decided to share some pictures with you guys. so every day i'll post an amusing picture with a brief description. it'll probably be something embarrassing or funny or clever or a picture i've taken that i like. whatever, you get the point. pictures.

just a quick note here - some of the site is pink, i'm well aware. the background however is not pink. this more purple or plum. think willie wonka... but thanks for pointing that out. i would have never noticed.

also, me and peter pan were debating starting a weekly photo assignment/contest type thing. of course, this wont be open to random strangers. that means you, creepy stalker, no-one-gives-a-crap-about-sixth's-opinion guy, but none the less, it it should be fun. if you only learn to let go. we could be friends. realistically, probably not. if i knew who you were, i would invest a portion of my free time to make you miserable but this is the internet and miracles do happen. take the success of smallville for example. more details on that later.

i wonder if people will be uspet about stuff like this. don't worry, there is embarrassing stuff of me as well which i'll be posting tomorrow probably. it's only fair.

also, sky angel (before you ask, that's not her actually name. just like how my parents didn't name me sixth. but you'll notice i'm not using any real names) - i am not always negative. i'm just observant. and quoting the smartest television doctor i know, "people are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling"

Anyway, this is me and sky angel. she asked to be mentioned on my blog so the masses (in this case, all four of you but i'm hoping posting her pictures up will bring in some needed traffic) could see how great she is. i have absolutely no idea when this picture was taken. i know its not from anytime recent (like 2-3 years at least), but i've oddly reverted back to looking like that (i cut my hair). anyway, this is sky angel. she's an artist, thinks i'm very negative about everything, has a boy named alex, etc. anyway, she needs attention. actually, she demands it. this might be a minor hint towards her boyfriend. so here ya go, hint hint.

anyway, i think i'm done for the night. more tomorrow.


- until now we scraped along the ground like rats, but from now on, we soar. like eagles. yeah. LIKE EAGLES... ON... POGO STICKS.

2nd - i bought books because my car broke down, and my car broke down because i bought...well, that doesn't work, does it?

just before i get started here, i'd like to welcome to his highness, creepy-with-most-likely-clammy-hands the third. dude, you're sad. i don't blog for months and what the hell have you been doing? waiting for me to start again so you can tell me nobody cares about my opinion. this is borderline stalkerish. i highly doubt you're a cute, shy little girl with braces (which is the appropriate way to stalk me). note - if you are not the old one and just a new one. that's just sad for me. in that case, disregard previous comment and welcome to my blog, jerk.

while running an errand for my sister today, my car broke down. not exactly broke down, but just wouldn’t start. annoying to say the least. i was supposed to be at my cousin's house where everyone else was at the moment. anyway, i called one of my cousins and told him to silently grab another one of my cousins and come to parking lot i was in. i needed help.

help showed up about 10 minutes too late. there was a book store on the other side of the parking lot and i couldn't help it. i ended buying four books. i got one book i actually wanted, which was only seven bucks (the book of five rings) and three others for no good reason. i ended spending almost seventy dollars. i'm actually giving serious thought to returning to goth bible which incidentally, i wasn't in the community studies section or anything. i was in the political sciences section. stupid chapters staff.

also, as a note of interest to some. my old chapters store manager was transferred to that location and most of already know what a giant genital-free prick he is. i wanted to burn him so bad. but he wasn’t there. just like him. never there when it was important. pansy.

i'm still working on the look of my blog. still in the picking colour phase. any suggestions? please feel free to write them down on a piece of paper and place them carefully in the closest garbage receptacle because i don't want little bits of paper telling me which colour combination you like best. then email me your suggestions or post them. post them. posting them is faster.

another quick note guys. i think it's sweet that some of you read my post and then call me to give me your comments but that's actually what the little comments link is for. none the less, it's cute.

news - i'm gonna go see wicked! has anyone read the book? very good. purple pubes. you really can just never forget that. nonetheless, pubes aside, i'm looking forward to seeing it. also, as a minor note, it may be some people's birthdays that day.

i do believe the sun i starting to show its ugly head and i must shrink away.

be good.

- i just locked an open door... strange, yet symbolically compelling...

August 20, 2005

1st - one in a string of many

due to popular demand a few months ago, i am restarting my blog. i didn't know people enjoyed it so much. well, except that one pansy who kept trying to tell me nobody cared about my opinion and i should stop sharing it with people. he did however, to prove his point, read every single blog entry i made and comment on each one. i don't get it either. the internet is pretty big. Up to 2 square miles, i've heard. plenty of space to leave me alone and not read what i have to say.

anyway, the blog is back. i'll gradually be changing the layout of the blog because sunita said so and what sunita says is law.

i promise after this, the posts will be a lot more interesting.

news for locals and foreigners alike - was anyone out in the storm yesterday? that was ridiculous! more on that later, when my pictures develop.

- much as i would like to, i just can't bring myself to jump into the giant pit of uncleaned kitty litter.