April 18, 2006

56th - why you bringing up old stuff?

ok - im posting this to cleanse ourselves of the previous blog which got a wee ew. this is going to be quick since i don't have actual time to blog. i'm blogging from work and we all just need to put said previous blog behind us. so here's the update on what’s been going on in my life.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AMINA, NADIA, SARAH! [in that order] i think that's all of them. i could be way off. i'm sorry.

amina's birthday party - went paint balling. i have pictures. i had fun. a lot of people had anxiety issues. will post pictures later if i get the chance.

sarah's birthday - went to yuk yuks [comedy club] and penelope’s [restraint] DNA [lounge] and havana [lounge] - yuk yuks was funny although a bit graphic for that early in the evening. i had a fu*king 16 dollar salad with two pieces of shrimp and 4 scallops. wtf? - DNA was filled with the 35 to 40 year old crowd clinging to their youth. we walked in and britney spears was on and we saw a dude with a handlebar moustache. - havana was ok.

i'm tired and i'm hungry. i basically am at the point where i get up early in the AMs and go to work. i work and then i come home early in AMs. repeat. I have no weekend this week either.

shiv is gone. we're all very sad about this. she went to abu dhabi and india for four months. who vacations for four months. her excuse is she's going to work in india and she wants to see her family. pfft. family. yes, i know i see my family on what used to be a constant basis. now i barely see the people i live in the same house with. except for dad. he tends to be up in the morning and since hadia's married and not here, nobody is up at night but me. this summer is going to suck. i basically have vinita and caboose to hang out with. yea, that's real rewarding. im joking. don't get pissy.

also, i've got my family to hang with and they're generally pretty fun. house is having the baby this month and i'm not allowed to tease get anymore. sarah is going to the motherland but not before she gives me the bookdocks comics. i should really go visit the motherland. havent in 13 years.

sameera got called for jury duty, again! bwahahaha. she's younger than us and this is her third time.

so two weeks ago, i got my pile of shit car, fixed. i had to get the exhaust system replaced and got my driver side door fixed. the whole thing cost me a wee shy of two hundred bucks. then last week, monday i come out of work at aronud 3am to find my driver side door and driver side passenger door windows smashed. fu*kers didn't steal anything, just smashed my windows. another 200 bucks. then my cell died. as if that wasn't bad enough, i had to drive the broke piece of shit home during which i cop pulled me over for speeding and then mentioned, "did you know your windows are broken. there's glass everywhere" thank you genius. if it weren't for your brilliant policing abilities to point out the obvious, i would have never known. i was sitting on my road map book for no reason. i was wondering why it was so drafty. i didn't get a ticket. and then just because god hates me, it rained.

i used dad's car until mine got fixed. which basically eats gas. the 500km i drove on his car cost me about 100 bucks in gas.

i don't like this, "it's just zaffar" BS when i make fun of you or make a racist comment - i mean all the mean things i say to you people! cry, damnit!!

raza's coming! well, he's here now. he's been here for a week and a bit. i've spent the grand total of maybe three hours with him. i feel like such a prick for that. but he's busy studying for his exam, which is tomorrow. good luck raza! and i'm busy working.

remember i was all happy about gaining weight. well, it's all gone again. for the love of all things fraggable. what do i have to do to gain some weight. i went from my very proud 140 [my highest ever!] back to 117. i don't know where i stand now.

I got black suede adidas. they're gorgeous. i also got white and red puma from pinky for my birthday. i love them. i've only wore them once, but i'm always at work and they would get ruined. thank you pinky!

horror movies - whats scarier than a child? EVERYTHING! what the hell is wrong with movie execs. children aren't scary. old people are scary. angry pregnant women are scary. tentacle things are scary. children, not so much. make a horror movie without the little seven year old in a dress, or the eight year old boy who just stares at things.

ok, i better get back to work. i'll blog more later. but there's my update.


