November 21, 2005

36th - thought showers...

ok, i haven't blogged in a few days now and i know how all your lives are empty without the blog. the blog makes everything better.

these past few days have been strange for so many reasons. good and bad.

ok, i think i told most of you this anyway but here i go, you know, for the record. a formal campaign has began to officially change the term brain storm to thought shower because people with brain disorders may find the term offensive. i don't mean to be rude but people with brain disorders aren't concerned with the term brain storming and more concerned with major league baseball stealing their thoughts. obviously, someone had the urge to complain about something and this is what they came up with.

"there is no 'i' in team but there are two 'i's in vinita, so fu*k you!" this was vinita's msn name which made me chuckle a wee bit. i'm sure she was probably plenty pissed when she wrote that but it's still funny. i never got around to asking her about. it may be a long shot, but i don't think vin enjoys team work much.

speaking on vin. guelph is very pretty. i don't much care for small towns and stuff. but i was visitng vin and we went for a drive around guelph. we went through some woods and and drove through a creepy very texas-chainsaw-massacre-esque type wood path and then quickly reversed the hell out of it on count of a huge creepy dog. then we went to see this lake vin kept hearing about but never saw, so we went. that lake is wicked. we were driving around the park and we ended up taking the car right down to the end of the marina. it was very pretty. then we quickly left due to fear of being locked into the park. apparently, on sundays everything in guelph closes at 430. there was also food and serious stuff involved in the visit but we should all leave with the memory, guelph is pretty.

so, a couple of days ago i was in the basement and i got called up for some reason and i bolted up the stairs. before i made it to the stairs i blacked out [got up too fast, i guess] but i was determined to get up there and kept pushing onwards and upwards [and always twirling, twirling towards freedom! sorry] and SMACK! head first into the door. it hurt.

alright, this happened a few weeks ago and then it came up a few days ago and it's been a lingering thought for a long time before that. people who come from other nations to canada and then bitch about how things are so much better back there. i would like especially make reference to people from hong kong because they're the only ones who do this to me all the time at FS. i'll be working and some dude will come and start asking me questions about a camera. after a while he'll pull out his camera and tell me about how much better this camera he bought a few months ago is than anything available in the north american market and how hong kong is so much more up to date with technology and this and that, etc. once he's made his point about honk kong superiority, he'll move on to the next category and harass me for another 45 minutes. they do this all time and the entire time they give that i think i'm so much better than you are because i'm from hong kong look. i understand you're proud of where you come from so here's a thought. go back to hong kong you asshole. why exactly are you here? was being waited on hand and foot getting too bothersome for you? and no, people from hong kong are not the only people who are like but at least most other self-superior people like the arabs have the decency to just stay in motherlands and treat outsiders like shit. why the hell do these people who are so proud of their nations come here and try to forcibly make sure we're all aware that even though you're living here in canada with a quality of living much superior to where you came from, things back home are still better. we don't care. i'm happy to be here. most people are happy to be here. if you're so unhappy here go back. so go back to hong kong [or wherever the hell else you came from] and have your tiny little eight megapixel camera the size of your thumb and shove it up your ass. you were a king there, go be a king.

note - this is not saying everyone from hong kong or other proud nations is a bastard. this does however apply to most of you. and you all know who i'm talking about so i don't expect some uppity cry-baby comments about how i'm being racist on my blog. i used people from hong kong as an example and because they're the ones that do it most to me but that may be because i live in markam.

note 2 - to anyone who's suddenly offended because they've seen people from hong kong on tv or have a single friend who's from there and isn't anything like that and is feeling the need to bitch at me. i live in markham. i grew up with nothing but chinese kids and the odd brown/black/white one so don't give me some ignorant shit about how i'm being ignorant. you've been warned.

in conclusion, if you're proud of where you're from. good for you. if everything is better there. again, good for you. if you insist on wasting our time telling us about it while we're trying to work and acting like you're better than everyone else [even though you're living in canada], go home.

and lastly, i'm quitting FS. it's too much hassle for low pay. and peter pan, our new department manager is way better than the previous. his communication skills are perfect and he really makes you feel like he's there to help. very sincere sounding [and if you can fake that, you're set!], very easy to talk to but his jokes aren't funny and he doesn't get any of our jokes. but he's cool. still quitting though. i need my weekends for me time. also for play time and sleep time and circle box time. but mostly for me time.

"cause no way it's ok / to get jerked for low pay / have to serve and obey / it's all work and no play"


p.s. props to cable who stood by his whiney opinion about super even though there was staggering support for bats. i declare bats wins. also, cable knows way more about comics than we do. all bow down to him. batman's still better though. sorry pal.

p.s. is it wrong to get people [friends, etc] to come in and buy fridges [120 dollar commison] and return them after i quit?


Anonymous said...

Ha, let's see what kind of reaction you get, probably not the "I'm going to kick your white-girl ass" response that I got from the nik character. Sometimes, I hate you Zaffar, but at least I hate you because of who you are.

I take it back... I only gravely dislike you at key moments. Whatever, I need another couple hours of sleep. Good luck with the quitting thing.

Oh yeah, and the Vinita with two "i"s just makes her sound like one person with a split personality. Still very funny though.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was one of ur meaner blogs.But honestly, no matter how stuck-up you think people from Hong Kong may be...their "pride" does not hurt anybody. If u wanna bash people...u should bash those who look down on others and are totally intolerant. Like the large numbers of kids I had to deal with growing up in Abu Dhabi who thought it was okay to torment my sister and me, and call us "kafirs"...they even spit on my sister once. That's just bloody rude! THAT kind of "pride" is the kind that should be bashed.

But yeah, your blog sounded a lot like ur friend courtney's....that blog u linked us to.

Anyway, I should go and visit Vin at guelph. (PS: Vin...if ure reading planning on crashing ur place next semester for sure...u better visit me soon though)

sixth lie said...

what do you mean it doesn't hurt anybody. wasting my time at FS hurts somebody. ME. when some jerk wastes an hour and a half of my life in which i could have been selling someone some useless shit they don't need, that hurts me.

Shiplass said...

*Is laughing hystericaly* You seriously ran into the door?? Hollycow! That is actually extremly funny. have strong feelings towards Hong Kong-ians. *nods gravely*

Anonymous said...

lmao, yeah I love team work, just not with kids from guelph!
"there's no I in team, but two I's in vinita, fuck you team". lol
thanks for the visit, 13+ years of friendship & when I need you the most you're there for me with the drop of a hat. All and all a very memorable afternoon/evening!

Courtney I do not have a split personality! Technically speaking you've known me the longest of anybody here, (kindergarten) and should be able to attest to that!

Shivy: yes, the ZQ and I are going to visit, you are more than welcome to crash my place whenever you please!

(yes i've avoided commenting on the real subject at hand zaff, it's more entertaining to see shivy rip new holes into people)