January 9, 2006

43rd - emoticons are running deep...

i have "dawning of aquarius" stuck in my head. it's been a few days. i don't think that's the right title, that it's the song from the end of 40-year-old virgin.

picture [below] - i haven't posted one of these in a while. this is from the vietnamese restaurant mentioned in my last blog. i just got these pictures off my camera [which was snowballed on new year's eve]. check it out, you can see the saliva on my tongue. enjoy...

"Money may be a concern but, if you spend too much time worrying about it, it will be a waste of valuable time. Instead, drum up more business, change jobs or work on an investment that will make your life easier. 3 stars"

*The number of stars after your horoscope refers to the quality of day in store. Five stars will be a great day, one star not-so-good.

that’s my horoscope for the day. aisha just sent it to me. she's acting a wee nutty, she may have gotten into the espresso beans. would explain a lot. anyway, this fits in perfectly since i was going to for some reason [i decided last night] to list everything i've done since morning. lets begin...

1200am - in bed [i know!]. reading going postal
0100 am - sorta asleep
0200am - in bed [i know!]. reading going postal
0300am - sorta asleep
0400am - in bed [i know! yes, it's still incredible]. reading portrait of a killer
0430am - sorta asleep
0500am - asleep. alarm. followed by snooze button.
0515am - alarm. followed by snooze button.
0530am - alarm. followed by snooze button.
0545am - alarm. followed by snooze button.
0600am - out of bed. shved [a tad quickly - razor burn], changed. out of house
0700am - at site [yorkdale mall] esprit [comments about that later]
1000am - bought star bucks cold shot [soo good]
1100am - finished at site. left got RWDI in guelph
1200pm - reached said lab
1230pm - on way back home
0145pm - home. changed cars.
0200pm - FS! to get dad's deck install fixed. lunch with amaan, harassing customers, etc
0400pm - home. nada
0500pm - started watching four brothers [more on that later]
0600pm - call from sister who now has possession of my car. cars dead
0630pm - pick up sister and dad and check on dead car
0715pm - talking to aisha online and bloggin
0738pm - here typing this sentence

wow! wasn't tha just awesome?!?! ok, you have permission to shoot me if you actually read that whole thing. but before you do, let me point out that you're a giant loser who reads about other people's days with an interest bordering on stalking.

i was planning on doing one of those year in review things and then realized that i really wouldn’t have much to talk about since my dear sisters wedding consumed most of our year. there was other stuff yes, but i feel the wedding stole thunder from everything else. way to go, had...

things of mention quickly - sister and nephew got married [not to each other] - niece got nephew got engaged - got a car - new job [had to change my voicemail] - left FS - visit to d-dot - i can't think of anything else. feel free to add-on as you see fit. by the way, happy new year folks.

even though i'm not at FS anymore - guess what i learned on my last day there. you can cop - i mean "back up" all the music cds you want. everyone does it. why didn't i know. because people in entertainment are bastards. bastard covered bastards with bastard coating. ok, not all of them. i like amaan, and aisha and chrissy and the angry brown girl and that guy who's name i forget. linus! that's it. him too. everyone else is a bastard. wait. jacques is cool too. as is oliver. alright, i don’t hate people from entertainment. i actually don't hate anyone from FS with the exception of one person in mobile and all who are associated with him and the management, which reminds me.

F*CK YOU FS MANAGEMENT. minus peter pan, who is no longer with FS due to asshole management at FS. yes, peter pan, the uber manager has been fired. so here's a huge F*CK YOU to viv [store manager], tammy-mom [as she calls herself], and joan [lord knows nobody understands what you're talking about most of the time]. Van boka, chris, wing and lisa are fine. fazeel [even though you're replacing peter] too. "he didn't fit in" being the official reason. they were threatened by him because they knew he was a better manager than them. he knew how to speak english properly, for a start. he was good with employees, gave them praise and shit as needed [i got plenty of shit from him for being late and stuff, but honestly, i agreed with him, i deserved it], was good with customers, everyone liked him. here's to peter.

back to "backing up" things. so on my lat day, i "backed up" four cds. i've also gone a movie "backing up" rampage. by rampage i don't mean a bunch of screaming high school girls because of a mouse, i mean godzilla in sanfransisco rampage.

