November 17, 2005

35th - unlimited doesn't mean endless...

people from rogers a bunch of shitheads. i want all of them, with the exception of three people that i know work for them who aren't bastards to be hung upside-down and taken advantage of by a large horse/shark type creature. twice. it'll be a different sensation each time. i'll deal with them today too.

so, a couple of days ago was haider's and bunty's birthday. happy birthday to them both. i was gonna blog on that day but never got around to it and i started this blog like three times and stopped because i just couldn't go on or something shiny caught my eye. by something shiny, i of course mean the game cube i've borrowed from amina. MARIO KART N-WORDS!!

over the past few days i reread most of my blog including the comments. i think this may have been the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me. "don't u now just feel a little more unoriginal than u already are?" i can't believe i didn't notice this zinger earlier on. this is the kind of thing that stays with you. i have no idea who this would be. it's just bitchy so that leads me to one person but she thinks blogs are so beneath her and people who have blogs are posers [i'm assuming posing to be people who keep journals] and trend whores [well, can't argue with that]. you know who you are.

ok, i wanted to mention this but i'm not sure how appropriate it would be and who's reading my blog. for all i know my dad is reading this to keep tabs on me. so i'm not gonna tell this story but i am gonna mention that i was very distracted at work yesterday. there was something i really wanted to see to but didn't. now, two of you know this story. don't spread it around or post it.

how many friggin people are in justice league unlimited. first one to give me a complete list gets a prize. same rules. must not be affiliated with DC in anyway, must live within fifteen minute driving range of me. but here's my actual question. half of them can fly, half of them can't. the ones that cant fly get jetted over to the site where they are needed. the others fly. now, i can't fly myself but i would assume flying requires some sort of effort [with the obvious exception of superman]. wouldn't they be friggin tired by the time they got to the site. and why is it that wonder woman, who can fly, flies the jet? and why does batman get his own private jet? yes, i know batman is the man [eat shit superman. batman has kicked your ass before and he'll do it again if you get uppity] but still, in the interest of equality. and i thought the justice league cartoon was for kids. wonder woman, while talking to the atom says, "i need both my hands" and sticks him in her cleavage and i could have sworn he had a grin on his face.

i know everyone has been sized up by someone but have you any of ever been sized up by a banker? i think it's more intrusive than getting a physical by someone who really enjoys their work. it's not fun. avoid it if you can.

alright, time to go do work.

later days


p.s. there isn't enough flaming in the world.


Anonymous said...

Gimmie a prize punk because here is your complete history of justice league unlited members punk In your face. That being said I dont want your stinking prize because knowing you its creepy and weird.

That being said,I completely agree with you on the flying in a plane vs flying yourself theory. ANNND Your damn right Batman kicks ass.

"P.S. ther is'nt enough flaming in the world" There is when you wear those clothes you wore on eid.

Im done


sixth lie said...


i meant flame wars as in people insulting one another online for no good reason.

you just had to bring eid into this. i like my manboob sweater...

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE batman, But.. SUPERMAN doesn't get BEAT by batman.. Everytime they wanna increase batman sales, they have this HUGE event thing... the only way batman survives the fight is if he does something pathetic like throwing Lois off a building (see Batman #612) last month,Superman CREAMED batman, and would have KILLED him after that if Wonderwoman didn't accidenatlly find them.Can't remember the issue number, but I'm sure it's still in stores.Bats got his batbutt kicked and that was that. If Clark really wanted to, he could turn batman into a grease stain before batman could even blink.

sixth lie said...

oh, nobody likes lois anyway.

batman is still cooler than super. plus, he's the only one whos technically human. superman is a pansy...

Anonymous said...

Hey z...
if u think batman is cooler, u need to back ur opinion up to cable...coz looks like cable's done his research!
I like batman...well..coz he's all dark, mysterious and tormented...i like that kinda thing. It's hot.
But why do u think batman's better?

Anonymous said...

I have love for both superheros, but most people know batman is by far my favorite and I'll tell you why. Because he is the one super hero who doesnt have any super powers. If you break it down Batman is just a rich guy who is really fit and has brains and resources. His real power is the ability to out-wit and out-smart people.

And yet while having no super powers he runs with the Justice League, a league full of super powered super heros. He not only runs with them but he funds them too. He doesnt need to be taken care of either, he holds his own and usually does most of the mental leg work for the team.

So no super powers, but holding his own in the super hero world is why batman is my favorite and the best.

Sarah Q. said...

Alright ... that was a good explanation and i dont deny it. Batman is wicked but come on people....SUPERMAN! Geez! He is the ultimate super hero. THE ULITMATE. And my husband lol. I'll kill lois if i have to. (shut up...dont go there lol)

Anonymous said...

Clearly Batman is a bigger badass than Superman. Batman, he's human, works hard to keep in shape and up to date in technology to fight crime and he is messed in the head cause of a scarred childhood. All Superman needs to fight crime is energy from the sun...wheres the fun in that?

To defeat Batman you need to stay sharp and beat him mentally before you can beat him physically. To defeat Superman all you need are green pebbles...pfft

and plus batman has waaay better stories (dark knight returns, long halloween, and every episode of the animated series)

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Batman / SUperman debate. Batman is by far the coolest. He had better villians, he himself was a better hero (for the above mentioned humanity and strength and intelligence) and he had the cooler animated series. That and Harley Quinn.

Being a teller at the bank, I can tell you how heartbroken and hurt people lok when they ask you out to a movie while you're at work, you look over the screen and then turn back to them and say, "I assume we're going dutch on this one?"

Anonymous said...

batman is far better than superman. because superman is suppose to be "man of steel" how come he can stop bullets but nearly dies when he hits a wall. LOSER!!!!!!!!

- guess who

sixth lie said...

when did superman nearly die by hitting a wall? this is news to me...

Mr. Horse said...

Batman wins. Hands down. Nuff said.

(and I love Superman so it's not like I'm being biased toward Bats or anything.)


ps. JLU is not meant for kids.

Anonymous said...

Hits a Wall and WHAT? What are you on about? And I agree, batman DOES have the cooler animated series, and the cooler video games. I'm ashamed when I see the video games and movies for superman,AND he IS badass. But THAT'S not the point! JUST cos batman funds the JLA doesn't mean he can beat superman! yall might think he's a cool guy, but sometimes he's just a JERK! (I Still think he's awesome, but he can still be a jerk.) you read the books, then u know what I'm talking about. And he does that whole angst thing WAAY too much.
And BECAUSE he DOESN'T have any superpowers, he gets all paranoid, and plots ways to kill his buddies in the JLA... (Read Tower of Babel stortyline) Great hero HE is.. Imagine if YOUR best friend had intricate plans to murder you.

And Superman has a lot of amazing villians too.. Lex Luthor, Mxyzptlk, Brainiac 13, Imperiex, Metallo. Batman's stories may be grittier, but ALL his villians are OBSESSED with him. EACH and every single one of them. After a while that gets annoying. That, and the fact that Bats thinks he can take anyone on just cos he has many toys.

I repeat. In the end, you put bats and superman in a ring, bats is a grease stain before he blinks. End. Of. Story.

sixth lie said...

hey now! i've got intricate plans to murder all of my friends. doesn't make me a bad person.

he's a bit pissy, i can admit but overall, the batman franchise is way cooler than superman.

Anonymous said...

Well Batman can be portrayed as a jerk sometimes but thats the best thing about him, the character has so much depth he can be interpreted in so many different ways. Superman is Superman no room for interpretation there.