November 7, 2005

32nd - nobody out-crazies ophelia

hello all

it's 10am and its the start of another week. oh joy! i actually have been to work already only to find the contractors sitting around because the building superintendent didn't bother to give the residents notice because he didn't get paid his overtime yet. asshole. there are too many dependencies in this job. so now i'm home to pick up a few things and headed to the office in about 30 mins. i figured i might as well blog while i'm here.

before i go one. EID MUBARAK! and HAPPY DIWALI! i meant to blog on those two days but never got around to it. didn't do much for diwali. eid however was fun. had [sister], nome [brother-in-law] and asima [sister-in-law] came up for eid. it was fun. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - asima is no longer a punk since she visited. i will be taking suggestions for a new nickname.

i got my car! yay! it's a hand-me-down [this means free!] 91 corolla ls. it works. i'm happy. plus, did i mention it was free? thanks to my cousin who now owns a wicked gold/grey 2006 accord.

car related. this is funny and scary. in october [the 12th] i posted, "vomiting sunshine and sweet nothings". in it i had posted some pictures of some fugly cars me and andy say on our way back to markham. anyway, we went to pick up my car from the mechanic and i saw a picture of the golden civic de sol with the floral print [refer to that blog for image]. turns out that mechanic is the proud owner of that car. i stress proud because . . . well, go see the picture. anyway, we didn’t think it possible but it's uglier up close.

yesterday i went through all my old paper work to organize and through out all my junk. it wasn't fun but it had to be done. i also updated my booklist to reaffirm that i a missing a lot of books and unfortunately in some cases, i have no idea where they are. here is the list of books i'm missing. some of them i know who has em. some of them arent on this list because it's been so bleeding long, i've forgotten about them. i want them back as soon as possible. or at least lemme know you have it so i know where it is.

good omens - neil gaimen and terry prachett

the alchemist - paulo coelho

lamb - christofer moore

life of pi - yann martell

a fine balance - rohinton mistiri

portrait of a killer - patricia cornwell

god of small things - arundati roy

american gods - neil gaimen

shadows of the empire - steve perry

all families are psychotic - douglas coupland

the vampire chronicles box set [1-4] - anne rice

harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban - j. k. rowling

lord of the rings box set - j. r. r. tolkien

so if you have any of them, or know where they are. lemme know. and there are others not on this list. also, new rule - none of my stuff is leaving until i get 90% of my books and dvds back.

last night, while talking to sacha online with gobs of acne grossness on my face. i ended up downloaded about 25 songs ranging from metric rolling stones to cypress hill. this might explain why i am the way i am. also, i think sacha is gradually becoming a NIN fan and that makes me happy.

which reminds me. NIN concert on the 10th! can't wait. it's gonna be awesome. nobody is to interupt my plans! except work but that can't be helped.

ok, i'm off to work. be good.


p.s. i've updated the links section. more access to blogs i find interesting.

p.s. topic - should ignorance be painful. if you say, yes - since it's not, should you take it upon yourself to make it painful for them?


Anonymous said...

Hey dude! I have ur Life of Pi (somewhere)...and I have Potrait of a Killer. And I have a few DVDs of urs!
Yayy for Sacha for evolving into a NIN fan! Yes...i said evolving... only those with a better refined taste in music enjoy NIN.
And about ignorance being painful...u're DAMN RIGHT it should be! Inflicting pain on people who are depends on the situation...if it's something small, then no! But if the ignorance pertains to bigger things, then YEAH! Besides, it's fun to inflict them get all squirmy!

PS: u have Aditi's 'Troy', and STILL have my Garden State (u see it yet?)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm should ignorance be made painful...i'm not sure how i feel about that. isnt the ignorant person suffering from lack of knowledge as it is? its not their fault if they're oblivious is it? wait unless u mean someone who's like really ignorant stupid, someone who says something retarded like 'all white people eat nothin but macaroni and cheese' or whatever. then yes that person deserves to suffer. by the by i dont have any of ur books but u definitely have some of mine! i want em back.....NOOOOOW.

sixth lie said...

shiv - no, i haven't seen garden state yet. i will do it tonight!

caboose - they're mine now....

Anonymous said...

I have your lamb somewhere...................and the book too.

NIN music is good, but some NIN fans can be pretencious in the "Trent reznor is god and evertying else sucks" kinda way. But still NIN is awsome and I'm sure the show will be killer.

Garden state is awsome, plus Natalie Portman is in it and thats always a supremee bonus.

Whats Ignorance? I'm sorry I dont know what that is.

Anonymous said...

ya, definately liking NIN :), no worries, i dont think i'll become a worshiper. i always got the impression that they were some angry metal freaky crazy band........ not that i ever heard them but the name certainly gives off that idea... in my opinion. bout ur books, i think u already know i have ur city watch(ers?), and didn't asma bajo lose ur PoA? or did u get another one?

sixth lie said...

what the hell is poa?

i think trent reznor is brilliant. but i dont think he's god. however, if it ever came down to it, i'd probablt sleep with him. a whore. i know.

yes, ssmq - i did know you have my city watch. i want THUD!

Anonymous said...

Hi All!!!

Now I have good omens. I'm sorry still reading it. I apologize. Oh and I'm also sorry I don't comment. Sorry there's never any time. Anywayz luv u lots & miss ya. Later.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to say I have none of your books and movies. Whenever I was talking to you about books you never offered to lend them to me, you always made me buy my own. I feel hurt.

Ignorance is already painful. Leave the ignorant alone.