October 1, 2006

64th - it's time

i'm going to talk about my feelings. it's my blog, so shove it. i'm unhappy. not in the i'm cranky because i haven't eaten all day way. i'm genuinely unhappy with my life. i feel like i'm wasting it. frankly, i am. i'm screwing up all over the place. i'm not in school [i'm dying to go to school]. there are just so many things i'm supposed to do and it's just becoming a too much. i just want it all to go away. but of course, that isn't going to happen any time soon. i don't know what to do.

i'm at that point where everything is getting to me. i feel like i don't know, i am destitute. i don't have a leg to stand on. . . i am alone.

i feel abandoned.



Anonymous said...

sometimes we all feel that way... but this is when it gets better... you realize you not happy and now you will try to do things the make urself happy...

remember there many people out there that love you and would not like to see u un happy... so put that smile on and everything will be fineeeeeeee

- guess who

Mr. Horse said...


If it helps to know at all, you're not the only one who feels this way. Life stinks sometimes, but you take the time to feel through whatever it is you're going through, understand it, embrace it and then do your best to pick yourself up and move on.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I can help to research colleges/university programs if you like, or I'll be around for a non-sensical msn chat whenever you need it.

hang in there...

Anonymous said...

get your priorities straight and do what makes you happy

Anonymous said...

pull your boot straps ..... BE A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shiplass said...

Hey. Don't feel that way, cause you aren't - alone I mean. But I am being honest when I say "I know how you feel." Really. This too shall pass...just might take a while. I hope you can go to school ASAP. Its a pain in the butt, yet its so great. Don't feel like you are wasting your life. You are working towards something and it might take a while to get there. You want to go to school, right? So make it a goal. If there isn't anything to look forward to, life gets boring. And when life gets boring, its depressing. And when you are depressed, you feel alone and stupid.
Ahhh...yeah. Thats my sermon for today. Really though, kid. I don't really know you, but I honestly want you to be happy and cyked about life, and I'm pretty sure you are an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

You're too young to know if ur life has been wasted thus far.

You still have time to go to school and make something of urself..whatever you want to make urself to be.

You want to go to school now...DO IT! Just go. So you're going now instead of a couple years ago..big whoop...it doesnt really matter in the long run. There's still time...GO FOR IT!

LASTLY...you have TWO legs to stand on. And u have PLENTY of friends to lean on... some that are CONSTANTLY worrying about you.

So like someone said earlier... "get ur priorities right"... and don't mope! LIFE SUCKS...and right now... it's sucking like HELL for a lot of people. Can't let it drown u...u either sink or swim...so stop being a bonehead and sinking!!!!

Mr. Horse said...

I feel abandoned by YOU because of your un-updated blog!