October 31, 2005

30th - survivor is a good tv show, but a bad game...

hello all

even though i don't blog very often, i do take the time to read other people's blogs. i don't get why why i feel guilty when i do. i get moments where i feel so nosey when i'm doing it. but people read my blog so it's all good. anyway, i was reading the other harley quinn's [courtney's] blog. it was about a bunch of stuff including student activism and foreign aid. i don't know what it was, something irked me to leave a comment that was as long as her blog. then other people got involved. so there are three running opinions so far. all reply comments are as as long, if not longer than the actual blog. however, everyone should go check this out. www.courtneylee.ca - the blog is called, "on canada and the world today" check it out and comment. its need more than three perspectives.

i just finished watching the latest episode of smallville. it was about vampires. it was a halloween thing. it was terrible. have a halloween special that has nothing to do with the actual show's storyline. it's fine. people forgive that sorta thing. and for the love of god, stop slandering vampires. and kristen kruek...more on that later...

ok, i have a new job. it's been about three weeks now. it's cool. i also serve as the IT guy which is awesome because i get to do something i hate and that's what work should be. suffering. no, it's not that bad. i'm just a drama queen. anyway, i get a panicked phone call sometime at night because there is a problem with a word document. the image wouldn't stay where it was put. it kept moving around as they typed. so i told them how to fix the problem and then they insisted on sending me the file to make sure it's ok anyway. i wish my job was just IT. my blog would be just about that.

on another hand [this is unrelated to above], being an IT/tech/geek guy, when i say something is the problem, don't correct me by saying something ignorant like, "no, i'm sure this is the issue. this doesn't have anything to do with it" ask question if you want, but if you can't use word properly, don't assume you know how the rest of the machine works.

at pretend work, [futureshop] things are wicked now. i get one shift a week, which is all i wanted. since i don't make any money there anyway. all i do is go hang out with people i like. however, my manager wont fire me. this is getting in the way of my severance pay, but this is still good. i have my staff discount, and i only have to work saturdays. not like anything is ever done on saturdays before night time anyway. so all is well. now, if only i could talk her into giving me the saturday morning shift instead of closing. that would be perfect.

yesterday was mome's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMIN! for this birthday, he got many a cool thing including not one, but TWO JOB OFFERS! even cooler, a batman cape. to celebrate we just hung out [yes, we're a lazy folk but i like just hanging out] and we played survivor. this is not a nice game. its cruel and sets people off against each other. perfect for kids [comon, you can just picture it. a bunch of third graders crying and getting into fights], not for adults. i got voted off first. hope you all get the plague!

i finally got some tv watching done. which means, i watched a bunch of shows on my computer. the makers of smallville owe me an apology. their new season was way to over hyped. it was okay as you except from smallville. it wasn't spectacular. which brings me to another point. i hate kristen kruek. why does clark love her. she always looks like she's about to cry. god, i wanna give her reasons to cry. just smack her around a bit [before you all band together against me, i'm not advocating abuse towards whiney, cry baby women, just kristen kruek]. at least one of us would feel better than. plus, she looks like the whimpering type and that's just annoying.

prison break on the other hand is friggin awesome. why can't smallville learn from prison break. send clark to jail! or lana, i'm cool either way. but seriously, i watched all eight episodes in one go. so friggin cool! now the problem is i have to wait each week for a measly hour of prison break.

i miss scrubs and arrested development. i haven't seen any new shows in a long time. bring back scrubs and arrested development. i don't care about baseball and football.

alright, lets review. go read courtney's blog. pit small children against one another by making them play survivor. smack kristen kreuk around as chance permits and murder all baseball and football players so scrubs and arrested development comes back.

last but not least, be good.


p.s. is it wrong to buy an high definition tv for the sole purpose of playing x-box 360? it will be used for other things but the main purpose for buying it will be high definition gaming?

p.s. today's halloween and i am totally unprepared. to make up for that. send me pictures of your halloween costumes and i'll put them up here and then rant about how much better my halloween costume could have been, if only i had the free time to put it together. [honestly, my best idea was being koolaid lite]


Anonymous said...

haha! u got voted off first...lol. i'd tell u bout my costume, only i'm sorta lacking one too. so :P

Anonymous said...

Great Zaffar, have all your friends think like nik and hate me too. I'm going to have to take all the pictures off my website and change my name or something...

Anonymous said...

Need I remind you that the only reason you got voted out first is beacause you voted for yourself

sixth lie said...

courtney - i think more people would help the conversation and would make the number of personal attacks go down and i dont know any guy named nik.

mome - besides the point!

Anonymous said...

zaffar u WOULD get voted off first. u know im also distressed about scrubs being nowhere to be found. SERIOUSLy where did it go?? i love that show. i was a firefighter for halloween. yay. and im not sending u pics under any circumstances...i think u might make fun of me. but i could be totally wrong of course.

Anonymous said...

i thought u would like talk something about SURVIVOR!!!! still waiting since itz an awsome show

Mr. Horse said...

Yes, Happy Bday Momin and congrats on the job offers.

I too miss Arrested Development and Scrubs. My sister told me today that Jason Batemen had to have some throat surgery so they have to stop shooting new Arrested Developments for a while. UGH! It's NEVER going to come back!

And finally, although I refuse to discuss Smallville with anyone, I am very glad to hear that you HATE Lana too! Yay! Stupid Lana. No one should love her!


Anonymous said...

Scrubs and arrested development make my school days bearable...god i miss them.....

Anonymous said...

Haha...i thought you'd love lana, z! she definitely looks/acts like ur kinda girl.
But yep...speaking of annoying characters on tv shows...i think id say Mischa Barton on the OC... she's another cry baby...but to make things worse - she's an overpriveleged, alcoholic, cry-baby! Actually...i dont like her coz I dont think she's a great actress...and she looks like BAMBI!

And mome...congrats on getting ur jobs...that's awesome!

and oh...z..abt ur shitty halloween...now u understand why i hated halloween last year...u ruined it for me!