November 8, 2005

33rd - i couldn't decide between, "suck it caramilk ninjas!" or "peter pan replaces wicked witch of the fobs!"

picture [right] - how cute is she? today's photos are from eid. sacha took these pics. they turned out wicked.

hello all!

i feel good. ok, for some reason i feel a wee nervous. yea, i don't get it either. could it be the NIN concert? my impending doom? the fact that i had to loiter around FS today knowing that my department manager hates me and kept giving me looks while i was talking to the store manager? i dunno. i'll post when the feeling goes away. anyway, a few things.

one, why does my tiny car have the biggest keys possible? is it over compensating? i've noticed this with a lot of cars. tercels have the biggest keys. my dad's car however has tiny little wee keys. goes to show, guys design cars.

so, i'm really enjoying metric. i was bobbing along to dead disco all day which is sad because i know only six words from the song. nonetheless, thanks sacha.

GOOD NEWS - guess who isn't my department manager anymore. that's right. tammy. she mounted her broomstick and flew over to cash. she's their problem now. i feel bad for cash but i feel even better for me. our new manager is named, get this, peter pan. i wonder if he's heard all the jokes? i doubt it. ms. harder said the same thing ["welcome to geography. i am ms. harder. yes, i've heard all the jokes about my name. sexual or otherwise." "wanna bet" was my reply. yea, we didn’t get off on the right foot"

picture [left ] - more news. as most people already know, i've retired my camera for family events. but sacha is filling in the void of my genius photography work pretty quickly. punk.

MORE GOOD NEWS - arrested development is back. there were two brand new episodes on last night. of coruse, i missed them both but that's not the point. it's back so i'm not stuck with only one show to watch. also, prison break was on last night. mondays aren't that bad anymore.

BAD NEWS - i went to two different futureshops today and got wicked deals on my speakers. then i decided to only use one set of speakers. the second set requires custom work to install so not bothering with that. since i was supposed to get someone speakers for their birthday, i'm passing them along to them. see, a practical present. ok, that wasn't bad news. this was the bad news. i had to go to one FS to get the speakers and then to my FS to get them installed and they got swamped so my appointment got pushed to tomorrow after work.

picture [right] - i think this is the best picture out of the set. yes, i know her mouth is wide open but she's a baby. you can overlook that. this picture is the best one. there is no debate about it. who's going to dare challenge me on this? admitidly, the picture below of chicky and anisa is also very cute. she reminds me off boo from monsters inc for some reason. i brown version.

"those who can't, teach. those who can't teach, consult. guess which one i am.

anyway, new blogs to read. everyone check out the bookmarks on the side and visit these blogs. is there anyone's blog i'm missing.

more news - while driving on the 401 today, i figured out how the get the caramilk in the chocolate so neatly. now, i wanna see some ninjas. i'll reveal the secret in my next blog. yes, i have too much free time on my hands. suck it cadbury! the secret will be out soon.

picture [below] - more cuteness. you think i'm turning soft.

alright, so this was more of a news update than a blog. whatever, enjoy.



p.s. touchy people. should they be touched? or put up with? or touched again and again and again until they stop being so touchy or kill themselves, whatever comes first?


Anonymous said...

just gotta love that song...if i start singing that in my presentation today and have it stuck in my head--keep ur eyes open, and maybe checking behind ur back would be a good idea... lol :P ... touchy people... i think its them who should get used to it. dont constantly touch em so u push them to insanity but a lil nudge every so often wont hurt ;)

Anonymous said...

Personally i think that first picture of the child is better than the mouth gaping open one. so yes im challenging u on that. and, face it you definitely have gone soft. ur just soft and in denial. touchy depends how touchy they are. if they're crazy touchy ya dont like force them to suicide but if they're semi-touchy they probably need some messing with to keep em in check.

Anonymous said...

aneesa is adorable...:)
(ANEESA not ANISA..ugh.)

you're touchy.

sixth lie said...

i'll touch, that sounded much more threatning and not so dirty in my mind.

you're fat - what's your point?

Anonymous said...

the hell, z? stop touching people u dirty pervert!
yes, aneesa is SOOOOO bloody adorable...and SO photogenic too. Sumi looks SOOOOOO cute in her little red dress. they're such pretty little babies! (sumi reminds me of my sister when she was a little kid...awww).
Anyhoo, back to the crap-load of assignments that make up my life right now ...GARRRH -- the madness never ends.

(there i commented, happy now...u can move onto a new blog now!)

Anonymous said...

not even gonna go there...*shudder*

Anonymous said...

aneesa really does look like boo from monsters inc in that last pic!
and the spoon picture is fantastic, she has the adorable-evil thing happening with it, like she could charm you with those little dimples or bite off your head! lol, she must get that from you zuff :|

and whats the caramilk secret?

Anonymous said...

well all kids are cute... and they dont even have to try!!! and yest he kids open mouth pic is cute but the other ones are BETTER... challenge :) hahaha... keep it up z

-guess who