January 31, 2006

46th - you're ugly and that fascinates me...


picture [right] - lets start with stupid. america's anti voting campaign. this would stop me from voting too. not because it's really likely, but there's a slight chance and that's more risk than i'm willing to take. and that ladies and gentlemen is how george bush got back in. it all makes sense now.

if you're wondering about that number on the top, it's a counter for how many times something happens. the first person to guess what i'm counting gets a prize. in advance, this has nothing to do with number three on the resolution list. you people are sick.

anyway, i was on the phone with customer service today for the seventh time trying to get them to refund my money and everytime i find out that i need some other piece of information or something. lots of back and forth. lots of me telling off a basically incompetent team of customer service reps. anyway, i called today - already good and pissed. spoke to one person who couldn't read information and process it at the same time. wasted about fifteen minutes and got transferred over to the web guys so i could email them some info. the web girl, heard my two sentence explanation and my shipment tracking number and said, "ok, i've issued you a refund - is there anything else?" that was it! how the hell did it take 2 months for me to meet the one genius at this company. i should have just asked to speak to the smartest employee there.

you know, having a grown up job can stink at times. it's a complete time killer. first off, long hours but that's not a big deal. it's when you have time off, you're thinking about work because it's such a significant portion of your day. everything else is just distractions from the job. uncool. so, i was at work tonight and you know those boiler rooms you see in horror flicks. well, i was in one of those [i was also in an air duct at some point - long story, another day] but way better lit and colourful and bleeding hot. really bloody loud and when the valves release pressure, it can scare the shit out of you. anyway, there was a squirrel in there. perfectly content, running around, doing it's squirelly thing, totally not afraid of me. this leads to one of two points. one. our squirrel friend has been around a long time and knows we mean it no harm. or two. the squirrel is totally deaf and probably retarded. i like option two better.

also, i learnt today a lot of the people i work with aren't keeners about deodorant. blech...

my top 6 this week is going to be "stuck up celebrities" i know - once again, not very original but i think one should appreciate the fact that these blogs are done very late at night, or early in the morning [it's all perspective] and there is very little function happening in the brain at this point in time.

06 - sharukh khan [ran over people who wouldn't get out the way]
05 - hilary duff [dated and cheated on aaron carter. animal activist. lip-syncs.]
04 - karina kapoor [she's ugly. doesn't realize it. thinks she owns bollywood because she's a kapoor]
03 - kanye west [think's he's god's gift to music. wears white jesus medalion though he believes he was black]
02 - paris hilton [no actual claim to fame. wore a "vote or die" shirt, didnt vote and didn't die. also, check this link]
01 - jennifer lopez [too caught up in being a high powered brat to notice she's not jenny from the block anymore but still insists upon it. uses really f*cking expensive face cream *1500 for a 6oz jar* as body cream, daily. body insured for one billion dollars.]

i might as well make my book selection now

perfume: the story of a murderer - patrick suskind
this book is friggin incredible. it's a smells book and it written beautifully and the story is semi-creepy which is awesome. basically, it's about a strange perfumer who is obsessed with smell [strange as in, he has a very keen sense of smell and no smell of his own] out to make the perfect perfume which leads him to doing bad things. the does an excellent job getting the scents and stenches of old paris. must read.

this has been bugging me for, oh about 31 days now. on my new 2006 planner, the one i use for work. on the top of every page, there is a number. a number counting down. can you guess what it's counting down to? the nexf f*cking year!!! who the hell cares about this at this point. people are now getting used to writing 2006 instead of writing 2005 and then cleverly turning the 5 into a 6 and the jackass who did the layout for this planner figured that reminding us well in advance of the 2006/07 switchover would be a good idea. if you're interested, there are three hundred and thirty-three days left till new years.