April 11, 2006

55th - i got nothing

picture [above] - this is the only reason i blogged tonight. i've actually got nothing to say and a ton of shit i should be doing but i'm not. instead i am here trying to generate enough filler to fit two pictures. anyhow, this is angela. this is angela's face pressed together. she's fun. laugh now, it gets sad near the end.

ok, so this blog is basically about nothing. i mean, really about nothing. if you wanna stop reading, i'd understand. i'm literally writing this to let you know andy's gay and to post a picture i thought was hilarious. have you noticed that the commenting on my blog has dropped drastically. i blame quebec for this, specifically those separatist fu*kers. i say we invade them. yes, i know you can't invade your own country but what about pre-emptive strikes. the US did it. i wonder if georgie saw minority report and got the idea.

so, according to my backtracking, out of all the questions i bring up on my blog, people are most passionate about manboobs.

picture [right] - bad news. look at the picture to the right....sorry ladies, andy's now gay. gayer than normal gay, even gayer than flamer gay, he's sailor gay. i can only blame one thing for this. women. only women can drive a guy to such depths of gayness. not that there's anything wrong with being gay. i have nothing against the gay community. i like your shirts. back to the point, andy is now gay. we knew it had to happen eventually. first the yellow muscle shirt [also known as the nipple shirt], then the topless photos online, and now this.

andy is still in australia with no actual plans to come back. ever. as long as i get my didgeridoo, it's all good. yes, i'm materialist. we've been over this before. get over it.

see, i told you i got nothing to say. i've been doing nothing but working and reading comics. i read book one to six of "y the last man" which is awesome. and i read a bunch of neil gaimen stuff. and i read volume one and two or batman: hush. which was also excellent. i should really get back to some of my regular reading. still in the middle of wicked, and wizards first rule [god, that book will never end] and some other stuff that's totally slipped my mind.

ok, been 21 a few weeks now. here are a few things that suck about it. 01. can't blame things on hormones - 02. can't check out girls at the mall without thinking i'm gonna go to jail - 03. all the good legal things about turning 21 don't apply to me - it's now somehow inappropriate for me to be watching cartoons. - being 21 blows.

last thing - when i get called to fix someone's computer. keep in mind, i do this as a public service. if you want it done right away, pay someone, i might actually be busy. also, when i ask a question about the use of a computer, don't lie to me. i very much doubt 40-something-year-olds from the motherland listen to loyd banks and fat joe. me, "who else uses this laptop" person, "nobody. only me" me, "so, you're a loyd banks fan?" person, "come again?" just tell the truth and be understanding when i tell you i'm a little busy right now. i still haven't gotten around to momes's computer and i've got no good reason for that other than sheer lazyness.

alright, i'm taking off. i can't do this much filler.

night folks.


p.s. im really joking. i have no evidence denying or confirming andy's sexual orienation. i wonder if andy's going to be pissed. i doubt it. he knows we love him.

April 4, 2006

54th - OFFICIALLY 21

picture [right] - here is all-star me with wrapping ribbons around my head and wrist. makes it really obvious who the birthday boy is. later on shiv thought it would be cute to put those things around my steering wheel making it very difficult to drive.

i burped in my hazard mask the other day. burped up my hotdog covered in pickls and onions and what not. it wasn't a pleasant experience. man, those burps can come out of nowhere if you're not paying attention. it was a full five minutes of nasty. the filter only clean stuff coming from the other side. i don't wanna talk about this anymore.

this was strange. now, i'm no expert or anything but dream catchers are supposed to catch good dreams and filter out the bad ones and make it easier to fall asleep. sounds great, i know. however, which idiot thought it would be wise to put one of these dream catchers on his rear view mirror? i'll tell you who. some chinese guy in my neighborhood who owns a silver subaru legacy. you idiot. i mean, you know what i'm going to say here. you already are predisposed to being a shitty driver. not you specifically, but your race. and i'm sorry - where i live, you guys do very little to prove that wrong - and you're driving around with a dream catcher on your rear view mirror. i was actually trying to get the hell away from you when i saw that this morning. if by some chance, you're reading this right now, get rid of the dream catcher, you idiot.

picture [right] - shiv and sameera. i've really got nothing smart assey to say about this.

