December 20, 2005

41st - my coke is colder than when i bought it...

edit - asmar says i'm not allowed to swear on my blog because sacha reads it. so fu*k you asmar and fine. by the way, sacha swears more than i do. have you ever had a conversation with that girl?

this will be my third attempt at blogging this.

mome told me this joke. how many kids with ADD does it take to screw in a light bulb?

LETS GO SWIMMING! bwahahahah. it's funny because it's true...

i'd like to start off by saying that the snow plough people who do my street are bastards. as are the garbage collectors. here's why:

ok, so thursday night was the big storm thing and on the whole toronto emergency services did a great job with snow and accidents and etcetera - i get up in the morning, early to shovel the driveway so i can get to work [had to be in by 8]. nad helped. i pull on an extra pair of trackies, multiple tshirts and a sweatshirt, 2 pairs of gloves and socks, my hat and my hood, put on my jacket and zip up. i'm ready to shovel. it's a storm after all. in about 5 minutes, i was sweating. anyway, spend about 2 and a half hours at this during which the snow plough comes and as expected blocks off my driveway [i like in the corner of my street so that blockade a about three times the size of a normal driveway blockade] which i clean off. after this, i take my sister to work, go inside, warm up, shower, get dressed [nicely, this was after all the start of my weekend] go outside to find a few thing things. one. emergency response is really good because they've already done a second pass. two. the garbage people did not pick up half my garbage which the previous snow plough run had buried in the snow. three. the second plough run had cleaned off that bit of snow containing my garbage and my garbage was now touring the street. four. my driveway is blocked by a wall of snow and garbage. five. i was a little pissed [not to mention clean]. i got to work at 12.

i'm tilted all the way back on a chair being shaved by a man i've only met twice in my life. he says to me, "you need to relax a bit" to which i reply, "you're holding a very sharp blade to my throat, the relaxing thing isn't going to happen". this got me wondering, do barbers say this to people as a joke or do they mean it? by the way, those towels burn.

so, last weekend was THE WEEKEND. it was awesome, minus a bit about cleaning. but nonetheless AWESOME!! vin's a punk and bailed on me however, still good. the storm didn't pose too much of an issue, i got there on time, ate some wicked food, hung out with some people i haven't hung out with in a long long time. it was good.

a list of places i ate.
friday night - cosmic charlies - i had the salmon. very very good. i think all their food is very very good. everyone should go there. incredible food. and eerily amzing dessert. i think think they put drugs in it. i asked but they won't admit it.
saturday morning - smitty's - i had a quesadilla - i've only been there twice and it was very good both times. white people know how to make quesadillas. the people there are so white. they go into discovery channel mode when they see me.
saturday night - lynn garden - manchurian fried rice, crispy beef and scechzuan chicken - for all you guys who things lucky's and chopsticks are good restaurants, you don't know nothing. eat here. it's excellent. eat at lucky's if you want an out from work or generally enjoy dioreah [i can never spell this word].
sunday dinner - kilin - spicy salmon rolls, surf clam, white tuna sushi, california rolls, miso soup, maqrel, salmon sashimi, a bunch of other stuff - delicious. whit tuna taste better than normal tuna. maqrel taste like sick. surf clam is interesting. spicy salmon rolls are to die for or at least to kill for.

we went shopping on saturday which was a very stupid. why is around christmas people take on the mantra "it doesn't matter if i live or die or kill others, billy must have that toy!" OBEY THE FU*KING TRAFFIC LAWS! if you don't know the rules of a 4 way stop, don't fu*king drive. if you roll in behind the car in front of you who's right of way it was and you figured you could squeeze in so you don't have to wait fifteen seconds, i hope something big, like a hummer hits you [a hummer's gotta have some use in a city]. waiting for five seconds for your turn won't kill you. in fact, it'll probably save your life. as for the asshole who drive over the curb and sidewalk to nab a parking spot. enjoy syphilis.

you know, i never really had a rage issue until i started driving. now i wish death upon everyone who gets in my way.

nonetheless, my weekend was fun. i even got some cricket in on sunday night.

by the way, i have some mild to semi-serious food poisoning. it was worth it.

