June 30, 2006

61st - painkiller

conversation 01
"hey, how was your weekned?" - great - "did you have sex?" - no, i didn't get around to that - "why not?" - i was um, busy - "that's not a good reason" - i'm sorry? - "you're twenty. you should be having sex all the time" - silence - "there's a whole mall upstairs full of pretty girls. go have sex!" - i'm working, right now. maybe later

conversation 02
"why don't you have a a girl friend?" - i don't know. because i work about a thousand hours a week and she would feel neglected? - "are you a homosexual?" - no, i don't think so. - "what you mean, you don't think so?" - i'm not - "so, why aren't you have lots of sex?" - umm

i work with all older folk and i find it a wee disturbing how interested and concerned they are about my sex life and the lack of one. i'm constantly being questioned about it. it's worse when they start pulling other people into the conversations. is this normal workplace discussion?

pictures [above] - this is me on my way to the dentist [left] to get my wisdom teeth pulled and me later that night [right]. my dentist is friggin wicked. he did four wisdom teeth and a filling in one hour. and i basically have no swelling and feel pretty okay. i was sore for a few hours but that was it. everyone kept telling me i'm gonna be swollen like a chipmunk in the morning and stuff like that. he [the dentist] called me later in the evening to check up on me and i asked him about the potential swellings and he's like, "i'm good dentist. there will be no swelling" and there isn't.

i've got pimples in my eyebrows. well, two of them. how messed up is that?

i'm having hunger pains. the last solid thing i ate was yesterday morning around 9am. pancakes with sameera at markham station. sameera drove me to my dentist appointment so we figured we grab breakfast on the way because i was jonsing for some pancakes and the dentist told me to have a heavy breakfast since i won't be able to eat for a while afterwards. news - i got all my wisdom teeth removed yesterday and got a filling fixed.

i was driving home from downtown and i was talking to a friend of mine when i happened upon this absolutely gorgeous red ducati 999s. and i was kinda staring and probably drooling a little out of the side of my mouth. so i tell my friend about it. my friend says...

conversation 03 [abridged]
"ok, calm yourself. you seem a bit aroused by this" - ahem, a little - "that's disgusting, *name* - what? - "you're turned on by a motorcycle!" - failing to see the issue here - "you're a human being. you should be turned on by other human beings! no bikes!" - but it's a ducati 999s! a red one! i would have sex with that if it were possible and raise our little human/ducati hybrid children. - "you have issues." - you know, its normal to be aroused by a piece of pretty machinery. - "uh, no it's not" - pretty sure it is - "no, it's gross. you're a human. you should be turned on my other humans. not by some machine" - i don't see why i can't do both - "because it means some motorcycle is more boner-worthy than a human being" - sometimes...

this went on for a while. so, opinions?

pictures [left] - i'm going to start a new thing called "caboose's people" i've already got some awesome things to post here. guys, feel free to add stuff to this category.

so, here's this blog's winner. i was at yorkdale mall a few days ago and i was in the parking lot grabbing some stuff from my car, when i see this woman pull up and park. i had my camera in the car so it only seemed appropriate i share this with you people.

before reading forward, look at the two pictures and see if you can figure out why she's one of caboose's people.

did you see it? if not, look at picture number one. you can see she's parked across two parking spots. however, if you walk around the car, you can see she is in fact parked over four parking spots.

why people like her have nice cars like this very pretty purple lexus is beyond me.

yes, it's a chick. i'm not assuming it's a chich, i saw get out of the car when she parked and left.

my sister's coming to from philly today. they were supposed to be here by 10am. that was the plan as my sister put it, however this is my sister so they're going to be about three to five hours late. i love how her husband, who before my sister was always on time and pretty anal about the whole thing has kinda learned to deal with being late more often than not. married people are weird.

alright, i'm going to go. heaven forbid my sister [who lived in this house] see the place a little unorganized. parents are so strange. stranger still, my other sister.

picture [above] - how is this not boner worthy?

be good.


p.s. i demand people come visit me and bring me cold things. not because i really want cold things but because it seems like the right thing to do. comics would be acceptable as well.a


Mr. Horse said...

How old are these "older" people who are having these sex talks with you? It doesn't matter what age they are, those are still weird things to be saying to another co-worker. Next time they ask if you had sex on the weekend just answer with the standard, "yes, with your mom". Done and done.


Anonymous said...

Two things. Firstly, I resent the caboose's people thing. I would never park in four parking spots. Or do any of the moronic things you'll tell us people do under the category of caboose's people. why do you sully my good name with such rifraff? Secondly..thats the ducati? SO unimpressed. I knew you were exaggerating, no way is that thing boner-worthy.

Sarah Q. said...

Alright ... I agree with Zaff! That is a sexy bike! Dang! But still gettin a Harley =)

Mr. Horse said...

You're gettin' a Harley? You're gettin' a ME???

I forgot to mention how lucky you are that the whole wisdom teeth thing was so quick and painless. Mine was not so much. I had to have 2 (or was it 3?) different surgeries. They were coming in sideways, were almost touching nerves and had to be broken up and taken out in pieces. My gums have still not healed properly since then. Great.


Shiplass said...

*hugs* Sorry about your teeth removal.
Augh! I miss your random comments! *sobing*
You know, that littl purple car weighs just about nothing. Call a few people up, and four of you could pick that car up (maybe 5) and move it...heh heh heh...to a differnt level of the parking garage! *ahem*

Anonymous said...


Are people MAD? What is this world coming to!??!?!

Ducatti is sexy...sleek. When I look at a Harley..i think of hairy, white men dressed in badly cut leather with a serious midlife crisis... or someone from the hell's angels! So yeah!

Anonymous said...

And zaff..
i prefer the 999 in a matte black.. that's sexier!

SO yeah..ur red Ducati isnt as boner-worthy as the matte-black one is!

Sarah Q. said...

blog already u slacker!

Mr. Horse said...

UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!