note to smokers who bitch about not being able to smoke indoors [i've been having to hear this a lot lately so here's my reply] - it's not the 60's. we all know the negatives of smoking. anyway, you made the ethical [yes, ethical - you being a consenting adult and smoking is giving younger, more impressionable persons the impression that smoking it not a big deal. this is especially true when doctors, teachers, older brothers, etc do it. telling a kid smoking it bad for you while you're standing out in the cold having a smoke is hypocritical and that bullshit about "learn from out mistakes" is just that, bullshit] and health decision to smoke and that's fine. it's your choice. however, you've decided to poison your body and at the same time someone found it reasonable for yourself to make the decision to poison my body as well [this would be referring to second hand smoke]. so, boo-hoo, you have to smoke outside - this is about as much sympathy as you're gonna get from me.

i think this blog is running a bit long, but i've still got a bunch of stuf to talk about. so, too bad. suffer through it.

so i was at esprit for the better part of my morning and eventually the store manager showed up. why are all male store managers in malls [yorkdale especially] so . . . for lack of a better word . . . gay? i mean, they sound like these antsy little fourteen-year-old girls. what's the deal? do they come from a factory or a conditioning school? someone explain.

i still haven't seen king kong! and by the way, i did a mini-survey at FS the other day, which included employees and customers and most of them DO NOT know what happens at the end of king kong. so there! note for those confused - someone ruined the ending of the movie for me and that was teh defence. it is not common knowledge. darth being luke's father is common knowledge.

ok, last thing - here are my new years resolution. i decided to go with six because well, you know, six. most of these probably wont make it past the first week.

one - not to sound condescending.
two - to be nicer and not make fun or jackassy comments about everything.
three - some of you know. half done by the way. [fun story on that, next blog]
four - save some money.
five - blog related - recommend songs of a specific theme each week. i will try to keep the themes unique and creative.
six - get my site psixthlie.com] up and running along with the photography site.

ok, i better stop now. this is long enough to challenge the porch of doom blog.

oh, last thing - seriously this time - my dar is dead. my sister borrowed it today and something happened to it. it's going to the mechanic tomorrow. hopefully it's not something too serious. i've already informed my parents that i need a car for this weekend and if mine isn't back, i'm taking theirs. they seemed to agree to that pretty quickly.

there is vile f*ckery afoot in these lands. we must proceed with caution.

be good.


p.s. people who don’t comment on my blog don’t get to make requests for new blogs.


Mr. Horse said...

Why do you always have such trouble sleeping?


Anonymous said...

Ya good luck with ur little list of resolutions there. the first two are laughable, nevermind the rest of em. I assume you've broken most of those resolutions already by now. good job!

Anonymous said...

i can't believe it died :(... i was growing increasing attached to your crapbox!!!

lol please, for the love of god DO NOT BLOG ABOUT #3 on your resolutions list

and add in, make circlebox a huge success to that list...also add in, RENAME CIRCLE BOX LOL!

*asshake*--zaffar style.

Anonymous said...

Is #3 what I think it is? Coz tht sort of info is just UNNECESSARY! :P

Ok..have nothing to say really. Happy new year...all tht jazz. G'luck with ur resolutions.

I'm bored and getting chubby here.


PS: the car died? BOO URNNNS!

sixth lie said...

caboose - that's just bitchy. i'm doing well on my resolutions

vin - no worries, the crapbox is fine, again. and yes, i forgot to add that.

shiv - yes, #3 is exactly what you think it is and it is unnecessary, but fun to mention anyway. also, prepare to be eaten chubby!

Anonymous said...

As James Thurber once said , “Humor is a serious thing. I like to think of it as one of our greatest earliest natural resources, which must be preserved at all cost.” A humorous yet realistic blog of your daily life may seem monotonous to the simple mind, but it is in our repetitive cycles that we miss out on the essence of life – humor. Taking for granted all the smiles and smirks and refusing to take a moment to see the splendor in all that is labelled “bad” in this world. Nevertheless, Zaffar you are a funny, funny person and for all the smiles and smirks you gave to me I say thank you and keep it up love!

Anonymous said...

ya, ur new year's resolutions have already died i think you killed #2 just by writing it. 40-year-old virgin is a bad bad movie - it wasn't even all that funny. and y are you so sleep deprived?

smiles :)

Shiplass said...

The Hobbity feet contest is on. Can I make someones feet look like that, or do they have to be like that already?