November 25, 2005

37th - paranoid people think someone's out to get them. i'm not paranoid. i know someone's out to get me. i have names and details...

"look at this photograph / every time it makes me laugh / how did our eyes get to red / and what the hell is on joey's head"

this is an actual song. this is the opening verse to nickle back - photograph. up until now nickleback has been a mediocre to semi-amusing band but i think everyone reading here can agree, this was a new low. i'm not musically talented but i'm pretty sure if i pooed in my hand and flung it at all the wall, i might be able to get better lyrics than that.

another note - i'm a bit disappointed at the lack of part-taking in my last blog. it was such an wasy topic and as an added bonus, it would have caused such flaming. pity...

just got this news. my sister borrowed my car to go shopping or whatever. when she was leaving, she got in the car and was trying to start it but having little luck. she thought it was due to the half-key [the other hald is in the ignition] but after a few minutes of trying, she took in her surroundings and realized she was in someone else's car. priceless.

comments: [note - you is referring to me, not you]
one. you're so angry!
two. you've got a lot of bones to pick
three. you're blog isn't about anything. just you.
four. you're neurotic

one. cccording to some[one], i'm very angry. rest assured, i am not very angry or even angry. just mildly agitated. do i seem like an angry person. i know i rant and rave but it's only because i love and can't stand to see the things i see around me.

two. i do not! i'm just a keen observer of the world around me... ok, yea, he's probably right. he always is. bastard. i have a lot of bones to pick. which is why i have the blog. it's an outlet for my bone picking. it's relatively inoffensive and i get some interesting feedback from you guys.

three. let me make this very very clear just in case there was any doubt. my blog is about me and my selves. me, me, me, me, me, ME! clear enough?

i'm actually blogging because i'm on hold with customer service. "an associate will be with you in about two minutes. thank you for holding." they've got some strange concept of time. i've been on hold for about twenty minutes. sad part is, i've got a whole day of calls like this to make. after i'm done with these guys, i've got to call rogers and put up with their voice system. they billed me an extra 70 bucks for data. i have a data cable. you think i'm stupid enough to go use the stupid mobile browser?!?! then i gotta get some tires. as much fun as it is to drive around with bald tires, i think it's time i get some winters. then i get to call around looking for a bike model. i think i have some other stuff to do after that, but i don't remember.

four. SOMEONE had the nerve to call me neurotic. by definition, neurotic means, "a person prone to excessive anxiety and emotional upset" take a moment, does this sound like me? honestly, neurotic? i'm closer to psychotic that neurotic but even that's a stretch. there are so many things to describe me. neurotic isn't one of them.

IT'S SNOWING! i'm happy. i like snow.

ok - me go now.

be good



Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say your neurotic, cynical for sure, not neurotic though. I think as a pre-requisite for a male to be neurotic he must be bald/balding...think about it

Anonymous said...

People always slag on Nickelback and Im not sure why. Yea their must poppy fluff, but sometimes thats what you are in the moode for. Every one of their last 3 albums has sold millions world wide and every single they release goes to number 1. Lets face it, the masses love Nickelback.

Now someone is going to read that and tell me about some under cover band that makes "REAL" music. Then I'll look them up and like their music, so will others, before you know it they'll have a hit record and sell millions of copies of their album. And you know what the original person who told me to listen to their music is going to say? They are going to call them sell outs and start slagging them. People cant make up their damn minds. Good music is good music.

Yes I am always right, you know that. Ive been right about almost all my predictions that have to do with your life.

and lastly. "it's an outlet for my bone picking" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. That my firend, is way too priceless.

Mr. Horse said...

1) I like Nickelback. Most people don't, but I do and I actually liked that stupid line about "What the hell is that on Joey's head".

2) I'm neurotic, but you don't strike me as being neurotic.

3) That was hilarious about your sister in someone else's car.