i saw underworld over the weekend and man, i was dissapointed. i just really didn't care for it and i think i've figured out why. it doesn't have any character development. it has a two-dimensional main character who doesn't evolve at all and the fight scenes are kinda crap too. i just didn't care for it. the special effects were much better than the first but that didn't save it. it really shouldn't have started thee minutes after the first movie. it's just a hot vampire fashion show. if they have two hours of hot vampires walking back and forth wearing different outfits that would work just as well, a lot better actually. no alienated audience members that way. and what the hell was up with the eyes. get a proper CG guy or intern to do it. don't leave it for your six year old nephew.

ok, i'm going to go now.

oh shit - i almost forgot. so, we all know this one person who hates blogs and thinks all bloggers are attention whores, etc. ok, i'm a bit of an attention whore but i'm trying to be good about it. anyway, check out who's blog i stumbled upon. that's right folks - judy. visit her blog, leave lots of comments about how blogs sucks and are a waste of time. tell her i sent you. i know it's rude and jackassy, but sometimes it's sweet to just irritate the shit out of people. it's sweeter still when someone else does it and you sit back and watch. you need an msn account to view. if you don't have one, that's sad.

picture [below] - look who's at it again.

be good, ciao.


p.s. mome's lack of commenting on my blog is bumming me out.

p.s. visit judy's blog. leave comments.

p.s. is it wrong to get others to annoy people for you?

January 24, 2006

45th - the three G's: gingerale, glucose and gravol are all GROSS

when i was little, i was afraid of ninjas. now that i think about it, i don't know why. ninjas aren't scary. plus, a pirate can totally kick a ninja's ass. i was stupid when i was little.

i can't sleep. so here i am blogging. I realized, i haven't done any recommendations, songs or books. so tonight, i'm going to do a bit of catching up. we'll start off with books. i figure one book a week is good. so i'm going to recommend four books tonight to catch up. i'll do quick reads. if you've read any of the books, feel free to leave your opinions about them.

creep - i. muderman
not the greatest book ever writen, but an interesting idea for one. it's a really quick twenty minute read. i remember reading this book out loud to a bunch of people.

the stupidest angel - christopher moore
really fun christmas book. it's a very quick read. this kid sees this woman kill santa [someone in a santa suit] and wishes santa wasn't dead. enter the bloody stupid angel to grant his wish. there's domestic violence, a fruit bat, zombies and ton's more. it's not remotely scary. nadia is reading it right now. very funny book.

the alchemist - paulo coelho
absolutely beautiful book. it's a really simple story about a poor shepard who loves a girl. he goes out looking for a treasure so he would be worthy enough to ask her father to marry the girl. along the way, stuff happens. that wasn't a great description but whatever. read the book. not optional. shiv gave me this book. it's part of my top five.

good omens - terry prachett & neil gaimen
also one of my all time favourite books. it's about this angel and demon who've been enemies since the beginning of time, but they see more of each other than their own, they're basically best friends. both have a liking for the universe as it is. so when it's about to end, they do whatever they can do not let that happen. really really entertaining book by two really really good authors. prachett is more the light-hearted one and gaimen is more the darker one. it's not everyone's thing but most people who i've gotten to read this, love it.

ok, those are my book recommendations. now to my song recommendations. like anyone cares about these. today's category is "love songs", the darker kind. i know, i definitely could have come up with a more original theme but it's almost 4am. eat me.

06 - air - playground love
05 - the cult - painted on my heart
04 - garbage - number one crush
03 - kidney thieves - s+m
02 - oasis - wonderwall
01 - nine inch nails - closer

ok, i could have made that list entirely out of NIN songs [we're in the together now, the fragile, la mer, perfect drug], but i didn't.

as the title of this blog suggests. i'm sick. have been feeling so for the past few days. it all started on sunday morning. i was coming out of my bathroom when i suddenly got really nauseous. i decided it's a good idea to get back into bed. i took about 2 steps because a bed seemed like a distant hope and finding the floor would do nicely at this point. i found it, about a foot above where it was actually located and hit the floor, chest first with a thud. it hurt, but i didn't care. i had found the floor. that was the worst of it. i'm much better now but i'm still getting boughts of nausea and random stomach pains.

