September 14, 2006

63rd - exhaustion stage 5 - everything is very very clear

NOTE - will add photos later.

1. dance - to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, esp. to the accompaniment of music. 2. cave - a hollow in the earth, esp. one opening more or less horizontally into a hill, mountain, etc. incidentally, if you put them together to make, "dance cave" you get - "no class, filthy, disease infested, shit-hole basement pit of ew" more on that later.

i am absolutely stupid exhausted. i'm at that point where everything is suddenly very clear. it's like watching hi-def porn. never a good idea. too much detail.

this is my seventeenth or so time writing this blog and once again, i've started from scratch. there just aren't enough hours in a day to do stuff. i think i should go back to my sleeping every other day thing. that used to work out well but you know, getting old. who knows how my body will take it.

speaking of getting old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CABOOSE! [21] HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASIMA! [who knows, OLD] HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! [67].

lets start with caboose's birthday, which was a few weeks ago now. we went to a place called "dance cave". see above. it was kinda dirty. like a small town club would be, but in the middle of the city. kind of like a hillbilly haven in the big city. the kind of place you'd find babe or forest gump wandering around. afterwards we went for coffee, which was better. the club scene is not really my thing. the highlight of the night for me was, i was talking to caroline and all of sudden she says, "ok, these are pissing me off", pulls of her huge hoop earrings and tosses them aside onto the street. i was just like, "wow. you really are a princess" - the next day [birthday weekend] we went to cafe mirage. which was neat. yes, neat. one last note. I STOMPED EVERYBODY. bwahahahaha...

asima's birthday. i called her like four times. no answer. her highness was very busy that day. nonetheless, she's a punk. and old geezery punk. i think she's twenty-five now or a hundred-and-six. it's hard to tell.

daddy's birthday. all the stuff in the house was packed so we didn't end up doing anything big. also, my sister took off to florida for a bachelorette thing. i got him some cake [shiv got him a cupcake. which i ate] and i wanted to buy him a suit but suits and stuff are such a personal thing, i couldn't decide. also, someone took too damn long in walmart and the pants store. i ended up getting him a wicked shirt and tie. my dad, like me doesn't really care for the colour green. but i saw thsi shirt and tie and thought it was wicked and hoped he would too. i don't think he liked it though. i still gotta take him out shopping to exchange that and get a suit. more on that when i finally get some time to take him shopping.

oh, sugar! i just cut my finger. i cut my finger on magenta coloured student safety scissors! what the hell? i guess that puts me on the short bus for the rest of the week or until someone does something dumber. Speaking of which. EXTRA SPECIAL CABOOSE'S PEOPLE - caboose's sister, Taline is gracing us with her presence because Taline, a good christian girl *snickers* was under the impression the J-Man was a complete narcissist and worshiped himself. not everyone is like paris hilton. i'm gonna set the record straight on this. Jesus was JEWISH, NOT CHRISTIAN. seriously. Im not a jew or a christen and i know, why don't you? Don't blame your school. FYI - also, not armenian.

fun news - moved to new house. i somehow managed to get the big room [second biggest] - wierd huh? oh well. i'll post pics of my room, once i'm done setting it up. there is shit everywhere right now. thanks to everyone who came and helped out with the move. special thanks to shiv who did boys work and i'm getting flak from my family for making her do heavy lifting because she's a wee one.

ok - here's my opinion for the blog. things i think are weird. firstly. people who watch porn and don't masturbate to it. what's the point. porn is a tool used to keep your mind on the matter at hand. there's no point in watching it if you're not diddling yourself or if you're already done. seriously, what’s the entertainment value of porn? if it's not being used to keep your mind focused on the task at hand [masturbating] because otherwise your mind wanders to things like your shopping list and your great aunt sally and then you gotta start all over again. secondly. people who masturbate to random shit. like a friend of mine who shall remain unnamed diddles herself while watching angel [crappy vampire show] - how the hell does that work? next it's gonna be people getting off reading the newspaper. opinions?

be good.


p.s. - i will try to blog more often. remind me.


Sarah Q. said...

That whole blog went completly over my head lol. Except for that whole end bit ... which is quite disturbing lol! U nasty!

Anonymous said...

k first of all, i totally blame my school for the Jesus confusion thing. i dont think its a coincidence that everyone i know who came from that school was under the same impression. our school NEVER told us he was jewish. seriously. secondly, screw u. im so sorry dance cave wasnt upto ur ridiculous standards. everyone else had fun, i cant cater to ur princessy, snobby attitude all the time. lastly, i cannot tell u how great it makes me feel that the highlight of my birthday celebration was someone tossing her earrings into the street. that means SO much to me.

Shiplass said...

Princess??? think. *laughs* I needed that.

Unknown said...

first, congrats on the new house. second, sorry i couldnt make it out to help you move but im back from detroit now so if there is other isht u need help with holla at yo boy. third, i miss dating u and wish i was at the hillbilly place. fourthly, the third point was a joke. last: did you not give me a bday shout out bc i didnt help you move? question back at you: do you think people "diddle" to blogs?

sixth lie said...

oh shit! i'm sorry princess. i totally forgot about you. i think that's beause i haven't seen you around in a long time now. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IQBAL!! i'm sorry

and yes, i think people do diddle themselves to clog. especially this one.

Anonymous said...

sorry abt not commenting earlier.

And helping u move was dont even worry abt it. It was fun....until the next morning anyway... my shoulders KILLED.

And lastly...u NEED to stop bitching abt the Dance Cave. Havent u complained enough abt it already? Just stop it! off.

Anonymous said...

you make no sense yet you have a point somewhere in that blog haha

- guess who