May 30, 2006

59th - lets go sky diving!

picture [above] - this here is 2000 bucks. i'm going to say it again just so you know it's not a typo. 2000 bucks. my wallet or purse [if i was ever so inclined to carry one] has never contained 2000 dollars. this is sameera's bday present to herself because everyone else rather buy themselves a car or a wicked cool camera or an xbox 360 along with a decent size HD TV. but not sameera. in her defense. she really wanted it and saved up her money and got it herself. but still. todays pictures are brought to you by sameera's camera, from sameera's bday party, which took place on may 19th, 2006 at the elephant and castle.

"did you read about his mother?", i asked. without skipping a beat, she replied, "the one who gave birth to him?" 5 bucks to whomever guesses the person who said this.

its 3am and i can't sleep. why can't i sleep? oh, many reasons. for starters, it's damned hot tonight. other than that, i just can't seem to get to sleep.

picture [left] - this was my date for the night. this is him being sexy for me because he's good like that. he took me on some totally messed up route to get where we needed to go. i kept thinking he's a serial killer taking me to some strange far-out place to kill me.

i'm pissed at shiv. i spoke to her a few days ago and she told me to read this book called the kite runner by khaled hosseni. shiv has really good taste in books so i picked it up. ok, the book is really really good but it's so bloody depressing. i actually put the book down at one point and refused to read it for two days. no, i didn't cry. you weren't wondering but i'm sure shiv was. it's a really good book, but it's so sad.

today was asmar's birthday. she's now 22. i know, she doesn't look ancient but she really is. anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASMAR! i missed the whole cake-cutting deal today because i was at workie so that sucked. i really wanted some of that cake. mmm...cake.

we went to a baseball game on saturday. it was a slow game but it was fun anyway. there was cotton candy. that made the whole thing alright. it was four bucks which is a rip off, but it came in three colours. however, two of the three colours were pink. i also had a hot dog. it was also four bucks. but it was good. it was tiny though. expensive little weenie. toronto won. then we went for dinner.

picture [right] - me and iqbal after about two minutes of being there. i'm not sure what i'm doing with my tongue. don't ask.

i ordered the jerk'd chicken sandwich. normally, i can handle spicy food but i lasted about two bites of this thing and had to give up. it was so damned spicy and it was a white-food restaurant. since when can white people eat that stuff? i ended up eating half of mome's sandwich which was good. then we went to see X3.

i'm not sure how i feel about this movie. it was good. it had lots of potential but it was just kinda bleh. it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. so far, three of the five major movies of the summer have been disappointing. MI3 was okay. Davinci Code was dragged on. X3 was. . . i'm no sure what. Pirates looks kinda dumb and i'm afraid for superman. [no need to get weird harley, that's all i'm going to say regarding super]. momin makes a good point. if superman returns isn't good, then brian singer is responsible for screwing up two comic-movie franchises.

yesterday was fun - we played video games. then we played tennis! amaan [he's never played before but he got the hang of things pretty darn quickly] came. that was fun. first game of the summer and it was actually a good one. i bought me my own racquete finally. then we have a BBQ and i had something funny because this morning, my stomach was not happy with me.

picture [left] - the birthday girl. i chose this picture because i took it.

for the past few years now, i've noticed i have trouble with the words "uniformed" [always the same. as in character or degree] and "uninformed" [not having, showing or making use of information] when i'm reading. i also mix them up. i also end up reading about the "uninformed police officer" and i dwell on it for pages and pages wondering why was he uninformed. what didn't he know and i lose track of other shit and have to end up going back to where i read the stupid word only to find it said "uniformed". it's a really annoying.

ok, i'm leaving now. night. i'll add in the pictures from sameer'a birthday party later. i'm going to try and sleep, again. night folks.

picture [below] - last but not least. this picture looks totally inappropriate! thank you to iqbal for taking it. jerk. i look like i got caught looking at something i shouldn't be. however, whats happening is, i made fun of her and she threatened to hit me and i'm giving the "mm-hmm" sizing-up look.



Anonymous said...


ok. that's done. now i shall read the blog.

Anonymous said...

i agree. no big blockbuster movies yet. i get the feeling it may be a bollywood flick that ends up doing it for me. will let you know in the next couple of days.

Anonymous said...


first three comments to me. c'mon ppl! well, if you're all watching edmonton in the playoffs you're forgiven. GOOO OILERS! (I don't get hockey here... instead I get footie. so cheer on my behalf you blokes. GO TEAM!)

Shiplass said...

X3 was fairly good I thought. But then again, I have a thing for explosions. Sorry my music scared the crap out of you. And you can have about 20 free pounds from me at this point.
"Your love of trees can make a lasting difference."
Just to let you know. Plus I was at work and there was an 85 year old woman, in nursing home clothes, with a cain and white hair, humming 50 Cent's music. I'm helping her with her books and she's humming and I think "I know that song." and then "Holy crow! I do know that song."

Anonymous said...

boo urns! I wrote out a comment for this blog... but the electricity went out! Stupid indian electricity thingy! GARH!

Anyhoo... Kite Runner is a good book! Suck it up, u stupid cry-baby! At least the books i suggest are good...unlike SOME books u've suggested...eeesh!

ANd... Sameera's bday looks like it was fun! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMEERA! Hope it was awesome... although... that purse...HOLY SHIT...$2000 (u could've fed a small country with that money!! :P... ok not picking on u!)... nice job on saving up and getting the purse u wanted! [NOW GUARD IT WITH UR LIFE!!] =P

And the pictures... hmmm... Z looks deranged in the one with him and Iqbal. But the last picture...sameera...u look really good! Nice picture too!

Ok..must go...


Mr. Horse said...

I'm glad you stopped with the Supes talk. I was actually going to stop reading your blog at that point, but then I saw my name and continued.

I can't believe that purse cost TWO GRAND! You could sponsor 4 foster kids for that much! But to each his own, I suppose.

Side note - Andy, lay off the bollywood movies. They STINK!

And finally, that last pic was hilarious! Kudos to the guy who snapped it.


Shiplass said...