mother made me drink some glucose water because i looked a little pale and some gravol to combat the nausea. shiv gave me a six-pack of ginger ale, which i thought was sweet. also disgusting, but the gesture is appreciated nonetheless. all three things are nasty.

we've got this thing from the motherland which is basically like metamucil but without the orangey flavour. it's called "spae-ghul" which if you literally translate in pushto [one of the languages we speak] means dog-shit. im not sure if this is a joke or this is based on what it tastes like. for the past few weeks, my dad has been trying to get me to drink this stuff every time i get a stomach issue. i can't. it's soo nasty and slimy and then there's the name. it's just not right.

ok, this is totally rude but i was talking to shiv today and we were somehow talking about dog shows and then somehow about koreans [yes, you can see where this is going] which lead to the question. do korean people watch dog shows wondering if these people are fu*king with them, by parading around dinner? also, do you think rich korean guys would pay top dollar to eat one of those show dogs? ok, i know that was jackassy and rude and racist and all that other good shit but it was just a joke. ok, it's not funny. here - i've probably eaten cat before.

so, i had a random dream about one of my friend's friends. not a sex-dream but close. long story short, the whole thing was brought to an abrupt end by her having very dry chappy lips. that's gross. lip balm/chap stick/lip gloss/etc isn't expensive or hard to use. use it.

ok - i'm tired. i'm going to go now. good night.

be good.


p.s. what’s your favourite sin and why? out of the seven deadly sins, not random, "i like to watch animals get it on" type stuff. keep that shit to yourself...

January 18, 2006

44th - without any thought or reason...

hello all

i'm spent - more on that later. i'm an marathon insomniac. i can either laze around for a few days or i can go hyper active for a couple of days less. this up and down stuff in very very bothersome and hard to deal with. waiting sucks. rooms designated to that purpose suck. all things about waiting sucks. it keeps you away from whatever is coming your way. good or bad. it's just a filler in-between. it's nothing and it's useless. doing nothing is better than waiting because then at least you're choosing to waste your time and life away by your own accord, not by someone else's.

yesterday was interesting. i was on the highway coming back from a relatively long day at work when i get a call saying my dad fainted and paramedics are in route. by the time, i got there, he was fine. he was sitting in a chair - just seems a little shaken. paramedics took him to the hospital anyway - followed. this was a little after five in the evening. i spent a few hours running back and forth between my dad and updating family at home. later on, i get news that my cousin fell on some ice [bad weather yesterday - fun story with that later] and had a mild concussion. he arrived at the same hospital. dad got released at a little after one. he's fine. i took dad home and the other "grown ups" went home as well and i came back to hang with my cousins while we waiting the long wait that sure to come since he was a code green which means not severe. we were expecting to be there til morning but we actually got out around 4am, which was a huge time saver. he was fine too. mild concussion. nothing too serious. to celebrate, we went to markham station for breakfast. which was the only meal i'd had for a good day and half - minus this wicked awesome brownie, which i'll discuss later. i didn't enjoy my meal that much but i was starving you can taste much when you inhale food.

oh this was fun - while i was at work, i was walking up to my car and i learned. you just can't save bad drivers from themselves. this chick in a red hummer managed to slide her car while making a right turn right across into the valet parking booth, destroying half of it. her car was essentially unscratched. this begs a few questions. one - how did you manage to slide a hummer going thirty km an hour? are you aware of how heavy that car is? why are you driving if you can't negociate a simple right turn at low speed safely? how did you, being that inteligent afford that car? if paid for by daddy, could you give me his number so i coulk smack him a few times for not aborting you when he had the chance? ok - this was more than two questions, but honestly. this is giving godo women drivers a bad name.