yesterday, i did not feel well, so i was going to go into a work a bit later. that didn't happen. i went to go say bye to shiv, who's going home [abu dhabi] for the holidays. i have nobody to harass over the holidays. anyway, we hung out for a bit and then i left with mome and asmar to do some stuff, leaving my car at her house. her friend picked her up and they were off to the airport. around 330ish, i get a call saying the car broke down and i need to come get her and stupidly i went. after i got her luggage and her in my car during rush hour traffic, it dawned on me that i really should have just sent her a cab which would have been faster and the freak-out of her aunt calling me every ten minutes to see where i am wouldn’t have happened. i dropped her off at the front and took off to park. on my way back in, i asked the guard where the check in for klm airlines way. he said it was all the way on the other side, 'it's pretty busy, you better run." i look at him, "i'm muslim. i'm not running around any airport" he just laughed. thank god he laughed. anyway, she made her flight on time. it's a bit embarrassing being the very last person in a very long line-up. we're brown, it's kind expected, but then after about 20 minutes, some white dude came in behind us. we both felt better. then i came home.

on sunday morning around 11, i get a call from mansoor. he wanted me to come to the mall with him to look for phones for amina. he said it would take an hour. i stupidly decided to go thinking, 'it's just an hour and by brown time that's like 2 hours. no big deal' i got home around 530. i even ended up doing amina's cell phone activation myself on my day off from work. then i had to help some other customers while i was at it because i happened to be there. then some new kid whose bent of staying after the season is over asks me if i'll pass him the sale [i was going to pass it one of the guys who are on commission because its worth 40 bucks to them]. he's such a little snot. i've already told him, he's not staying after christmas because they're gonna ask us about him and none of us have nice things to say about him. he seemed offended by that, but his attitude hasn't changed any. then warren asked me, since i'm doing the activation why don't i just put it under my number. a thought which didn't even occur to me. so i did and i have 40 bucks now. hurray. then i had to scramble around and get back to the mall to pick up shiv and nadia. lots of fun.

oh, i've been tagged. this means i have to list five weird habit things about me. i'm going to copy and paste the rules from harley's blog. brb.

“The rules are: The first player of this game started with the topic "Five Weird Habits of Yourself," and then tagged 5 people, who then had to write an entry about their five quirky little habits, as well as state the rules of this game clearly, and then list the next 5 people they wanted to tag.”

i asked around a little and these seemed like the popular ones.

1. bathroom check - every time i enter the bathroom to do my businesses, i do a simple check. i flick on the light and the fan. i check the shower, the cabinets, underneath the toilet seat, any nook and cranny i've missed. i check the taps work. if i'm doing my doodies, i do a test flush [followed by a curtest flush and a final flush].

2. sleeping - as we all know, i barely sleep. i'm fine with this. other people seem to have a huge issue with this. lately i've been sleeping a lot more. not in my bed. i mainly sleep on the couch. either in the basement or in the living room. i haven't slept in my bed in i would gather over three months at least. sleep is for the weak.

3. new bars of soap - not really a habit, but it fits. i hate new bars of soap. they're awkwardly sized and the corners/edges drive me nuts. i don't use or touch new bars of soap.

4. morbid/spacy - this may come as a shock to some of you, but i can be a little morbid. i'll let you guys fill this one in in the comments section. i can also be a bit spacy and as shiv puts it, i go off on 'the most fu*ked up' tangents ever. she doesn't like my hypothetical stories that much.

5. txt msging - i send people weird text messages all the time. and most of your bastards. i do that when i'm bored and hardly ever get a reply back. asima has kept me company, manny has, shiv does, and i think that about covers it.

you guys can fill in anything i've missed. apparently people i asked for stumped with this as response, "what isn't weird about you?"

the people i chose are.

the porch of doom
sarah [that cell phone habit of yours better be in there]
sacha [who has a blog, i think most of you didn't know that]

note - for those who have a blog and don't have a blog. leave your five in the comments section and on your blog. just so more people can read it and think i'm not so screwed up. everyone else, feel free to leave your five as well. it'll be fun. i'll list people who i'm expecting. manny, vin, caboose, asima, nomi, bob, momin, amaan, asma, yalnee, haider, mansoor, amina, waleed, saddaf, sameera, halima [manny make halima do this] and so on and so forth. you all know who you are.

ok, this seems to be getting long enough as it is and i should get back to recouperating.

good bye folks.

be good.


p.s. people who say 'happy holidays' - don't you think you're ruining it for the people who actually celebrate christmas. it's christmas time! say merry christmas! why do people get offended by other people's religions. it's their happy time of the year, let them celebrate it without bringing your 'we're oppressed by christians' bullshit into it. so, happy christmas, happy kwanza, and happy hanukah. they're separate. treat them separately. don't bunch them into, happy holidays. and it's a christmas tree, not a holiday tree. what the hell is a holiday tree? only chritmas has a plant in the package.


Anonymous said...

