March 2, 2006

50th - ootebya nytemno kak u negra v zhope....

picture [right] - the birthday girl with presents and a random named umar standing in the background.

i'm convinced! i walked past that church of scientology thing the other day and this chick stopped me and was talking to me and i watched their movie. i'm so in!! - i'm just screwing with you. they're still a bunch of cultist. she wouldn't tell me what they did until i joined them.

happy 50th blog to me!

march is here and that means it's a busy month. march is always hectic. this will be a fun month! warning: three weeks to my birthday. get crackin!!

lets start off with HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIV!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY!! shiv is now 21, which makes her legal all around the world and andy is now **, which officially makes him a letch all around the world. sorry babe, you'll never live it down...

andy's gone! he took off to australia for vacation. he says he'll be back in two months but we all know he's lying. you better be back here for my birthday or there will be hell to pay. you hear me, hell to pay!! also, bring me my digery-doo. a big one. like a HUGE frikkin one that i can use to harass my neighbours in vancouver with.

this was kind of embarrassing today. embarassing and enraging. i got cut off by a smart car today! how messed up is that? i wanted to hit the guy so bad, but i resisted. also, i thought this was plenty clever. smart set is promoting which car? you guess it. very cute. you ass-bastards!

picture [left] - my new phone. the motoroal pebl in maroon. it's pretty. here's me licking my phone. i tend to lick the things i like. check out the acne. i'm too old for this shit. check out the red ears!! oh my god! check out the chins! i'm gettng fat and well on my way...

as a lot of you know, i've been buying myself shit left, right and centre. that has come to an end. it's time to start being responsible now. so far in this spree i've gotten. cellphone, shoes, pants, jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, books, stuff i can't remember, more books, and so on. i still need an ipod, an x-box, a tv and a laptop.

So, after shiv's birthday dinner at this italian place with very dissappointing food, we went a chinese kid's house party. ok, the chinese kid was named jimmy and he was umar's [the random in the first picture] friend. i go expecting liek 15-25 drunk kids, some booty being exchanged, that sorta thing but nope, found two kids playing eye-toy. naturally we joined it. eye-toy is fun. make's fatties [hardcore gamers] get some exercize. but yea, it was fun.

picture [left] - can't you feel the love? what the hell is taj doing?

OFFICIAL SIXTH NOTICE - my birthday thingy is planned for the weekend of march 31st. make sure you're free. shiplass, you're invited too. make your way to toronto. be free. i have no idea whats being done, but i feel something should be done so something will be done.

by the way, i'm pissed at mome! why the hell are there no more comments from you? hum khafa...

i saw this kid at the mall today. very nicely dressed. wicked hair. obviously someone who took considerable time getting ready. he had the meanest looking unibrow though and i'm wondering, there is no way someone who is this concerned with their outlook appearance isn't aware its there. unless...he thinks is sexy...which would totally make sense. unibrows, the next big things. i can picture is now. the magazines, the runways, the movies. the worlds eyebrows will be divided into half. everyone will have one brow.

picture [left] - i know i stuck most pics on the left - eat me. anyway, andy and shiv. outside in the cold. some people are idiots...

ok - i'm tired. i have work in the morning. this is only little bit of time i got off to sit and blog. now i'm going to read a bit and go to bed.

by the way, i'm still waiting for a whold bunch of my books to come back. gimme gimme gimme!

ok, i'm really just filling space to put in this one last picture so here i am filling up space. isn't filling up space fun? i'm going to count. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six - counting is hard. i think that's enough counting for now. i think that's enough filler two. wow, counting sure takes up a lot of space. if you read all that, you're a loser.

picture [right] - shiv, as we know and love/fear her. and humar as we find him everywhere. he really thinks that look helps him pick up women. the hand belongs to taj, one of shiv's "hoes" as shiv calls them in the pimping business.

i actually only have one picture with the birthday girl but thats ok because she's a bitch and is going to burn in hell for it anyway.

ok, sixth is off. be good.


p.s. shiv is being mean to me. she will be smoten...


Anonymous said...

ok..this will be one of the first comments left by me for this blog...!
First's "UMAR"...not HUMAR!! WTF is a humar?!?! U idiot! And the guy we hung out with for nrealy 3 hours was JIMMY! WHO THE HELL IS KENNY?!?! OMG... how do u not care for names?
ANd lastly (for now) have FOUR pictures with me. I have those four with me right now, u idiot...and they were taken with ur camera! Stupid!!

Anonymous said...

first of all... nice pic sixth... i thought i will never see one of those.. hahaha... happy bday to that bday GIRL... and why are people in the pics acting so weird n dorky... lol... Taj needs to smile a lil... umar i dont think girls will fall fo that... hehehe a lil scary than sexy!! take care

- guess who

Anonymous said...

Ok.. the weird and dorky's coz we're all nuts! Besides, sixth decided to be an ass and only post most of the weird ones. There are some good ones where Umar is looking normal and taj is smiling. Yeah, you totally missed it! U wanna know why taj isnt smiling in that pic? Look at what I'm holding in my hand and what I'm doing with it?!!?


Anonymous said...

ammmmm... dont take it personally... relax :) itz just a comment .... freedom of expression

n not being mean sooooooooo blah

- guess who

Anonymous said...

I didn't take that personally...

I was just trying to answer ur questions in ur previous post. Guess you misunderstood my tone.

Didn't meant to be rude or confrontational.

Anonymous said...

ummmmmm yeaah....i think this "guess who" person needs to relax actually. at what point in shiv's comment did u get the impression that she was taking it personally? I'm pretty sure she was just answering u'r question?

Shiplass said...

Awww...Umar is cute! That is how he gets his girls, don't doubt it for a moment.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday shiv!!