i was walking around yorkdale and i was talking to shiv on the phone - this chick walks by wearing a tiny little jacket and mesh top underneath. the jacket isn't doing it's job and my head goes, "hey, boobies" and my head turns and then as i was looking away, i notice her giving me a dirty look. comon lady! you're displaying your boobs in a mall. how are you not expecting people to look? even shiv agreed that she would look. not because we're horn dogs or anything but because it's boobs in public. "if i go out dressed like that, not that i do, i am expecting people to look. i would be offended nobody looked!" says shivali. honestly, chicks that whore-out. it's sexy when we're thinking about what you have as compared to when you're displaying it to everyone. it also ruins the fun of finding out what you have.

YES! i don't have work super early in the morning tomorrow - i get to sleep in . assuming, i get to sleep. sometimes, i think he hates me. i can't figure out why though.

is it me, or are there a lot more chicks smoking now. i think almost every chick i've met in the past few months smokes. even when i'm wandering around at work. so many chick smokers. to the point of outnumbering the men. someone find me stats on this. stats in canada. toronto would be better.

winter is my second favourite time of year. i think it's because of the snow. i was driving around today and it was snowing and i ended up starting up at the snow while it's coming down. it's very. . . i don't know. i think that's one of my favourite things, especially at night. when you're driving somewhere, i generally up until recently have always been in the passenger seat from where it's much more enjoyable and you just watch the rush by you as it's falling down. you feel so isolated from everything else. it's just you and whomever is with you. i think the only appropriate word for it would be, enchanting.

the brownie - so, in the middle of my day yesterday, i walked by the pickle barrel and in their case, there was this brownie. i had to have it, so i used some of my gas money and got it. brownie, with big brownie and chocolate chunks on top and a layer of caramel. i don't go all nutty over desserts, like some people i know - you know who you are. seriously, the moaning sounds while eating are disturbing. a simple mmmMMmm is fine but when it turns into something much more audible than that, where people start taking note, you've crossed the line.

i'm debating watching domino or the exorcism of emily rose. one will put me to sleep in about ten minutes and the other i'll watch till the end. tough choice. ok, i'm off to make that choice.

be good.

p.s. this came up yesterday at hospital while we were bored. we can all thank sach's dad for this one. without looking it up in anyway, define benevolent [don't be a smartass and say 'a state of benevolence']. here's my theory. i see benevolence as righteousness. someone who means to and tries to do good.

p.s. i used the word dictator and god in the same sentence.

p.s. don't forget about the hobbit feet. i already have people in mind.

January 9, 2006

43rd - emoticons are running deep...

i have "dawning of aquarius" stuck in my head. it's been a few days. i don't think that's the right title, that it's the song from the end of 40-year-old virgin.

picture [below] - i haven't posted one of these in a while. this is from the vietnamese restaurant mentioned in my last blog. i just got these pictures off my camera [which was snowballed on new year's eve]. check it out, you can see the saliva on my tongue. enjoy...

"Money may be a concern but, if you spend too much time worrying about it, it will be a waste of valuable time. Instead, drum up more business, change jobs or work on an investment that will make your life easier. 3 stars"

*The number of stars after your horoscope refers to the quality of day in store. Five stars will be a great day, one star not-so-good.

that’s my horoscope for the day. aisha just sent it to me. she's acting a wee nutty, she may have gotten into the espresso beans. would explain a lot. anyway, this fits in perfectly since i was going to for some reason [i decided last night] to list everything i've done since morning. lets begin...