Alright dude...just reached the Dhabi dot. It's sooo warm here,it's perfect (a little too humid)...but it's funny coz my mum n dad showed up in sweaters! parents make me laugh.
ANyhoo... first off..wanna thank u for saving me yesterday. I owe u! No..really...i oew u big time. Thank u SOOO much!
ANddd...thanks for coming shopping with me. I understand that u will NEVER again go shooping with me after I dragged u arnd for 2 hours on sunday looking for a handbag, but thanks anyway.
What family here is good if u wanted to know -- crazy as usual.
Oh yes, dessert at Cosmic Charlies...OHHH GOD..mmm!!
And finally...U TAGGED ME, u BASTARD? WHYYY? U know all the weird things abt me..and if there are some u's coz ure not supposed to.
Ok..will post another comment with them tmrw, ok? Just got's 3:27AM. So i must sleep, ok?
Have a good time in markham...PICK ON TAJ, or MOME...u pick on Vin anyway!

sixth lie said...

asma is so damn cool!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

why thank you zaffar, i appreciate that.

Sarah Q. said...

Alright here goes:
1. Making sure I have constant cell phone reception. Even when I’m not expecting a phone call. Yes I know its annoying to most people especially when I only get reception close to the ground in one small area and I get a call and actually answer it lol. Yes I know I know!

2. Making sure that opened applications on my start bar are in a specific order

3. Talking too much or not talking at all. No in between. I don’t believe in it lol (I donno. Don’t ask lol....its not even a habit. Its just a thing)

4. Making plans for the rest of the day in the shower every morning and forgetting everything the second the shower turns off.

5. Bags / purses … yes … that can be a habit. I cannot stop buying them. I don’t plan it … it just happens lol!

Alright NOW the people I choose areeee.....
- Asma
- Omar (Goshi - 4 those who are still weirded out by that)
- Billu
- Amina
- Momin

ps. This is OBVIOUSLY ganna be on my blog as well soooooo .... yah. You get it. =Þ

sixth lie said...

note - that was asmar commenting under my name.


01. note the times.
02. nobody thinks asmar much is cool, let alone damn cool. except for maybe yalnee. but everyone has their flaws. even empress yalnee.
03. i call asma, asmar.

Anonymous said...

fine, FINE. clearly, i made a few mistakes. lol. but i only wrote it because it's what is truly in his heart.

secondly, sarah, unfortunately the request for my list is not possible, i have no weird habbits, because i am flawless. everything i do that's "weird" at first, everyone else follows, which no longer makes it weird, it just makes it perfection.

okay maybe i have one. sometimes i am overly modest which tends to annoy people. :)

Anonymous said...

I feel odd doing this list thing since according to zaffar im "abnormally normal." but apparently not since i have a list.
1)I'm a reeally messy eater. My eating habits border on caveman-ish. Even weirder, when I was young I used to eat spaghetti with my hands. Dunno why.
2)Really bad at geography. as in i don't know where most countries in the world are and also couldnt tell u about streets over 5 mins away from my house.
3)I'm pretty comfortable with most subject matter and will talk about basically anything except pubic hair. Really freaks me out to talk about it..just disturbing.
4)I seem to have some sort of masochistic tendencies..I've realized all my friends/boyfriends I've enjoyed my time with the most are the ones who make fun of me relentlessly.
5)Weirdly enough, I'm also overly sensitive. Which makes no sense in conjunction with #4. I've cried over the stupidest shit ever and am quite easily offended.
Well I think thats it. Unless Mr.Zaffar has anything else to add which I'm sure he will

Sarah Q. said...

ok no asma. Theres really no crappin out of this. lol You and I both know your crazy weird fetishs and maybe you need to .... admit it! PUNK! lol I better be seeing a comment on my blog as well as here very soon!!!

Unknown said...

1. WWE (formerly known as WWF) - i'm one of the few educated, non-redneck, non-illiterate, non-whitetrash, non-fob people that watch wrestling. i know its fake. not sure why people would ever tell me that. guess what, everything on tv is fake: ER, CSI, and sorry to break it to you all 'reality' shows are too. i realise in the WWE there are musclular men greased up wearing almost nothing, and im not even close to being gay, but i still think its ammusing to watch them beat other other up and all the story lines.

2. msn - im addiqted. there i admit it. do i have friends? do i have a life? im on msn all day and usually before i go to bed too. but other than that i have friends and life

3. iqisms - i iqatize anything that i can. if there is a 'ick' or 'ex' or anything, i iqatize it. like i did with the word addiqted. not sure why i do it. oh wait i remember, its because my name was sorta awkward growing up because whitey would call me ickball (or dickball, stickyballs, itchyballs, etc etc you get the point) and pakis would call me one-hair. so i got tired of that shit so i started iqatizing everything and now i feel better.

