October 25, 2005

29th - those muslim extremists might have a point there...

today i am working from home. for the first little bit anyway. this is because i gotta design some letterheads and stuff and it's just easier to do on my computer than slow-ass company ones. i need a laptop. someone buy me a laptop. a nice one. possible green or red, but not together. that would be gross.

"the buuyancy of a bubble" words used by some boy to describe himself. it was in some dude's blog description [the profile bit]. everyone should go read the blog just because it said that. i think he also talked about his physical. the blog is called "my blah blah blog". i copied the link and then copied something over it. a buck to whomever finds the blog first.

my sister requested i write a blog about the whole pda epidemic we've been experiencing and i did. guess who hasn't read it yet? punk.

picture [left] - my conversation with sabeen this morning like ten minutes ago. read it. i'm leaving it open for interpretation.

speaking of sabeen. one of my friends, caboose told me this. according to her world religions teacher. in islam, when you go to heaven, you don't meet god right away. in order to prepare to meet god, muslims take part in a massive orgy which is concluded with a twenty-four-year long orgasm. then you're ready to meet god. my only question is. why aren't more people muslim? this is the kind of thing we should be using to recruit people. the catholics don't have anything this good. twenty-four-year orgasms. i told caboose to give her prof my number and ask her to call me because i wanna know where she got this from. this woman is the reason someone nutball imam is gonna bomb a school one day because he doesn't want the secret getting out [this woudl explain why they're soo religious, the child-molesting bastards. note - i hate priests/imams/mulas/pandiths/etc of all kinda. not just muslim ones with the exception of the brother kayum(sp), "you respect, honour and cherish the womb" but honestly, why are we not using this for marketing? also, do you really wanna meet god right after you did that? "so, what have you been up to sixth" - "umm, nothing."

so, i wrote an email last night about how we don't do anything anymore. the kids, i mean. grown ups are always doing stuff but it's usually uninteresting and work related. anyway, last night me and mome went to drop off his brother to the greyhound station on bay street. i tagged along because i wanted cookies and didn't much feel like walking over to the macs across the street. yes, i know it' a three minute walk but i was tired. so we went, one out way back we decided to go to dominion instead to you know, save fifty cents. we ended up getting sandwich meats, cheese, cookies, chocolate, milk and bread. then we went to my house and made sandwiches. well, mome made sandwichs, i supervised. so me, mome and abbas [who was studying for some french thing and my god, it's irritating. i honestly don't like the french language.] sat around talking and eating sandwiches. they were good. so yay! we randomly did something.

PLANS - this friday night. i am throwing the first ever SEHRI(sp) PARTY for the kids [this is a prototype party]. meet up at my house around late nightish. we'll hang, watch a movie, i'll rape some people in free4all hockey, we'll discuss the twenty-four-year orgasm and do the sehri thing. spread the word - not to random strangers. contact me or mome for details. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY.

something noticed at the grocery store. someone explain old and extra old cheese. why is it refrigerated? is it kept in the fridge during the aging process? wouln'nt this be like one of those things which we thought was great but now we know isn't good for us like fireproofing with asbestos or lead paint? and what the hell is carefully aged mean? you watched it grow old and mouldy? explanations people.

detroit people - people from detroit, come visit us. all of you. ok, by all of you, this means the people we know. this isn't an open invite to the bums or the homeless or those anti-abortionists or that black kid handing out the kkk pampflets. this is for the khans, mirzas, ahmeds, maloufs and any other names i forgot. but those specific people. but yes, listen to asmar and visit. for more information, check your email.

which reminds me of a quick notice. I DO NOT CHECK MY HOTMAIL. if you email something to my hotmail account, don't get huffy when i don't know about it. the only reason i have a hotmail account is for msn, no other purpose. if you must email me stuff, send to sixth.lie@rogers.com or my sixthlie.com accounts, but those aren't active yet. thank you.

ok, i should really go do some work. later days.

be good.


p.s. does anyone ever listen to me when i say be good? for example you had some evil scheme going on in the back of your mind and then you read my blog and decided not to do it? i'd like a few testimonials.


Anonymous said...

Those sandwhiches were delicious. I really want another one right now. In fact I may hit up Sobeys tonight to have another sandwhich go round.

"we dont do anyhting anymore" what when we went bowling a few weeks back that was nothing?

gotta write articles so im gone


P.S. Sania Mirza is really cute

sixth lie said...

i like this sandwich idea.

that was a few weeks ago. pffth!

who is this sania?

Anonymous said...

Personally, your whole "be good" thing does nothing for me. but maybe cuz im already so good all the time. And the whole muslim thing, u made it sound way worse than it is! i never said heaven was a massive orgy!! i said heaven is like one reeally long orgasm. sheesh. anyway if i find out that stuff is true, i AM becoming a muslim.

Anonymous said...

Sania Mirza is the 34th ranked tennis player in the world. She's a muslim girl from India, fantastic player and cute too.

She's causing a bit of controversy cuz of her clothes, but i say thats all ballox. She's doing great for herself, muslim women and south asians in general.

All hail Sania Mirza.

Anonymous said...

Screw your question on "be good" I want your opinion on the tennis player.. hell-bound whore, or role model? Zaffar, your opinion please.

And whenever anyone tells me to be good, I don't listen, because I don't care.

Anonymous said...

Wht's a Sehri?

Yeah...Sania Mirza is cool. I don't know about her being really cute, but a very accomplished woman, and yeah...Good for her. Bringing India back into the whole tennis scene! After Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi...this is awesome!
And courtney's question ...i think she's definitely a role model. It's not always about the bloody clothes someone wears, i guess... it's more about what they do in their life and what they accomplish. People should not be hung up about petty things...this shouldn't even be the controversy that everyone is making out to be. (Peter Pan is right abt it being all crap) So yeah...definitely a role model!

sixth lie said...

yea - i'm going with role model. who cares about the skirt/shorts. she's playing tennis - watch her play tennis. stop trying to look up her skirt. i think we should protest the william sisters wearing skirts. that's more important, i think.

miss i-grew-up-in-a-muslim-country, sehri is breakfast time in ramadan. punk! WHAT!

no comment about the 24-year-old orgasm, yet.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in a muslim country, but I don't have to know about everything... let's just say that most of them weren't all that welcoming of people who weren't arab and esp. of those who weren't muslim...so didn't get a chance to learn a lot more in the country itself!
AND ANYWAY, u PUNK ASS... My arabic reading/writing skills are faaarrr better than yours! So eat that!

Sarah Q. said...

Is it just me or did you (zaffar) do a very good job distracting people from that whole conversation with Sabeen that you had. lol.
You guys are a little strange! Funny ... but strange.

A sandwich sounds good rite now... i might go and make me one rite now.... its impressive how fast my stomach gets hungry after such a humungo meal.

And the whole "be good" comment. My friend ... I dont think being good advice comming from you is taken seriously lol. (just joking) lol.

Alright ... Lata!
That sandwich is callin me!

Anonymous said...

Interesting post...I have never heard about the whole 24 year long orgasm thing. Weird...very weird...I must say, that most of what I know about islam is weird...hmmm...whatever though.

sixth lie said...

we are not a "weird" people. we are an explosive and easily excited people. now aplogize for saying something that ignorant!

seriously, we put our pants on one leg at a time, just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

dont agree with u on this one!