oh, so this weekend was my birthday party and it went awesomely. well, mainly awesomely. some people flaked and not even the people who normally flake. so i'm mad at the following people: pinky, had, nome, adidi, bobbles, taj, aisha, amaan and andy. you will all be replaced by fully posable monkeys available from thinkgeek.com. except for pinky who will be replaced by an acrobot with a missing leg.

picture [left] - the siblings shot. how creepy do i look? i like my shirt. what the hell is with the curl or hair?

anyway, we went to the restaurant as planned and surprisingly, on time. well, people were told 730 and most people were there by 840. that's pretty good considering most of us are brown folk. the food was ok but the place was nice. there was a belly dancer and everything. there will be no mention of the video. the waiter guy was a wee creepy. i saw him check out shiv's ass and then take a step over and check out sameera's ass.

oh, fun news - some lab has concluded you can't be asses to people who can't dance BECAUSE after months of research they've discovered that people who can dance seem to have two genes that people who can't dance [people like me] don't have. so it's a genetic thing and you can't hold it against me. i never made the claim that my genes were superior to anyone else's except maybe that whiney fat whore cow, who we'll call sabrina just because that name seems generic enough. so there you go. i can't dance. it's genetic. take it up with god.

picture [right] - yep, more cousin licking. dude, i have acne. i should shower more often. worse day of the year...

after the dinner we went to my house. harley didn't come so lets add her to the list of people i'm mad at. at my house, there was red bull and board/party games, other food and the airzooka. the airzooka is frigging wicked. my mom hates that thing. i love it. she's going to beat me senseless one day. she's like a cat. which reminds me, i need to take that thing over to haider's house and get their cat. i'll be sure to take picture and post them here. it should be entertaining. someone's gonna be pissed at me for doing that so let me just say this in advance. FU*K YOU PETA. SIDEWAYS. bunch of useless hippy ass wipes. for fu*k's sake, stand up for a reasonable cause. people are dying all over the world and you fuckers are bitching about cruelty to animals. yes, its bad but so is my dislike for silver. it's an issue, but not really that important considering everything else. there are a thousand other worse things happening to human beings. you don't think that's a bit more worthy of your time and money? of course not, because animals are adorable and some black kid in africa dying of starvation and small pox just isn't cute and fluffy enough to warrant your help. i hope if you're ever sick and dying in a hospital the medicine they need to save your life has been tested on animals. lets see how much you'll care then, you stupid bunch of shits. actually, i hope you get raped by a moose or an elephant shits on you and you suffocate.

picture [left] - me and shiv. my other best friend, vin couldn't come. but she had a semi-valid excuse. plus, she showed up later on at my house, which i unfortunately have no pictures of. i really like this shirt.

sorry - back to the birthday. thanks to everyone for coming. thanks to mome for doing shit i was too tired/busy/lazy to do. it was fun. - holy shit, it's snowing. that's canadian weather for you. its sunny, its snowing and now it's raining - anyway, it was fun. i woke up in the morning with my left arm extended 3/4s of the way up and my right arm doing the mr. burns this. i don't get it either. but my arms got a bit sore later on in the day. and now, all of me hurts. i don't know what the hell i did.

picture [right] - this is asmar, sarah, amina, abbas, nadia and yalnee. i didnt post the picture before this but it's the exact same angle and they're all talking to each other. then they noticed the flash and you get this. look at abbas and his modeling pose.

i'm now two weeks behind on prison break. this is pissing me off. it's one of the only shows i've ever been really into. i can't do this week to week crap. it's too frustrating and i hate commercials. i can't sit there and justify watching a comercial when i could be doing anything else. i mean, i like watching commercials but only the clever and funny ones. none of this other shit. if i need and HMO, i'll find one on my own. i know you're out there, you don't need to advertise.

the group shot - reem, sach, shiv, sixth, yalnee, amina, samar, asmar, sarah, sabba, nad and sameera. missing is mome, who is taking the picture and sunita who is also taking this picture. we haven't grasped the concept of sharing pictures yet.

ok - i'm off

be good
