October 3, 2005

25th - twenty-five apparently...bragging rights.

yay! twenty-fifth blog! i finally get a new page on that page where i decide to post a new blog. that's about all that's significant about the twenty-fifth blog.

so, while i was cleaning my basement, i stumbled across some art supplies of mine. art supplies that cost me an arm and a left [not mine, of course] so i decided to paint a mural in my brother's room. then that quickly lead to realizing painting is not one of my talents. so i decided to practice on a small piece of canvas. it turned out a lot better than i expected.

picture [right] - here is the initial sketch of my painting. the two pictures above it are the originals off my cell phone. 2 bucks to whomever can name one of the tracks in my monitor corner.

my sister came for a visit this weekend for the first time since she got married. her, nome [husband] and bob [brother-in-law] came for the weekend. it was so much fun. we didn't really do much. but it was fun anyway. once again, it's really cool how comfortable and informal we are. we ate wings [once takeout, once at the place which was much better. take out wings suck]. we went to a birthday party. we chilled and did nothing. i raped a bunch of people in "free 4 all" hockey [who three got shut out? *bas, mome and nome* that's right barbies and princess *bob*. who's your king and ken *bob*]. we randomly decided to go bowling at 230 at night. i painted a picture. watched the wedding videos more times than i cared to [which is any number higher than zero]. went to tim hortons far too many times in a 55 hour period. it was great. then nome and bob had to go home and they left us had for two weeks. so now we have her back. THAT WASN'T PART OF THE DEAL! as mome puts it.

oh, before i forget, i wanted to take this moment to thank everyone who reads and comments on my blog for two things. one, the man boob discussion. i didn't know people were so passionate about man boobies [if you're confused and afraid, read the blog before this]. second, despite my efforts to never actually mention my name or anyone else's name, it's all over the comments section. thanks for that. i don't really care, but it kinda makes it concrete who i am. i can't deny it anymore, if someone were to ask.

picture [left] - this is the initial black outline. ok, i know you're generally supposed to wait to the end to do this because it covers up little slip-ups and stuff, but i chose to go this way because i really wanted to see bats painted already. let it never be said that i'm a patient man. .

i'm pointlessly tired. which is weird because i don't sleep ever so i should be used to this kind of feeling but this feels worse. i think it's because i'm still recovering from the sickness.

ok, so the painting is done. on to my next project. i bought one thousand popsicle sticks and some glue for five bucks. now, i need something to build out of them. any ideas? that's the discussion topic for this blog. seriously. here, i'll put it in the form of a question. what should i do as my next project? the medium is glue and popsicle sticks. no, i will not dry a bunch of glue and carve something out of it.

has anyone seen the aveo commercial. this dude parks his car, and he gets out to get his kid out of the backseat and he pulls out this huge sumo wrestler guy. "things in the aveo are larger than they seem" it's just a cute commercial and that sumo guy looks very happy about being carried by little wee man.

picture [right] - here is the final product. i didn't turn out as great as i wanted but it turned out a lot better than i expected. i guess that's a mixed blessing of sorts. i'm sorry to all the people i ignored while working on this. now, what to do with it?

that's so sad. someone busted open one of shopping carts to get the quarter out. how badly did you need a quarter. you could have just asked someone for one. or you know, returned the kart. jackass.

i love having a digital camera. it makes taking random, pointless pictures so much easier and way more cost effective since i wont ever print these pictures out. especially now, since my staff discount of fifty percent [which equalled to about 15c a photo] has been reduced to fifteen percent [which is about 25c a photo]. which makes my staff discount price more expensive that most photo finishing palces regular price. bastards. i'm quitting anyway. i don't need this amount of bullshit for a meh paying job.

ok, i'm off. i've got some emailing to do. some arrested development to watch. some cleaning up to do because otherwise mother will kill me. and i think i should take my siblings out to watch a movie. i'm thinking corpse bride.

oh, i just read this blog. it was mentioned on the login page. the porch of doom. it's entertaining and like my blog, about nothing at all.



Mr. Horse said...

Your painting looks very nice. Good work!


ps. If you have to watch Smallville in protest then you shouldn't be watching it at all.

sixth lie said...

that's not what i meant. it's not any sort of formal protest. it's one of those, "i got suckered into watching this" protest

Anonymous said...

i agree, your painting looks really good........really good.

Anonymous said...

oh right- the above was sacha :)

Anonymous said...

that is a really cool painting.

btw, i think u should make a castle... :) theyre pretty


Anonymous said...

excellent painting.
i think u should make a skateboard out of the popsicles....not sure why. actually ya i do know why cuz i was watching cute skateboarder guys outside my window and skateboards are stuck in my head now.

Anonymous said...

painting is DAMN COOL! way to go!!! next project: MY ROOM DAMMIT.
next project after that: i agree with the skateboard. then you can paint it white, stick it in your bag in your random skateboard section, and doodle all over it. right? right.

sixth lie said...

you want me to carry around a skateboard made of popsicle sticks. i somehow think you two don't have my best interests in heart.

Anonymous said...

haha commoooon a popsicle skateboard!! what could be cooler than that?

Shiplass said...

*laughs* Thanx for the recommendation to my blog. And whatever question you asked (can't remember wording, don't feel like hitting the back button that many times) the answer is nope. Sorry. And now, I am off to update about nothing. Cherio!

Anonymous said...

I like Batman, and that was a spiffy painting.

As for the popsicle sticks, I suggest you use them to fashion a likeness of Pope John Paul ... whatever. The last one, you know who I mean.

Anonymous said...

well done ... u paint well

Anonymous said...

So.... are you gonna get really pissed off if I tell you that I see an "imperfection" in your painting? Like, i noticed it in the first pic w/o clicking to the bigger picture. Thought maybe you'd notice and fix it later, but you didn't.... Do you see it? It really bugs me!

Otherwise, nice.

sixth lie said...

all right ms. anal retention 2005...i see plenty of mistakes in my painting. nonetheless i am happy with my painting.

you leave us "trend whore" bloggers alone, since it's so beneath you.