December 4, 2005

39th - you on the internet

picture [above] - i like monkeys. has nothing to do with anything.

picture [right] - i'll explain this later in the blog. this is anonymous.

this burger i am consuming at this moment tastes like rubber. mcdonalds is gross in general but it's even nastier cold.

ello people

first off, peter pan is the coolest department manager ever. i went in to work yesterday expecting to be put in the gone batshit bonkers category for asking for the 17th and 18th, the weekend before christmas off and he gave it to me. ok, he said i'd have to do him a favour, which was working today and next sunday, which didn't turn out too bad because people were just throwing money at us today. i made a wee over two hundred bucks. and so i'm two hundred bucks up, which i'll be getting on the 16th and i have for my weekend off. me, shiv and vin have big plans. well, not big huge, but big. you know wha- wait, screw you. i don't have to explain myself to you.

i am le tired. i was working till nine today. ended up being at work till a little before nint-thirty, which i didn't mind because i was helping some lady. then i had to go get my sister from her work and then drive back to my work to pick up my sister's friends, who are cashiers and therefore take forever getting out of work. i got home a bit past eleven.

picture [left] - this is asmar. creepy i know, they look so alike.

eewww. i just burped and had to experience a bit of that burger again. why do i eat these things. oh right, it's because i like to punish myself once in a while. makes everything balance out.

so, a couple of days ago, i was bored online so i did random google image searches. then i ended up looking for people's names. then i started doing the people who read my blog and i got some interesting ones. the interesting ones are posted here. my favorite one is at the top.

DO NOT search for "nome", it's disturbing. trust me. don't let curiosity get the better of you and go look now. i'm really telling you not to. trust me. this is kinda like the devil's rejects thing.

yes, so my last blog was depressing. i'm sorry. it happens from time to time. but as mentioned before, my blog is about me and my selves and one of my selves was bit depressed. we're better now.

picture [above] - this is bilu, as is mentioned in the picture.

random pointless sentence. see, random. no point to it whatsoever. told you. stop reading this sentence. you're an idiot. you're still reading this. wow, how dumb are you? stop reading this paragraph. it's about nothing.

picture [below left] - this is mome. well, actually moomin.

picture [above right] - this is manny. this has basically nothing to with any part of manny's personality that i know about. if anyone knows otherwise, let us know.

so, i'm working ninteen days in a row to get my 17th and 18th off. is it worth it? hell yes. i'm going to enjoy those two days.

alright, i'm tired. its 2am. work in the morning. i get to sleep in tomorrow. yay. i'll continue posting picture of you people as i go.

night folks.



Sarah Q. said...

That confused me a little bit. lol

Anonymous said...

"picture [below right] - this is mome. well, actually moomin."..."picture [above right] - this is manny"

umm.... dude, that's the same pic. now here i am scratching my head trying to figure out who's right...

Mr. Horse said...

I love that little hippo thingie. Mome, it kinds looks like you. :P

K, I'm confused about Peter Pan being your department manager. How is Mome your department manager? I must have missed the explanation in a previous blog or something.


Anonymous said...

i think you need to get your french straight, "le tired" is not a french word. and you can't blame us for reading the stupidly pointless paragraph- you wrote it and we came to read it. :P