4) I like the snow. I like winter. I think it's very pretty. What I do NOT like is driving in the snow. It's not fun.


sixth lie said...

guys, i'm not bad mouthing them. i said they were amusing. that song however, is terrible. i was even on edge complaining about it. i don't know how they let me on but they did.

Anonymous said...

wow so far everyone her likes nickleback, i want aware that this was a blog for people born without good taste. nickleback is just god awful. all of their songs sound the same, which is mainly what you get if scott stapp from creed (an equally crappy band) sang country music. I think its a damn shame that the nation that produced Neil Young could have fallen so far as to have Nickleback its top selling musical group. Somewhere a maple tree slowly weeps.

Anonymous said...

snow is pretty... :)

Anonymous said...

"nickleback is just god awful. all of their songs sound the same, which is mainly what you get if scott stapp from creed"

See now is it just me or is that not what you want from a band you like? A particular sound which you enjoy. Everyone hails coldplay as this great band which is revolutionized music, but most of their songs sound the similar to me, and I like Coldplay.

People like bands for a particular sound, whether its U2, Nine Inch Nails, The Eagles or yes, even Nickelback. So of course their songs sound the same, thats what they do.

And since when does me liking Nickelback mean I have bad taste in music. I have a wide range of musical taste varying all decades and genres of music. What bugs me is people who hate on whats popular in the music scene and think that their taste in some underground band nobody has herad of is gods gift to the music scene.

When the hell were you on the Edge?


Anonymous said...

"nickleback is just god awful. all of their songs sound the same, which is mainly what you get if scott stapp from creed"

See now is it just me or is that not what you want from a band you like? A particular sound which you enjoy. Everyone hails coldplay as this great band which is revolutionized music, but most of their songs sound the similar to me, and I like Coldplay.

People like bands for a particular sound, whether its U2, Nine Inch Nails, The Eagles or yes, even Nickelback. So of course their songs sound the same, thats what they do.

And since when does me liking Nickelback mean I have bad taste in music. I have a wide range of musical taste varying all decades and genres of music. What bugs me is people who hate on whats popular in the music scene and think that their taste in some underground band nobody has herad of is gods gift to the music scene.

When the hell were you on the Edge?


sixth lie said...

i agree with pan on this. i like all kinfa of music randing from NIN to sean the paul to kelly clarkson to dmx. i don' like the yin yang twins though.

but yea, people who dislike things just because they're media favoites or fads or whatever. for example, people who won't read harry potter because its a fad. fad or not, it's still good. same thing with music. if its a good sound for a few weeks, enjoy it. then, enjoy the next sound.

yes, i know i'm semi contradicting what i said about nickleback but i just don't like that one song.

mome - i was on the edge about two weeks ago in the morning. around 730ish. dean agreed with me.

Anonymous said...

ya im definitely not a fan of nickelback. dont like their sound, they bother me. and its not cuz they're popular. i like a lot of mainstream music and i agree with momin about how its so dumb that people dont like something cuz its popular. if its good, its good. who cares how many people like it or not. anyway i made the comment about zaffar being neurotic and he's such a punk for putting that up here cuz i already corrected myself and said neurotic was the wrong word and he was closer to being paranoid and in denial about that. and he's also in denial about being in denial.i think thats far more accurate.

sixth lie said...

sideways, caboose!

Sarah Q. said...

ok....I like nickelback. I dont think they suck at all. And people know 90% of the rock music i listen to is underground. Soooo ... psh!! Lets not go there aiite! lol. (ok maybe a little too much emotion there but u get the drift.)
C ya...

ps. And neurotic?? lol Everything else...but not that. lol

sixth lie said...

there is lots of things that fall into everything else. you're saying i am possibly paranoid, a cofee table, an emu, a three ring binder, pocket lint, and even perhaps milding disurbed. i think that's a few too many things for me to be, sarah.

Sarah Q. said...

pocket lint is a good one though....u gotta admit that lol :p (hehehe)

Anonymous said...

someone showed u aai :P

- guess who