1200am - in bed [i know!]. reading going postal
0100 am - sorta asleep
0200am - in bed [i know!]. reading going postal
0300am - sorta asleep
0400am - in bed [i know! yes, it's still incredible]. reading portrait of a killer
0430am - sorta asleep
0500am - asleep. alarm. followed by snooze button.
0515am - alarm. followed by snooze button.
0530am - alarm. followed by snooze button.
0545am - alarm. followed by snooze button.
0600am - out of bed. shved [a tad quickly - razor burn], changed. out of house
0700am - at site [yorkdale mall] esprit [comments about that later]
1000am - bought star bucks cold shot [soo good]
1100am - finished at site. left got RWDI in guelph
1200pm - reached said lab
1230pm - on way back home
0145pm - home. changed cars.
0200pm - FS! to get dad's deck install fixed. lunch with amaan, harassing customers, etc
0400pm - home. nada
0500pm - started watching four brothers [more on that later]
0600pm - call from sister who now has possession of my car. cars dead
0630pm - pick up sister and dad and check on dead car
0715pm - talking to aisha online and bloggin
0738pm - here typing this sentence

wow! wasn't tha just awesome?!?! ok, you have permission to shoot me if you actually read that whole thing. but before you do, let me point out that you're a giant loser who reads about other people's days with an interest bordering on stalking.

i was planning on doing one of those year in review things and then realized that i really wouldn’t have much to talk about since my dear sisters wedding consumed most of our year. there was other stuff yes, but i feel the wedding stole thunder from everything else. way to go, had...

things of mention quickly - sister and nephew got married [not to each other] - niece got nephew got engaged - got a car - new job [had to change my voicemail] - left FS - visit to d-dot - i can't think of anything else. feel free to add-on as you see fit. by the way, happy new year folks.

even though i'm not at FS anymore - guess what i learned on my last day there. you can cop - i mean "back up" all the music cds you want. everyone does it. why didn't i know. because people in entertainment are bastards. bastard covered bastards with bastard coating. ok, not all of them. i like amaan, and aisha and chrissy and the angry brown girl and that guy who's name i forget. linus! that's it. him too. everyone else is a bastard. wait. jacques is cool too. as is oliver. alright, i don’t hate people from entertainment. i actually don't hate anyone from FS with the exception of one person in mobile and all who are associated with him and the management, which reminds me.

F*CK YOU FS MANAGEMENT. minus peter pan, who is no longer with FS due to asshole management at FS. yes, peter pan, the uber manager has been fired. so here's a huge F*CK YOU to viv [store manager], tammy-mom [as she calls herself], and joan [lord knows nobody understands what you're talking about most of the time]. Van boka, chris, wing and lisa are fine. fazeel [even though you're replacing peter] too. "he didn't fit in" being the official reason. they were threatened by him because they knew he was a better manager than them. he knew how to speak english properly, for a start. he was good with employees, gave them praise and shit as needed [i got plenty of shit from him for being late and stuff, but honestly, i agreed with him, i deserved it], was good with customers, everyone liked him. here's to peter.

back to "backing up" things. so on my lat day, i "backed up" four cds. i've also gone a movie "backing up" rampage. by rampage i don't mean a bunch of screaming high school girls because of a mouse, i mean godzilla in sanfransisco rampage.

note to smokers who bitch about not being able to smoke indoors [i've been having to hear this a lot lately so here's my reply] - it's not the 60's. we all know the negatives of smoking. anyway, you made the ethical [yes, ethical - you being a consenting adult and smoking is giving younger, more impressionable persons the impression that smoking it not a big deal. this is especially true when doctors, teachers, older brothers, etc do it. telling a kid smoking it bad for you while you're standing out in the cold having a smoke is hypocritical and that bullshit about "learn from out mistakes" is just that, bullshit] and health decision to smoke and that's fine. it's your choice. however, you've decided to poison your body and at the same time someone found it reasonable for yourself to make the decision to poison my body as well [this would be referring to second hand smoke]. so, boo-hoo, you have to smoke outside - this is about as much sympathy as you're gonna get from me.

i think this blog is running a bit long, but i've still got a bunch of stuf to talk about. so, too bad. suffer through it.

