November 12, 2005

34th - culting...

pictures [left] - november tenth, two thousand and five. trent doing his thing. these were done with 1 second shutters so they're a wee motion blurred. also, the grain is because the iso was set to 800, if you're gonna ask later.

hello all things living, dead and in-between!

this has been a really messed up week. it's been good and bad but mostly ended up being wicked!! note - i realize this choice in formatting wasn't the best idea but it's too late now. the blog must go on. we can over look this small hiccup. wow, i've got quite a few things to blog aboot right now.

the NIN concert was friggin incredible. so good. they really know how to do a show. death from above 1979 and queens of the stoneage were there as well but honestly, who really cares? concert was unreal. also, they've been declared the biggest band this year. album and tour wise. yes dori, that includes bigger than u2. spectacularly bigger. somebody make sure dori reads that.

picture [left] - i like this picture. i have no idea why it reminded of lenny kravitz. i apologize to all those people who wanna kill me for saying that. i think lenny's done that pose somewhere. stupid lenny kravitz! anyway, another picture of trent. you guys notice her shaved his head. i don't care but chicks seem to. the artist can't just be talented.

a lot of stupid shit happened this week included wednesday and thursday where i suddenly transformed into a blond chick. i destroyed a bunch of slides at work. i left some equipment on site [luckily the contractor saw it and picked it up] and i dropped a three hundred dollar lens. but all of that pales in comparison to the NIN concert, which was awesome, if i didn't mention it already.

picture [right] - ok, getting good pictures was hard considering we were in the 300s. but i like this picture the best. i also got some cool video.

last night, when i was driving home, i was on the 401. anyway, i was going around 120 when i hit one of those downhills and i wasn't paying attention and by the bottom of the hill i was going about 140ish and i realize and decide slowing down would be a good idea. i check behind me and i see these lights really close and this 4runner passes me. but not like vvvvvvoommmmmmmmm....but like VOOOOSHH *gone*! scared the shit out of me. suvs should not be able to go that fast. it's scary. i would be jam if he hit me and i don't like jam.

ok - i really should be getting ready for my shift at FS right now but i wanna finish blogging first. working from two to nine tonight. i don't want to, but i figure what the hell. new manager. might as well make a good impression. plus, his name is peter pan. plus, i get to harras anita for a few hours and i haven't gotten to do that in about two weeks.

picture [right] - i like this picture. its cool. those little yellow things are lighters.

speaking of anita and her doings. anita and my sister went to a meeting together which nadia was invited to by some woman at the bus stop. seriously, she needs to start being more paranoid. anyway, they went to this meeting with twenty to twenty-five people in some random location and it turned out to be a cult thing. hahahaha. how cool is that. my sister, the cultist. the same sister who gave me grief for an hour when i annouced that next year i will be starting my own cult just to see if i can. note - also, on that list is asmar's mom. she thinks i use my evil talents for good. i don't know if that possible. i have predisposition to evil behaviour.

picture [below] - maybe this was just a mistake i made. but look at his nose. what the hell is that?

last night, i got home a wee before two and around three, i figured its time for bed. someone disagreed with me. 330am, my phone rings. vin and her friend went out for burgers and their car wont start. it's sad that it's a double standard. if it was a guy, i would have gone, obviously, but i may have taken a bit more time to put on some socks and maybe grab a snack. i'm sorry. but none the less, so at 340, i leave home. turned out all the car needed was a boost. CAA memberships are important.

more clumsiness from me. i got home and went to asmar's house because i found some drink and i wanted her to try it. banana cola. i got there, parked, took my key out of the ignition and locked the doors and got out and closed the door to realize that i left my door key in my jacket pocket in my backseat. it's so embarrassing. that's twice i've done that. i need copies of my key. i had to call dad and get him to come over so i could use his CAA membership. sucked. he's not gonna let me forget that anytime soon.

we need more banana cola. i should have really bought more than one bottle.

ok, i should get to work. i'm not gonna be late.

be good.


p.s. didn't have time to proof read this so ingore grammar and spelling. thanks


Anonymous said...

Yep yep...
NIN was INSANE! We HAVE to go to another concert of theirs.
And the comment about girls caring about his hair...I didnt mean that he was no good because he buzzed his hair short. He's still goddamn hot! I just liked his semi-long hair...the way it is in all his With Teeth promo pics. I liked his old hair too. Just this buzzed look makes him look like someone out of Prison Break (not that that's bad either...coz Wentworth Miller and Dominic purcell are hott!). And anyway.... I liked NIN and their music LOOOONG before I thought Trent Reznor was hot... i mean... it's a fairly new development in comparison to the length of time I've loved the band and their music (the band = Trent Reznor ...i know... other musicians put in their input too, but Nine Inch Nails is ALL about Trent Reznor - the music, the image and the emotion!). My point was definitely the music and the talent that I adore...the crazy obssession developed afterwards (when I realized that I have a thing for broody, creepy, emotionally disturbed men!...oh..did i mention "goth" and "rockstar" in that list...?!)
But yeh...was SUCH A FRIGGIN' AWESOME show! Thanks for the pics... was re-living the concert this morning.

