August 21, 2005

2nd - i bought books because my car broke down, and my car broke down because i bought...well, that doesn't work, does it?

just before i get started here, i'd like to welcome to his highness, creepy-with-most-likely-clammy-hands the third. dude, you're sad. i don't blog for months and what the hell have you been doing? waiting for me to start again so you can tell me nobody cares about my opinion. this is borderline stalkerish. i highly doubt you're a cute, shy little girl with braces (which is the appropriate way to stalk me). note - if you are not the old one and just a new one. that's just sad for me. in that case, disregard previous comment and welcome to my blog, jerk.

while running an errand for my sister today, my car broke down. not exactly broke down, but just wouldn’t start. annoying to say the least. i was supposed to be at my cousin's house where everyone else was at the moment. anyway, i called one of my cousins and told him to silently grab another one of my cousins and come to parking lot i was in. i needed help.

help showed up about 10 minutes too late. there was a book store on the other side of the parking lot and i couldn't help it. i ended buying four books. i got one book i actually wanted, which was only seven bucks (the book of five rings) and three others for no good reason. i ended spending almost seventy dollars. i'm actually giving serious thought to returning to goth bible which incidentally, i wasn't in the community studies section or anything. i was in the political sciences section. stupid chapters staff.

also, as a note of interest to some. my old chapters store manager was transferred to that location and most of already know what a giant genital-free prick he is. i wanted to burn him so bad. but he wasn’t there. just like him. never there when it was important. pansy.

i'm still working on the look of my blog. still in the picking colour phase. any suggestions? please feel free to write them down on a piece of paper and place them carefully in the closest garbage receptacle because i don't want little bits of paper telling me which colour combination you like best. then email me your suggestions or post them. post them. posting them is faster.

another quick note guys. i think it's sweet that some of you read my post and then call me to give me your comments but that's actually what the little comments link is for. none the less, it's cute.

news - i'm gonna go see wicked! has anyone read the book? very good. purple pubes. you really can just never forget that. nonetheless, pubes aside, i'm looking forward to seeing it. also, as a minor note, it may be some people's birthdays that day.

i do believe the sun i starting to show its ugly head and i must shrink away.

be good.

- i just locked an open door... strange, yet symbolically compelling...


sixth lie said...
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Mr. Horse said...

Me likes the new colour. I can't believe you spent all night on it though. GO TO BED!

- Sunita

Anonymous said...

hello jerkstore!
i like the new layout, very chic and purple-teletubbyish..which is what you can request out of a blogspace and all ;)
shame abt the car, next time call me silly! and yes..purple pubes are strangely memorable.. i didn't even get to read the book and i rmbr that part *yeuk*

- Vinita

Anonymous said...

Why are you such a pedophile with your weird fantasies about being stalked by some little girl in braces? Sometimes, I worry that you live in my neighbourhood!


Anonymous said...


i really do not appreciate the cousin lovin' pic you put up of me. Contrary to popular belief, we're not big on the whole incest thing, so kindly do not send that message out to the world!!