so i was at esprit for the better part of my morning and eventually the store manager showed up. why are all male store managers in malls [yorkdale especially] so . . . for lack of a better word . . . gay? i mean, they sound like these antsy little fourteen-year-old girls. what's the deal? do they come from a factory or a conditioning school? someone explain.

i still haven't seen king kong! and by the way, i did a mini-survey at FS the other day, which included employees and customers and most of them DO NOT know what happens at the end of king kong. so there! note for those confused - someone ruined the ending of the movie for me and that was teh defence. it is not common knowledge. darth being luke's father is common knowledge.

ok, last thing - here are my new years resolution. i decided to go with six because well, you know, six. most of these probably wont make it past the first week.

one - not to sound condescending.
two - to be nicer and not make fun or jackassy comments about everything.
three - some of you know. half done by the way. [fun story on that, next blog]
four - save some money.
five - blog related - recommend songs of a specific theme each week. i will try to keep the themes unique and creative.
six - get my site psixthlie.com] up and running along with the photography site.

ok, i better stop now. this is long enough to challenge the porch of doom blog.

oh, last thing - seriously this time - my dar is dead. my sister borrowed it today and something happened to it. it's going to the mechanic tomorrow. hopefully it's not something too serious. i've already informed my parents that i need a car for this weekend and if mine isn't back, i'm taking theirs. they seemed to agree to that pretty quickly.

there is vile f*ckery afoot in these lands. we must proceed with caution.

be good.


p.s. people who don’t comment on my blog don’t get to make requests for new blogs.

January 3, 2006

42nd - why do cacti have livers?

picture [right] - these are the two from the story below that involves children.

i'm babysitting! [well, i was earlier on tonight]

alright, for those of you who almost had a stroke, i wasn't by myself [i was with mome, who technically did all the real babysitting stuff like changing, feeding, etc]. dear god, i pity the parents who would leave their child alone with me. i would probably be inclined to call child services. the children in question were sumi and anisa. both of which are adorable. it was fun. kids are nutty and have bad taste in movies. pocahontas. what a pile of crap that was but sumi seems to like it. but she likes star wars so pocahontas is forgivable. plus, she's three so i can't really hold anything against her. well, i can but i would just seem childish and petty.

note to blogs i frequent - after i'm done this. i'll be making my rounds. i know i haven't in a long time. christmas season gets a little crazy. by the way, i got NOTHING! i usually get something, but this time, NOTHING! also, i'm very disappointed at the lack of participation in the 5 weird habits thing.

sad news - plans of going to philly next weekend might not work out and that blows chunks. my plans for the following weekend are still in tact though, so hopefully all will go well there. still trying to figure out philly though. note - going to philly to help sister move.

ok, so the fun is over and it's time for everyone to get back to work. it's been a fun break. it wasn't really a break since i was working for most of it, except for the last weekend. but it's over and now back to real work.

picture [right] - had and hubby, nome. they look so happy. i have no idea what this is about. had or nome, let us know.

last weekend was fun! sister and her hubby and bilu and manny came to visit. well, sister was already here. they came to pick her up and stayed the weekend.

new years even seemed like it was going to be a bust. i even yawned at "2!!", which can really throw off your excitement afterwards. but then after that, we decided to go tobogganing. manny, bilu, amaad and rani had never been do that was even more fun. it was lots of fun. had, nome, manny, bilu and me all got injured. here's how

had - no idea, but has scratch marks on her arm.

nome - hit the ditch at the bottom and bounced a little. hurt back

bilu - was with nome on sled when that happened

me - hit the ditch and the sled stopped dead in it's tracks and i continued on without it. i wish i had a picture of that. it hurt in a stop i wasn't aware could really feel anything.

there are no tobogganing pics because while i was setting up my camera, someone hit it right in the lens with a snowball. i should be way more upset. that thing is like my child.

