October 12, 2005

26th - vomiting sunshine and sweet nothings

picture [left] - so me and andy were coming from sauga on monday evening and ran into some funny looking cars. here's one. a pink dodge neon. deceivingly fast, blatantly ugly. this is her actually getting away from us because she realized i was trying to take a picture.

i vow never to step into a batting cage again. surprise, i don't wanna talk about it.

today was my first day of work at new job. it was boring. well, it was training so i guess that was expected. i'm going on site tomorrow. maybe i should shave.

so all of a sudden, i have way too much shit to do. i guess this is kinda self-induced. i have my popsicle stick project, my birthday present *no longer mural* for smuffy [which is a few months late, yes], website for work, website for chiby, web site for filmi [my god, they're gonna get sued. not by me], and last by not least - SIXTHLIE.COM is coming back. i really shouldn't announce that it existed once. it didn't do so well. BUT this time it'll be cool. plus, i'm gonna move my blog over there so you're gonna have to go there to read it anyway. so, look out for that.

picture [right] - this is the back of said ugly pink dodge neon. check the plates. she wouldn't get out of the left lane so i couldn't get a picture of the front. what you're not seeing is that it says, "pretty in pink on the front windshield"

horrible news - tobey came to visit at futureshop [no, that's not the terrible part] and she brought me cookies [stop jumping the gun, i'm getting there]. anyway, she gave me cookies which makes her one of the coolest people i know. so, she told me to hide them away so i don't get in trouble, which i did. ok, you all already know what's coming up. they're still there. unless someone ate them. warren, looking in your direction. so i'm gourmet cookie-less. i'm so sad. i'm sorry tobey, i can't tell you what your cookies taste like but they looked good. ok, i don't wanna talk about this anymore. it's making me sad.

i wanna get this out of the way - i like my job. i do. really. i like the people i work with. i meet interesting people [tobey]. but i hate one person. well, two people. ok, three people. three people i hate. one, some dude i don't care to talk about. two, some short person who cares what colour my undershirt is. my underwear is nobody's business. especially from a professional stand point. and three, my dept. manager. how can one person cause me so much aggravation. text messaging is not a valid form of communication. i've been getting about three hours a week, which equates to a two-week pay cheque being about eighty-five bucks. what the hell does one do with eighty-five bucks? i can wipe my ass with it. but then i'll probably get some sort of nasty std or worse. unless i use the actual cheque but . . . ok getting off topic. anyway, so now i have a normal, real job. so she starts giving me hours for days i'm not available to work anyway. now she's on vacation. i had a shift today from five to nine. did i go? did i remember? one more time, text messaging is not a valid form of communication.

picture [left] - another ugly car. this is a honda de sol. it's got some sort of floral line pattern on it and i think it's got actual texture. the dude actually slowed down and kept pace with us so i could take this picture. we were too close though.

ok, over the weekend i randomly reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. this way a blank futureshop receipt. one this receipt is a chick's email address and i have no recollection of someone giving me their email address. i'm assuming she's an eighteen year old brown chick. and i don't know why, it's bugging me. i wanna know who it is but at the same time i don't wanna email her and say, i have your email address, who are you? brown girls are snotty and i'm probably just gonna get some bitchy reply back. so, if anyone knows a desigal87@whateverthehell.com, let me know.

i think i may have just seen the dumbest music video of all time. butterfly by crazy town. what the hell. she's not a lady. she's a butterfly? also, you're trying to be all manly with your tattoos and nipple piercings, right? glowing star tattoos are not manly. blowing your tattoos as kisses, also, not manly. twitching awkwardly like ben stiller in zoo lander, entertaining but, not manly. looking way too serious in a video about a kinky butterfly [?] is not right. everyone should download this video and watch it. while you're at it, watch the gasolina video [all of it] and explain that to me.

picture [right] - this is the last one. ok, i know i sound like a total prick because i'm making fun of people's cars. i don't mean to. it's simply my opinion about your ugly, pile of shit car. you're fully welcome, encouraged and entitled to have your own horrible opinions and tastes.

if you're wondering about the vomiting sunshine bit. without going into any specifics, here it goes. people who are in that beginning "i'm in love" *gag* phase are gross and completely unaware of things. it's great to be in love, and yes we're all happy for you that you found love while the rest of us are still alone and miserable but please be just a wee bit considerate of the people around you when you speak to each other. you're seeing rainbows and we're seeing roadkill. meet us half way and see colourful roadkill. keep your poems and letters and the constant, "i love you", "i love you more", "no, i love you more" bits to yourselves. you can discuss the rest of the stuff with the rest of us without a problem as long as there are no rainbows shooting out of your ass while we do. it's distracting, not to mention disturbing and takes us to places we don't want to go. other than that, we're all happy for you as long as you respect our gag factors.


p.s. topic of the day. jackass managers, supervisors, co-workers, those people.


Anonymous said...

Well I'll kick this topic off because its something I have a lot of experience with.

Zaffar and I (note the excellent grammar) had a manager at chapters named Matt Bray. Matt Bray is Latin for ASS HOLE. He was ok when he hired me, but over the course of 2 years he became a little bit more of a prick each shift until he became a complete shit head and a terrible manager.

The upshot of it all was me and him had a "disagreement" as he felt I shouldn’t talk to other employees on shift. Can you imagine that? How do you work without talking to co-workers? So we proceeded to agree to disagree and he felt I should no longer work at the store.

So on my way out I decided to tell him he is a shitty manager, doesn’t have a clue what he is doing and that none of the employees like him (including his co-managers), which was all 100% true. Eventually most of the remaining employees quit on him, yet he got a promotion. I still think he is a shit head and to this day cant stand him.

Best Matt Bray moment was when Branded was called to the managers office where Matt told him that he was writing him up for having his shirt un-tucked, to which Brandon replied "you called me up here for this shit" and walked out of the office. Matt tore up the write up and Brandon became the hero of the store.

Sad part is I really loved working there and every time I go into the bookstore I remember how much i loved that job.

I have more shitty manager stories but that’s it for now.

BTW my manager now is one of the best I’ve ever had.

Later Days

- Pan

Anonymous said...

Having worked with zaffar and momin under the tyranny of matt bray, i can also vouch for him being a total aaasshooole. props to momin for telling matt nobody liked him! and unfortunately i never witnessed brandons heroic moment, just heard about it. i loved working at chapters! and by working i mean chatting with my supercool co-workers. it was good times! too bad that place went to hell though.

sixth lie said...

oh matt, all the ways i hate you and your little dog too [stacy].

we should start a who hates matt bray website. then plaster the link on his car.

Anonymous said...

you and your topics... can someone be more creative n weird at the same time>???? trick question... hahahaha

guess who

sixth lie said...

well, no they can't. ok. seriously. who is this?

commenting without a name is one thing, but don't taunt us. that's just cruel.

Anonymous said...

I suppose it's a good thing that i didn't take the job at Chapters then... I have a short temper with shitty managers. I met some managers Scott and Kevin... Sound familiar?

Oh yeah, and those were some really ugly cars you found Zaffar.