October 20, 2005

28th - you are free to do as i tell you...

[disclaimer] - this blog is based on a collection of personal and non-personal experiences. there may be references pretty close to what you may or may not have encountered personally. if there are any similarities and you feel i'm judging or poking fun or being an asshole, this may be a good time to reflect on your doings as i'm not the only person who feels this way. note - you can stop reading now if you think you're going to get offended or pissy or feel the need at the end to call me. seriously, i'm not gonna hold it against you.

i hate this week. it hasn't been a good one in any sense. i've been tired. i've been cranky. someone ate my cereal. i've had no caffeine [since detroit] and i haven't done anything fun [i've been working every single day for the past two weeks almost]. you'll excuse me if i sound a little short.

i've decided i need a vacation. i'm planning to pack a few clothes into my bag and head over to peterborough. a small town inhabiting some eight thousand people. a few of which are my mates. so i'm planning in dropping in on them tomorrow, if it's ok with them, of course. we'll see. there i shall be be [if i go] till sunday. so i'm blogging now because i'm not doing it from there. however, if anyone from there reads this, then i guess the cat is out of the bag. call and let me know if i can come. [i've already contacted all applicable bosses and copped out of work. i had to use some pretty shitty excuses but it got the job done. if it didn’t, i'm fired. whoopdie doo]

ok, now on to the actual blog bit. today i'm going to talk about a subject i wouldn't normally touch with a ten foot poll. you guessed it. the whole issue of love and relationships. [inspired by various people and one person saying, "why don't you write a blog about PDAs?" here you go hadia]

relationships are a good thing. they're a time to explore a person other than yourself [not a masturbation joke but that fits too] and it's a chance to learn and grow and all that good stuff. it's also a good chance of becoming a better person because you get to witness first hand, the effects of all the stupid things you did and how it affects other people. you also learn about being happy even when you feel like shit because your partner is happy and you learn about compromise and you learn about guilt. also, you will learn a lot about what kind of horrible, insensitive, selfish, uncaring excuse for a person you are. oh, and you learn about guilt. did i mention guilt? lots about guilt. so relationships are good, in general. then people get involved and ruin them. here's how.

if i'm fighting with my girlfriend. it's none of your business. don't interject with your opinion. nobody cares. at the same time, we shouldn't be having random fights in front of everyone. furthermore, if you're fighting with your boyfriend don’t go telling everyone what an asshole he is. it doesn't solve anything and makes the "finally, meet my boyfriend" type events very uncomfortable. dirty laundry belongs in a washer, not in bowling alleys.

have respect for one another. its important. her feelings are as important as yours. so when she has an issue with something you've done. don't throw something she's done that's worse. we don't forgive. we kinda let things slide until we can use it to hurt the other person or when we feel we're cornered about something. don't do that.

don't lose your head. i've heard the whole "dive right in" and "leap of faith" bull and i'm glad for those masochistic people who found new ways to hurt themselves. putting faith in something is fine. nothing wrong there. i encourage it. BUT losing all common sense it not. be realistic and take your time. if you're in love with a goat and you've thought about this long and hard and they goat feels the same way, i'm happy for both of you. i'll even buy you a nice wedding present. but if you're in love with a wall and just have to nail it [see, puns aren't funny caboose] it's not realistically possible. i mean, where would you sleep. be realistic in what you expect from your partner and the people around you.

a request. when you're in love and all is good and sunny in your world. don't come and bore us to tears about it. some of us are single and have not yet [or ever will] experience the joys you're experiencing. some us don't want to. please, show a little respect for the people around you. we have feelings too and gag reflexes.

which leads me to my blog discussion. PDAs. my opinion - little public displays of affection are fine. so, grabbing your girlfriends hand for a minute while you're in the mall or giving her a small hug or kiss is fine. good for you. you're expected to do that sorta thing. those are the signs we look for when we're wondering if you're a couple or not. but don't be gross about it. rubbing up on each other in the mall, making out on the subway, calling each other every edible food you can imagine is not acceptable. it's shit that nobody wants to see. if you really love each other that much and can't keep your hands to yourself, then the mall isn't the place to be. get a room or a backseat of a car or a bathroom stall. i don't care and there, you can do whatever you want to another. hell - moonwalk, jesus style for all i care. bring the goat too. just not in public.

this goes the same for gay people too. i don't care if you're liberated and free and you feel like i'm trying oppress your love for one another. not in front of my face. you get the same emotion from me as all the other people in love and that's apathy. feel free to do whatever you want. be as gay as you want. not in front of me. same rules apply to you as straight people and you goaters too.


p.s. get your "in love" buddies to read this and defend themselves.


Anonymous said...

Wow. zaffar writing a blog about relationships! didn't think i'd live to see the day. surprisingly it actually makes a lot of sense tho, so good for u zaffar! and i agree with the PDA thing. cannot DEAL with over the top PDA. like it reaches a point where u'r just showing off. and am i crazy or was this blog not at all as offensive as zaffar anticipated it to be? or maybe i've just become desensitized to all his offensive comments?

Mr. Horse said...

"a request. when you're in love and all is good and sunny in your world. don't come and bore us to tears about it. some of us are single and have not yet [or ever will] experience the joys your experiencing. some us don't want to. please, show a little respect for the people around you. we have feelings too and gag reflexes."

Amen to that brother!

Anonymous said...

That was surprisingly unoffensive... I'm proud of you Zaffar. If someone was in the mood to see teo people macking on eachother, they'd rent a porn, simple as that. Excessive PDA bothers me... too many people I know do it, and it's annoying...

When trying to walk down the halls at school, it's aggravating if you decide to stop in the dead center and hardcore makeout for 7 and a half minutes. Some Yorkers have the decency to take over an abandoned classroom for that.

Anonymous said...

Buddy, this didn't cheer me up. You did not deliver the goods you promised. Besides, I'm not the one in love, you are. *yawn* Oh yea, are u becoming a softie? *poke poke*...

sixth lie said...

my affairs with mome and bob and the goat and satan are none of your concern.

i am generally pda free - minus the mild groping. but sometimes it can't be helped.

Anonymous said...

good piece of work.. i hope u find ur "the one" soon!.. and yeah some good pointers..

keep up the good work ..