March 13, 2006

51st - my WWJD shirt isn't here yet!

good morning

it's 945am and i'm at work and i really shouldn't be blogging because i've got a whole bunch of paperwork to do.

by the way. happy birthday saddaf [who doesn't read this blog so this is kind of pointless] who is now 21 and officially past the middle age mark. also, happy birthday to my cousin azra/shagul/aji who's birthday was yesterday.

upcoming birthday wishes - happy birthday to sacha who is currently in greece or italy on a class trip. how wicked is that. how come out class trips were always so lame? and homeschooled kids didn't even get class trips [yes, i went there shiplass]. i'm mentioning sacha now because i'm probably not going to blog when her birthday rolls around in three days. i've already figured out what to get her.

this weekend was meh. friday, i had a shopping date [yes, a shopping date] with amaan [no code name because i can't think of one] and i did nothing but perpetuate the image we were giving out. i bought a red nike headband and some wrist straps. no reasons for why. but i need to get a gym membership and this might give me the wee nudge i need. i also will need to buy some track pants. i only own one pair which is currently in the possession of asmar.

has anyone seen the crossfire? it's deceptively ugly! it's pretty from the front and once you make your way around back, you go into shock. it's like those 12-size women who wear those tight-things to make themselves fit into an size 8 and when it comes off you're freaked out. i'm not saying fatties are ugly but the shock from seeing that transformation is. back to the point, crossfire is ugly.

saturday was terrible because my day just started out bad. note, the official starting point of any day is 730am. the time before that counts as the day before. i basically spent the whole day brooding. for those wondering why i was in a bad mood the entire day, you've heard this from me before. you guessed it, i don't wanna talk about it.

and sunday was interesting. one more time, DO NOT EAT AT JACK ASTOR'S! their food is terrible. we went there last night for some reason [i should have stuck to my vito vote] and the service was bad, the food was bad, the garlic bread was decent, it was loud, there were children and high school kids. terrible dining experience. Before last night, i've only been there two other times. one was march 1st, three years ago and it was terrible then and onec about 2 years ago for an appearance at a birthday party. i didn't touch the food that time though. i knew better.

and now is the start of another work week. five days of very exciting paperwork. BUT this upcoming weekend, i'm going to michigan! i can't wait. i miss those guys. they're basically just like our guys here but over there. none the less, i am very much looking forward to going.

the weekend after that i've got yalnee's parents thing. yalnee, i think its safe to mention here. i doubt your mother or father read my blog. but yea, im oddly looking forward to that. i think it's because i get to wear a blazer. i like blazers.

the weekend after that is my birthday! well, no it isn't but thats when i'll be celebrating it. birthday is on the 22nd, a wednesday. how boring is that? by the way, its either on the 31st or on the the 1st of april. not sure yet. i'll let you know. had and nome, you're still punks for not coming.

so, here is my revised birthday wish list. actually this would be the first birthday with list. possibly second, not sure.

01. r/c laser tag shocking tanks from [ok, i actually like most things from that site]
02. buddha board from green earth.
03. ipod 30gb black or ipod nano black [hadia...]
04. spring jacket
05. isimiyaki and kenneth cole signature colonge
06. books
07. clothes
08. a bookshelf [its practical]
09. money towards my xbox 360 and hdtv for the xbox [parents...]
10. shoes
11. all things fun and useless
12. dvds i dont have [batman begins, lotr extended editions, sin city, etc]
13. tickets to wicked
14. a strait jacket [i will love whomever gets me this, unless i previously hated you. in that event, i will just dislike you]

i think that's a decent list. also, any more question and you may direct them to mome who will be able to tell you almost exactly what i want.

other things i want from include: the mighty fog blaster [25] - acrobots [7] - airzooka/megazooka air gun [15 - 25] - uber orbs [20] - r/c x-ufo [190] - light sabres [120] - space monkey benders [13] - monkey benders [15] - magnet marble rollercoaster [30]. they also have fun shirts.

i have to mention this. me and shiv were at green earth a few weeks ago when she was in town and we saw this candle which was freshly picked cotton scented. this candle serves two purposes. one is to make old slave owners all nostalgic and the other to make black people feel bad without knowing why. think about it. visit your black friends and secretly light one of these candles in the house. see if the mood in the house drops. it'd worth an experiment. yes, i'm a jerk. what the hell does cotton smell like, anyway?

you know, i just spellchecked this thing and this was a very unexciting blog. i blame the office environment. it drains creativity. i'm sorry.

ok - i should go. back to lovely paperwork.


p.s. wow, i took only fifteen minutes to blog this.


Mr. Horse said...

You may not have Batman Begins, but you have borrowed someone's Batman Begins and now I want to borrow it, so hurry up and find it and give it to me already!

sixth lie said...

shouldn't you be at school? you know, teaching wee ones? nice supervision there, teach.

yea, i have it sitting on my table. give me a call and come pick it up or whatever.

Massey said...

dude. there's a pic of you licking your phone.. definetly feeling the love there huh

Shiplass said...

Paperwork is fun and exciting. You should work at a library and shelve books instead. More fun. HA! Your coming to the states?? If my band ever actually does anything worthwhile, we will tour Canada...maybe. Is it even possible to tour Canada?? Oh look! Toronto! And then its all over.