November 29, 2005

38th - blog of the century

i'm at work. it's an IT day for me which means i press a few buttons and other than that sit on MSN and blog all day.

im really depressed. i'm going to talk about it. for those that gasped, yes, i'm going to talk about my feelings. try not to go into shock.

hadia - if you're going to call and ask me about this, i'm going to read this blog back to you.

there are lots of mitigating reasons for this bought of depression i'm going through. teenage angst might be one of those, even though i'm not a teenager. i never really went through an angst phase. you guys would know better than i would if i did or not. did i? the ones who've known me for a while. not the randoms.

however, if someone can explain the wee anxiety attacks [not full blown], that would be lovely.

as a quick note - thanks to all the people putting up with my random mood swings, being out of contact, etc.

i don't think i've ever been this upset about anything before. even when i'm alone or playing video games or part take in some other mind-numbing activity and push it all out of my mind, i feel shitty. even songs on the radio are managing to depress me.

this is not a healthy state of affairs for us.

yea, so this will probably be the last time i ever write a blog like this.



Anonymous said...

You were never really an angsty teenager, but like I said before you do have a lot of bones to pick.

Family puts up with moode swings, thats what makes us family.

For the record, you didnt really talk about your feelings, you just talked about talking about your feelings. But for you thats HUGE.

Hopefully its just a phase and it'll pass. If not Im always listening when you need to talk, and set you straight, cuz you know Im always right. ALWAYS.

Canada has more Canadians per capita than any other country in the world.


Anonymous said...

awwwww poor u! hope u feel better. dont worry everyone gets sad once in a while... but i cant even imagine u being depressed!!! take care :) if u need anything leme knw

- guess who

Anonymous said...

awww... i dunno wat to say - never known u to be like this. i just hope that it all works out and life becomes good (or close to it) again for you. always here for you, we all are.

Sarah Q. said...

lol the real question would be to this "guess who" individual. Now if im not wrong ... we really dont know who you are yet. lol. How is the poor depressed little boy supposed to let you know if he dosnt really know who you are? Just a thought. lol.
(i donno....dont mean to be the pooper but hay ... lol)

Anyhow ... I'm sure that little dose of Narnia cheered you up a bit. Gotta finish that game b4 sunday....i think thats when its due.

Anonymous said...

dude! time for a new blog. sick of looking at this one about your feelings. suddenly you want to share ur tormented feelings now, wht's up with tht? is this part of the christmas spirit...or because of the holiday season...or something along those lines? honestly... stop wallowing!!!
**time to put up another angry rant of a blog**

Anonymous said...

its funny sarah i thought u knw me... especially when we have so much in common :P

- guess who

P.S. z is you want to talk to me. just reply and i will make sure i am there for u :)

Anonymous said...

heh, I didn't find this depressing blog shocking -- is that shocking? You weren't exactly angsty but you've had your bouts of depression. They were interesting. I remember at least 2 of them actually. Now that I think about it, this blog is even less "shocking". Dude, you're human. You have feelings. Get over it. Besides, you're the least you when you're actually and truly happy...

Oh, as always I want to fix all your typos so badly...

P.S. Click on my name, maybe it'll cheer you up some more...