November 3, 2005

31st - resignation from the human interaction thing...

i've been genuinely happy these past couple of days. nothing good has happened and some bad stuff happened but i've been happy. it's a rare occurrence. well, my happy mood, which has been going on since last monday is over. with the exception of halloween, which sucked and yesterday - i was happy. now i'm not. so, here it is. i quit.

it's been proven too many times that i don't play well with others so i'm just going to sit the next few rounds out. i'm just gonna keep my interaction with the human race to a minimum and see if they get along any better. it'll give me more time to blog.

since i've really got nothing to talk about, here's a list of dvds i don’t own and really bloody well should:

- star wars episode III - i don't it. the one day i had enough money to get it, i had no transportation and bussing over would kind of defeat the purpose of the seven dollars i'd be saving.

- star wars episode II - somebody [mansoor] borrowed it and lost it.

- batman begins - there isn't anything i can say here. i was working the day it came out and i'm sure by now i missed out on the free t-shirt

- lord of the rings - two towers & return of the king [extended editions] - i actually don't have the regular editions either. i had them but then i gave them to raza and now they're in saudi arabia. i just have the fellowship extended.

- indiana jones trilogy - i realized i had q's at my house for almost a year [maybe more] so i never felt the need to buy it. i do however, have the tapes.

another quick note - everyone who has books and movies of mine. can i get them back, please. or either let me know you have them at least. there's a lot so i'm not making any lists. i do want my constantine back since i only had it for like a day before it was borrowed.

on halloween, some kid got stabbed because he wouldn't give up his candy. there's two stupid things there. one, you asshole, you stabbed somebody for free candy you could have gone around and collected yourself. two, idiot, you got stabbed because you didn't wanna give up free candy. i'm assuming or hoping anyway that there was some other motive towards stabbing and killing someone. because if you're willing to kill over candy, i don't wanna know what else you're willing to kill someone for.

i like halloween and i get it. pranks are fun. but honestly, enjoying halloween by ruining for others is stupid. i love pranks but as long as at the end the other person is good and annoyed but can still appreciate the joke.

prison break is way too bloody good. i just saw the ninth episode and it was awesome. bad news though, its going away at the end of november and coming back in april. and scrubs and arrested development and incapacitated so that leaves me with one show to watch. smallville. and yes sunita, everyone [except haider, mansoor, others, maybe mome] hates lana. lois is so much cooler and better looking.

so, eid is being celebrated all over today except here. we're doing it tomorrow. which is a good thing. one - long weekend. two - hopefully, my mood will improve by then. three - i am so not ready for eid.

ok, i'm leaving. there's work to be done.


p.s. i understand that i make comments on my blog that are semi offensive or sometimes very offensive. if you have a problem with them, eat me, but if my comment is really bothering you, just call me on it, i'll be more than happy to discuss it with you. unless you're a flaming moron. then, maybe not so much.

p.s. today's topic. which race has the best racist jokes. [include jokes]


Mr. Horse said...

And that my friend is why I never lend out my DVDs to anyone. Also, I own all of the movies you listed except Batman Begins and TTT:EE. I have the regular version, but my sister has the EE. I bought Momin Batman for his bday so you and I can both just borrow it off of him. :P


Unknown said...

i am semi offended and very offended that you would call me, a person that stabs people for free candy, an asshole.

Anonymous said...

again, sorry i couldn't stop the lending chain, u know how it is...i hope ur mad, i'd be. oh, and iqster99, is that a joke?

Anonymous said...

i keep forgeting, sorry.
anonymous above --> ssmq :)