before that, we had a whole bunch of wings which were excellent. by the way, vegetarians - you have no idea what you're missing. we introduced a bunch of people to wings. even my dad likes them even though he gave me a wee bit of shit a few years back when he found out i used to go to a bar. then i explained to him that it's a family resturaunt that happens to have a bar and he was ok with it. i still got shit from other parties for no good reason and i still really can't figure out why.

on new years day, we went to this vietnamese restaurant that i had gone to earlier in the week with karen and lilan which i enjoyed. it's a nice little restaurant [unlike cuisine of india which is a dank pile of shit just like the food it serves]. as it turns out, i'm the only one who enjoyed my meal. everyone else ordered miscellaneous things and didn't enjoy it much and spent most of the dinner complaining about it. the mango salads were all around liked, however.

picture [left] - playing nhl 2005. look at nome concentrating. he's been hell bent on beating me since the shutout that happned last visit.

sports news - i think i've lost my touch in nhl 2005 - free 4 all mode. my shut out from the previous visit has been downgraded to barely scraping wins and sometimes not getting the win at all. congratulations to nome for finally beating me. his life is now complete.

update - i'm officially done at FS. i've given in my resignation [which was written up by mome] and peter pan seemed a wee upset about accepting it. "you don't do much, but you're fun to have around" i think that was a compliment. that annoying seasonal jackass has been fired for fraud [long, uninteresting story].

last night, we were supposed to go see king kong, which i still haven't seem. i'm seriously going to cry if i don't see that in theatres. but then that plan got sidetracked because we decided we were feeling lazy and would rather sit at home and play a board game or something. more specifically taboo. so we went to the mall to buy taboo which was completely unavailable. so we went home and me, mome and reem ended up playing mario kart for a while. not sure how long. reem started off being the newbie and worked her way up to winning a few. she's a good girl gamer. which is not in any way saying she's a real gamer but good - by girl standards. sorry, i'm being mean. she's good. chicks who are gamers are excellent. she plays real games too, not pansy bubble bobble stuff, which i'm sure she plays but she plays normal games too. the only other girl gamers i can think of are shiv and aysha. props to them too. shiv can't play driving games though.

msg for reem - my 24 still beats your 3. that's right, i said it.

while at the mall, we went to the bookstore. i bought me some notebooks which i desperately needed. if i'm serious about this writing thing, i should get on that. i had a wicked idea for a book when i was in the shower the other day so i'm gonna be working on that as much as i can.

currently, i'm reading going postal and it's very entertain and last night i started portrait of a killer. that book about jack the ripper which is very good. it going up and down a bit but i'm enjoying it. he hated women, the same as me.

today i did two car related things. one i got some stuff fixed at mr. lube [asmar, if you're giggling, i get to smack you] and thank you to mome for coming with. it would have been bloody boring without. surprisingly, after we left, the rattling noise my car makes was gone and i was happier. it came back later so i was a wee pissed. i'm taking the car to my mechanic on the weekend. enough is enough.

later, i was at FS with mome for some last minute abuse of my employee discount. i ended buying myself a cd deck for my car. it was cheap. it was a hundred bucks for the deck and install and tax. can't beat that. so, i now have a cd player in the car. thank god. the radio can really suck at times.

ok, i've noticed i've been more talking about events that about topics. i personally think my rants about topics are more entertaining. so after this blog, i'm going to focus more on talking about stuff rather than about my day. the random ranting and raving shall return!

by the way, those cushiony toilet seats are a pain in the ass. well, not literally, they're quite comfortable on the ass, but figurative pain in the ass, YES! one. they take forever to get rid of the heat from someone else's cheeks. two, you really have to make sure they're up before you start peeing because otherwise mid-stream they start making their move back and unless you're quick enough to catch it while in mid-stream, you have a whole new problem.


p.s. what's worse. cold toilet seat [goose bumpy butt, having to settle in before going about the doodies] or warm toilet seat [knowing someone else's cheeks were on this throne of yours not too long ago]?

picture [below] - this is what i look like after a few days of barely sleeping. manny still looks happy.