October 16, 2005

27th - "i hope you find god" in the bad way

hello all

before i go on. congratulations to qudsia and azher and everyone else. there is a new baby in the family. it's all good. it's healthy and a bag of mush and all the other things babies are expected to be. qudsia is up and about and she's all happy and stuff too, as is azher. is it just me, or it wrong to use the camera flash when taking pictures of babies? [i don't do it, others do] someone should find out. same rule as all the other babies. i will definitely not be picking him up until he's older.

it's been a while. i've been busy. experiencing blog withdrawal. so here i am. let us begin...

i've decided i need a palm [a pda, i still have both my palms]. after much debate with myself and reluctant friends who didn't care which one i bought or whether i shoved it up my ass after i did buy it, i decided on the palm tx. it's not the top of the line one but its got the big screen and built in wireless and bluetooth and it's all good. now, i need to find it in canada. why can't anything just be simple.

i made a rule a couple of days ago regarding my buying habits. when i save money for things. things under 1500 dollars. i will not buy it until i have at least 1.5x the money. the palm is not part of this new rule.

title - met this very christian woman today and after a while she made the comment i hope you find god. the scary part is as she said i got the feeling it wasn't meant in the "find peace" sort of way. it was meant in the "i hope god finds you" sort of way. it was a scary moment.

work has been crazy. i need a car. too much bloody traveling to not have a car. i spent almost six hours on the bus, subways and walking on friday. that warrants a car. must buy car. i really for some reason want a civic sir. i don't even like hatchbacks. back to work. think industrial plastic wrap. took some pics with my phone. will post once i get my data cable working.

what does this mean - i was sitting on the bus and this chick came on she was standing in front of me. i read her bag. it was some brand [i forget the name] but i remember their tag line and i want an explanation - "57 percent no concept, 43 percent good sense" - what the hell does that mean. this is like lewis black's comment, "if it wasn't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college"

anyway, i finally got around to putting up my website. well, the under construction page of it anyway. so, visit sixthlie.com so see my under construction page. i haven't had time to do anything else. but that's gonna change tonight. after this blog, it's web designing time.

so, the amount of stuff i have to do is piling up and i'm gonna die. it's not that i don't have the time. i just always find myself doing something else.

decision - i had decided to keep my futureshop job until i bought me some cool swag since i haven't really bought myself anything with my discount. my manager came back from vacation and within 20 minutes i announced my decision to quit. she didn't even say anything to me today. we literally exchanged 5 sentences. this is how big of a bitch she is. her presence is causing me to quit.

ok, it's photoshop and dreamweaver time.


p.s. aparently you people are passionate about body parts and not about other topics like jackass employers so here's the new topis of discussion - ass cleavage. i have seen too much of it this past week. not the good kind either. the plumber kind. anyway, ass cleavage. good? bad? double standards? etc. enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'll be the first to crack open this discussion...get it? crack? ahahah just kidding, thats not funny at all. i hate puns. anyway ass cleavage is NEVER a good thing. ever. no double standards, no nothin. i dont care how much or how little of it there is, or who's ass or the quality of the ass, ass cleavage should not even exist. that is all.

Anonymous said...

Ass clevage is a subjective subject.....wait, does that make sense?........I dont think so I'll start over.

Im love a nice set of cheeks on a girl, but on the face and below the waist. Nothing beats a nice set of cheeks. That being said, the subject of showing ass clevage is subjective.

I suppose its like my topless beach argument. If you go to a toppless beach and you may see 99% of the girls with beatiful bodies, but then you'll see that 1 70 year old liberated grandma who has saggy boobs and grosses you out. What do you think you are gonna remember, the beautiful girls?....I think not.

Thusly, upon the subject of ass clevage I feel the same. Keep your ass in your pants, it looks better there anyway.


Mr. Horse said...

You quit Future Shop??? And I never even got a chance to abuse your discount! Well, more power to you.

All parts of the ass are gross. I don't like Bums, unlike Peter Pan. He LOVES them and especially loves to have them pointed out to him. Oh! That reminds me! I need to go find that card I bought for him. I can't believe I've lost another one.


Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm not a fan of ass clevage, but I'm probaby guilty of indecent exposure of my ass 90% of the time. I don't like belts, and I can't find a conforatble pair of jeans that doesn't fall down to halfway down my ass whenever I sit down.

Therefore, love the sinner and hate the sin, 'cause I'm guilty as all hell.

sixth lie said...

so far nothing positive for ass cleavage.

playing devil's advocate here. have any of you considered cooling?

thought so.

Anonymous said...

itz just wrong... i saw two love birds (couple) and the guy his pants were torn but no undergarments on... made me sick the whole day... i think it broke my fast??... people should start covering something or some body's gonna geta hurt real bad!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah,ass cleavage is yucky. I agree with harley quinn...all parts of a bum are gross.So it's not attractive. Then again, I'm sure im guilty of flashing ppl sometimes...i try my very best not to, and most of the times, i never really do...but SOMETIMES, i think it just happens...boo urns! Im buying lotsa belts. I love belts though...so yayy!

Anonymous said...

ass clevage, the boob clevage of the future.

well, ever since avril lavigne flashed her ass on tv...ppl seem to think it's okay.. then again, larger girls think its okay to wear tummy tops and flash a whole different type of nasty clevage all together.

in all aspects, i'd say...less is more, keep the booty in the pants...

on that note, the song "i like big butts and i cannot lie", just popped into my head ;)

way to go zaff.

sixth lie said...

i'm only going to make this comment once. and even once is against my better judgement.

if guess who is who i think it is. god help you.

Sarah Q. said...

Ok...ass and cleavage are 2 words i really do not want to hear together. Forget seeing it! Damn ... its grossing me out just reading you people talk about it. lol. Like pan said...."keep your ass in your pants" it really dosnt belong anywhere else. lol Really!!
Okey doke! C ya lata!

Oh and...i so did comment on your man boobs discussion! Not that i want to think about it again. But yes...i did comment. lol