Anonymous said...

PS: All Hail Trent Reznor (DAMNNN he's SEXXXXY!)

Anonymous said...
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Shiplass said...

Lucky! Dang!! I wish I could have been there. It's been far too many a month since my last concert! Great pictures though!

Anonymous said...

wow!! awesome pics!!! seems you had a wicked time, yup. the real thing that sorta stuck......... banana cola!?!?!?!! ewww!!!!!!that sounds soooo gross!!! (i'm not really one for banana)

Anonymous said...

:) i'm glad you had a good time. I'm even more impressed witht he fact that your car madee that drive and back, that's super impressive.

seems like the concert was a blast, and for the 300 level yous till snagged some awesome pics! lol (noting the fact that you went through the rush entrance which let you sneak your camera in).


Anonymous said...

You said you would reveal the caramilk secret in this blog. I want the caramilk secret more than I want NIN... give us the secret!

Glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for waking you up to come help me with my car.... sorry!!!!!

Anonymous said...

DAMN GOOD BANANA COLA...mmmmmmmmmmmmm.....banana cola...i want some more...mmmm.

and yea...i'm glad you enjoyed the concert...but conclusion, you're a dumbass.

but you do know how to pick good drinks. thank you dumbass.

Anonymous said...

Let's see where do I start. I mean you're coming home at flippin 3am and then u decide that since u were lucky the first time, mind as well take another chance and see if u get killed the sencond time around. No offence to Vin. Helping a friend is totally fine. When you're a scrawny wimp as u most certainly are, u take someone w/ u. At least that way there's more protection in numbers or better yet Mansoor is good enough for all. Future reference I will kill u if I find out u were out again. I heard about the crap that goes on there. Don't think for a second that b/c I'm far away you're free or something. I love u too much and I would like for u to understand that physical strength is not something u possess. Anywayz glad u had fun at the concert. Maybe we can go to an our lady peace one. U2 was flippin awesome too. Don't sell em short. I didn't know the words to all their songs but I enjoyed the show. They really know how to put on an awesome show. Anywayz please be careful. Love u and miss u. Later.

Concerned Sis

sixth lie said...

wow...concerned BURN!

hadia, i was at asmas til 2ish. i wasn't out galavanting randomly. mome and asmar and etc can verify for that. wait, mom and dad can verify that. they were with me! punk..wHAT!

that burn was not appreciated. i'll get you for that.

Anonymous said...

But honestly Z, hadia's right... u need someone with u when u go out that late. Hell...even I can kill more people than u can. U need to be careful!

(bwahahahaaa....U got told on ur blog...i love it!)

Anonymous said...

Some of us are still waiting for the Caramilk secret here...

Anonymous said...

My favorite part was the "Anywayz glad u had fun at the concert" as if she didnt just threaten to ruin your life. Yes, he was with me until 2 or so.

And thank you courtney for pointing that out, I too await the secret.................mmmmmmmmmm Caramilk bar.........Im gonna get one right now.

sixth lie said...

i'm still waiting to see some ninjas before i give the secret up.

if there are no ninjas by my next blog, i shall give up the secret.

Unknown said...

ninja's are cooler than pirates

Sarah Q. said...

Oh dont even go there...Pirates are so much cooler than ninjas! Please!!!!

sixth lie said...

n-word hush! pirates are way cooler than ninjas. especially when you add the possibility of space pirates.

i can't believe i'm agreed with sarah on something. the end is near...

sixth lie said...

i agreeed. scratch the "'m"


pirates are still cooler...

Anonymous said...

UHH...NO! Ninjas KICK ASS (literally!!). Ninjas are so cool...and bendy...mmmm :). ANyway... pirates are cool..when they come as Johnny Depp. yummm....

sixth lie said...


Sarah Q. said...

ya ... that really was dirty lol

Anonymous said...

HEY! It wasn't meant to be! u guys are gutter-brains!

sixth lie said...

it's all the cousin lovin. causes gutterheadness...

Anonymous said...

man look like sooooo much fun!!! i missed the damn thing!!! nice picz

-guess who