March 20, 2006

52nd - Detroit WHAT!?!?

picture [right] - guess whose finger this is?

allo all.

ok - i'm sick and back from my weekend trip to detroit.

anyway, i bought a lappy before i left for my trip and so i was entertained while my sister was driving the van I RENTED and i got to blog while i was there. here it is. the pictures are being added in now.

"0930am And thus begins the road trip [one hour late]. It’s not so much a road trip as it is a regular trip. A road trip would imply that the road bit of the trip would be fun but I somehow doubt it. We’re about seven minutes into this trip and I’m already kind of car sick. Normally, my dad is a pretty decent drive, although slow as a turtle who had its back legs eaten by a shark. More later.

picture [left] - don't ask about the look on my face. i really don't know. but check out abbas.

The only real good thin about being curbed to the back seat is that you have the option of having a lie-down. Of course, there are two of us in the back and having a lie-down in a bit more complicated. We’re more of a lean-down. Anyway, im getting bored and this desi music is very damned loud. The songs in the beginning weren’t bad [oldies] but this new shit is just that, shit. I just heard a song where some dude kept saying, ‘just chill” I have headphones on and can still very clearly make out that music over my movie. I’ve decided to watch Wallace and Grommit. I have a “back up” of it sitting here. Back to the movie…

picture [left] - what the hell is so funny?

I feel good. I am Red Bull-ed up and got to drive a Asima’s BMW. It’s pretty. Also, as a side note, oh Asima…that’s all. She’ll understand that. Hopefully nobody else will. My sister hasn’t changed at all. She just answered the phone, “Hellooo-oooo-oooo-oooo-oooo” I have to throw in the hyphens because he voice was fluctuating up and down during this. We watched sumo wrestling for a while. Sumo used to be about honor and respect and all that good shit, but now its just an excuse for fat people to justify why they’re fat. Ok – onto my second can of Red Bull.

I need the bathroom. This sucks since these bathrooms don’t have exhausts. Manny is reading over my shoulder asking if I’m going to talk about her. So, here it is. Manny is being mean to me. She’s been ignoring me all day. No, she hasn’t we love Manny [and Red Bull]. All hair the Red! Anyway, I got nothing. Need bathroom, everything else is secondary. I was promised sushi. I don’t think it’s happening.

picture [right] - hadia's birthday celebration. it was a mini celebration. hadia is officially at the bottom of the hill now.

People are starting to call it quits. I really need the bathroom. I don’t think I’m going to survive till tomorrow night when I reach my own bathroom. I don’t even have any reading material. There is no internet connection here. How is that possible? I blame Nome for this. Right now, Had is sharing a story of me from when I was three, saying something about “Wa-want” [Rajwant] in Edmonton. So far the topics of discussion have been: haunted meat balls, random drunkenness, religious beatings, red bull addiction, child abuse, smoking buffalos, and parental abuse. My stomach is killing me. It’s not the I need to doodie pains but something else. Asmar has them too so it’s probably something we ate. There are vague plans for breakfast in the morning. As much as I would like it to happen, I doubt it.

Everyone is asleep. Why is everyone asleep? It’s almost 1030 in the morning – not that I’m a morning person or anything. Please, I don’t even like sunlight. Anyway, I was kinda looking forward to the vague breakfast plans mentioned earlier. I don’t think its happening. By the time I wake these guys up, and they get ready while I recover from the beating that’s administered to me, it’ll be like 2pm at the earliest. I think I’m still going to wake people up though. They can sleep in car. Except for Nad – She’s driving. I’ll be sitting pretty in the back, relaxing and watching movies. Me and Asmar were finished Mr. & Mrs. Smith – It’s entertaining but I don’t really care about it. The whole thing is like a Pottery Barn add.

picture [left] - how many of these type of pictures do you think asmar has? my guess is somewhere close to three hundred million.

We just finished watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith a little while ago. There is no way in hell a minivan can do that. We’re all pretty beat. Nadia is driving. She said she’d let me know when she’s too tired and then I’ll take over for the remaining stretch. I’m going to start watching The Island. Asmar has decided she’s going to take a nap.

0200am Home. Dropped Asmar off at home. Mum got really car sick and I ended up taking over the driving around 12. I maintain we made good time. We left at 10 and got home by 130. That van, the Pontiac Montana is terrible. It’s such a shitty ride. Handles weird, everything feels too light, will go up to six thousand rpm with the accelerator pressed a third way down, Not a fun car at all."

picture [above] - this is the best moment of the trip. dad drinking red bull for the first time. i knew he was going to make a face so i made sure to have the camera ready. check out nome in the back.

so, the trip was wicked. we went to national coney island and had this thing which was really good, minus the tomatoes. and we drove around for an hour looking for something to do, and we went to mijiers. which is a walmart type place. i hate walmart. however, smooth floors. i love smooth floors. my heelys love smooth floors. my heelys had a lot of fun too. i get really antsy when there is nothing to do. it just happens. i need to be doing something. especially when there are about seven cans of red bull sloshing around my system. mix that with endless amounts of food and sugar and crazy people - there should never be any down time.

picture [right] - there are a lot of pictures from this trip that i have no idea what the hell is going on. like this one. i'm pretty sure i'm trying to catch a football.

all in all, i had a fun weekend. now i'm sick. being sick sucks. i missed work today. i have a lot of work to do. but i still feel good about it. hopefully, tomorrow i can go in. typing is making me sick too.

Prison Break is on tonight!! boo yaa!! I'm invited to Reem's to come over and see but I don't think I'm going because of my present health. It's kinda sad. I'm bummed now.

picture [below] - this is nad, asima, nomi, me, had, sonia, abbas, asma, a baby, shakil and dori. we don't have a giant group photo of everyone.

ok - i'm off.

be good



Anonymous said...

woo woooo! fun trip! VERY exhausted...and I'm sick too. :S

note: edit your blogs first. and i believe the 11am should be 11pm, unless i really just have no concept of what happened this weekend, i may have been that tired.

anyway, thanks for the trip zaf, and the lovely red bulls. mmmm..

see ya

Shiplass said...

You and your photos...they are amusing.
Yeah. Country is kinda popular here. But it was a rock battle. At least, everyone else played rock or punk or something akin to it. I hold a grudge against the winning band...a big one...I might have to hunt them down know...sword action. Hehehehe

Sarah Q. said...

Your face has options! Punk lol

Mr. Horse said...

That second last pic of you alone on the grass with your mouth open looks like you're in an Indian movie busting into song.