February 9, 2006

47th - baby, you make me feel like a butcher, i wanna chop you up and cut you...

16 - nobody has guessed it yet.

ok, so i haven't blogged in a while - i sit down to start, but then i get distracted by something. my distractions this week include sopranos, smallville, house, work and sometimes sleep. it gets in the way sometimes.

im not sure if i've mentioned this before, but here is goes anyway. fart people. not people who are flatulent but people who have fart personalities. people with fart personalities are they type of people, when around are generally unpleasant in a minor nuisance sort of way and the second they leave, you feel better and never think about them. that is, until they reappear. now think about it, you know a few of them.

you know, my job is interesting but sometimes it can just drag on. sometimes air monitoring is just as interesting as it sounds. also, i feel like i'm having a mid-life crisis. i'm too young to be having a mid-life crisis but i'm showing symptoms. i'm antsy, and i've been looking at a lot of new cars, sporty ones. i feel this need for a 20/21 year old girlfriend. i want foods that are bad for me. i feel the need to buy things that i particularly need at this point so i'm more in touch. i want an ipod nano and a LCD tv. alright, so some of these wants are more easily gratified than others. it's not right.

oh, sugar - i have to go to work. i'm finishing this first

i have, well had a whole bunch of stuff to do today. but that's all over now.

i wonder if i'm behind on my book thing. my book recommendation for the week is:

anansi boys - neil gaimen
the book is about fat charlie whose dad just died. he hates his dad. his dad is god. it's an interesting read. i'm not gonna go further into but its really good. its neil gaimen which is basically a sure thing.

oh, i decided to try something fun for this blog. i'm going to randomly pick a person, sacha and go on about why this person is a punk. sacha is a punk because: she has a thing for krum and not cedric - never finishes her blogs and blames her computer - doesn't respect my uber thugliness - was involved in incident that got me grounded which incidently caused the creation of this blog - can probably kick my ass and then feel guilty about it while i twitch violently on the ground dying - has a thing about wooden spoons. and now you know why sacha's a punk.

i get paid today! all the money is already spent so i guess it's not really a big deal but it balances out. i have gas money for once and hot dog money and parking money. i'm beginning to hate this car. one, shit keeps going wrong with it. i could have just leased a new car for how much i pay to maintain this thing. but i may have monies to go see the lord of the rings musical, which is awesome. all you people not in toronto - hahaha, suckers...

so, i met this guy named igor at work. man, what a let down. he was a bit mechanical but other than that, it was the biggest disappointment since the crucifixion. i mean come on, your name is igor. play the part a little bit. just for other people's amusement. do it as a joke. do something. don't carry about like a normal human being. you're not. he was very pretty though. you could just get lost in those eyes... anyway, shiv, you'd like him.

ok, so my top 6 for this blog is going to be incomplete. the category is "things that feel good but really shouldn't" i could only come up with four. the other two are filler. you guys can add in your stuff and i'll update the list to include the best ones. also, don't act like you've never done any of these.

06 - having excreted a particularly long one-piece
05 - messing something up and backing off just enough so when the next person comes, it fucks up and they get blamed for it
04 - picking out a hard booger thats lodged way up there
03 - watching people struggle with parallel parking
02 - farting in the winter
01 - watching little kids get smacked by parents because they won't stop crying

ok - that’s all. i must go to work. i will try to blog more frequently. i'm actually very very disappointed with the lack of participation on the previous entry...

be good


p.s. i had a zipper incident a few days ago. unpleasant. let it be said: cell phone rings can freak people out when they're exhausted and in a compromisable position.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to ignore the bit on ur midlife crisis.

Ok...in Sacha's defense:
-- Krum IS hotter than Cedric. Cedric maybe Hogwarts' golden boy...but..his eye brows are too busy, and since he has a pretty strong jawline as well, he tends to look more like a caveman (I know, i know...krum walks like one in the movie!). But I think looking like one is worse!
-- Nobody respects your "thugliness"...and it's because U TALK LIKE A MORON!

and lastly, ure GROSS! Must u always talk abt dookie and farting? Who farts in the winter and enjoys it?!?! Why don't u just go the extra step and soil urself in the winter, if u like it so much!?!?

Sarah Q. said...

lol by far the most random blog post you have come up with lol.
And thats not a bad thing ... surprisingly :Þ
Okey doke ... C ya lata!!!
Chicken poopie!!!

Anonymous said...

K this whole 'fart people' thing is so stupid. The way you describe it, you're just describing what the rest of us sane folks call ANNOYING people. Also, since when does you wanting to buy lots of pretty, expensive things you dont need constitute a mid-life crisis? I thought that was just a personality defect.

sixth lie said...

one: how is it a "personality defect" that I like nice things, unlike some people (trailer trash/caboose).
i'm sorry if celebrity shaped bobble-heads don't do it for me.

two: shiv - you're next on the punk list...and my mom!

Anonymous said...

Ok i KNOW you did not just compare me to trailer trash. I like nice things too, but unlike SOME people (you)I'm just not willing to spend ALL my life savings on acquiring every gay new useless gadget on the market! And I don't own any celebrity shaped bobble-heads you doofus

Anonymous said...

well, in my own defense:
shiv was completely right bout krum vs. ced. u really arent thuggy in my view, nope, sorry to break ur bubble- well not that sorry, just enough to write it here. you should be grateful, GREATFUL, to me, cuz yes i was 3/4 the reason for you getting grounded (so sorry...) but if it wasn't for me, then your life would be majorly lacking in the grand source of entertainment that this jolly place provides. ppl need to hear something 6 times or so to get it lodged in their head, 3 will to do---> GRATEFUL. i'm proud of my 8 years of training by the way, it was hard work. they not only taught me to kick your butt, but also to not harm those who call you a punk, cuz that's probably the only defense they got. 5 of your list was just wrong- but i have found entertainment in watching ppl failing to park... i might become one of em... dang. ok so my defensing was done without the use of my foot and your butt, but i think it suffices. cheerio!

Anonymous said...

i dont get it this time ur all over the place my friend.. what's the whole point yet again?...

do inform us abt the lord of the rings musical... i personally think that was a CRAPPY movie... slept through all of them...

if you like to fart that much since u like to talk abt it that much... plz do the honors :P...
take care enjoy


-guess who

Anonymous said...

YOU thought that the LOTR movies were crappy?!?!

that's definitely a first!

Anonymous said...

yeah... i slept through them since people dragged me there... i dont get it like lil midgets running around for a stupid ring with magic and ugly guyz catching him!!! that's like a nightmare...

but to people who like it... GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!! :)

- guess who