4. Shower and Q-tips - i have to shower every morning, usually a overly long shower where i dont think and just waste hot water. after i shower i gotta clean my ears. i know Q-tips just push stuff further into my ears. but it feels good. if i dont shower in the morning and clean my ears i cant function.

5. Fake road rage - there are a ton of insanely dumb people driving that have no business having a drivers licence. apparently its not a requirment to look where you are going anymore. so to those people i will cuss at them. im not actually mad and it takes about 5 seconds for me to get over the fact that they are stupid. in that 5 seconds i manage to tell whoever is fortunate to sit in the passenger seat how id like to take a shot gun and blow the hole into the engine of the persons car.

Anonymous said... are my five weird habits/things...

1) I HATTEEE when people leave bags on the bed. I don't know...something to do with usually putting your backpacks and other bags on the floor everywhere (like when ure in the subway, people usually put their bags on the ground or the seats, and both places are extremely dirty). So, it's gross when bags are put on beds.

2) It drives me nuts when people sit on my blanket, but more specifically on my pillow. Don't know why again...i guess it has something to do with my territorial instinct...i hate people messing up my bed..! But more specifically, sitting on my pillow, gets me really irritated.

3) Most of my emotions, whether happiness, excitement or sadness, inevitably turn into anger. Especially sadness...that doesn't stick around for long. When i'm sad about something, instead of getting upset and crying or whatever, some defense mechanism kicks in and I go buck crazy with rage. Yes, bad rage problem.

4) I can be a ruthless sadist at times, mostly when I'm surrounded by annoyingly ignorant/stupid people. I take some sort of sick pleasure in making them cry by poking them constantly and ripping into them. Not too proud of this weird quality (really!!), but SOMETIMES, they deserve it!

5) I cannot stand the smell of celery. Yes yes, i've heard that celery doesn't really have any smell...but I can smell it. It smells weird. I hate it. Makes me nauseous. Celery smells GROSS!!

Ok, there you go! Now since I have no blog or webpage, i'm tagging the 5 ppl here (and they will be redirected to this blog so tht they can post up their 5 weird things). So..the 5 ppl areeee.... *drumroll*

5)Possibly Sumi...coz she's so cute!! =)

Anonymous said...

this is just in regard to Z's rant abt the way ppl can't follow traffic rules in Toronto. I'd like to make a special mention to all the fuck-wits that CANNOT drive in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. OMG...they're on a mission to kill EVERYONE on the road. It's MOSTLY the FRIGGIN' annoying arab-locals (the UAE locals), with their giant beast-mobile SUVs and drive like SUCH MORONS...and they have NO respect for ANYONE else on the road! Argh! Really ticks me off.
At least in Toronto there are laws that people USUALLY follow. Here, unfortunately, the people with money MAKE the law...and they're idiots!

(k, done venting now!)

Anonymous said...

ok, first off, why'd ya have to go an tag me?? there's nothing i'd find truly weird about the things i do cuz- well, they're just things i do! can't really help it, it comes naturally... i only notice things to be weird when i do it in front of ppl or tell them about it, but shortly after i usually forget the impression it may have left on them. so i dunno- i think its everyone else who should be tellin moi bout the strangeties i do. second, swear all you want!!! lol, wat'd it matter if i hear it - or see it- i know i'm younger than you and all but, yeesh! :P

Anonymous said...

do you think all your blogs make sense?

- guess who

sixth lie said...

i think most of my blogs make perfect sense.

what is your issue?

Anonymous said...


1. laughter - my inability to hold in my laughter results in a brain scraping exhaled snort.

2. speech - apparently, according to my sister, i have two manners of speaking.. there's pre-puberty bilu... and then there's mature and well-spoken bilu. maybe its the kid in me that refuses to let my voice decide its natural course... hmmm.

3. germs - handwashing rituals are something ive gotten down pat. get to the sink, turn on the faucet with semi-clean hand, grab soap with same hand, get those bubbles foaming all the way up to your forearm, rinse with near-scolding hot water... when fully rinsed, turn off the faucet with either your elbow or with a napkin/towel/cloth. dry hands with new napkin... use that same napkin to open the door knob, keep door open with your foot, try and shoot the soiled napkin into the garbage, release foot and let the door shut.... return to your seat without touching a damn thing (this includes the chair... use ur feet to pull it out).

4. acid-reflux - no matter how much im going to regret it the next day... i cannot stay away from getting thai food with a minimum of "Medium" spice level. thai medium is like paki hot.

5. celebrity killer - i have somehow been able to semi-predict the deaths of nour jahan, nusrat fateh ali khan, big punn, and most recently richard pryor. dont ask me how... its just a gift.