November 27, 2006

68th - There is no rest for the Wicked (and the insanely attractive)


You will recall I mentioned on my last blog, that my next blog [this one] would be super Narcissistic. Well, I'm going to have to disappoint, partially. This was going to go down in history as the Uber Blog. I'm was going to set the bar for narcissism for the next thousand years. Then I thought about the Princess Yalnee and the Pharaohs and Paris Hilton. Then I got some responses back and well, now my ego is a bit bruised. Apparently, this exercise is a lot more ego-bruising [still amusing] than stroking.

I've edited my real name out, even though I'm sure everyone who didn't know my name, knows it by now anyway. I've decided to keep the comments anonymous. I won't actually use the word anonymous because it's an ugly word and for some reason faaking impossible to spell. Lastly, I decided not to post some comments because they are almost identical to another. So, if you see you comment but the wording is a wee different, I didn't alter is, someone just said it before you did. Here we go...

"Sixth thinks he's the alpha male of the universe but in reality, he's quite the narcissistic asshole who's about this close ->|<- to being gay. Read on for more details you don't need to know but is written purely to satisfy his egotistical self... he is generous in a idiot squandering way."

This seemed like a good one to start with.I didn't realize people had such negative things to say about me. She didn't even think about this too long. I asked and this response came back in like twenty seconds.

"Sixth is a pretty strange guy. I can never anticipate how people are gonna react to him. I usually expect some big rivalry or conflict, but that doesn’t seem to have happened yet. He has this really evil mind, but I’m still convinced he’s a good guy anyway. He takes way too much pleasure out of torturing others. He also seems to think that the point of life is being endlessly amused. And he’s overly concerned with life being as random as possible, at all times. Eats too much sugary foods. A surprisingly capable human being. Impossible to shop for. His taste in food, clothing, and general accessories is way too high maintenance and princessy. Most aggravating person I’ve ever met aside from family. He is very interesting though, and unlike anyone else I know. Which is good, because I don’t think I could handle two of him."

Alright, that was pretty much the kind of thing I was expecting, sorta. This sounds like something a teacher would say to my parents. Minus the bit about shopping. I wonder how many times the word, "princess" or variations of it will come up. Lets count. ["princess" count - 01].

"...definitely the most UNIQUE person I know… (unique can be loosely interpreted….crazy being very closely related). Who knew I’d end up being friends with the craziest of Asma’s crazy Q’s. A strange character, who says everything and anything on his mind- uncensored (which is always delightful). And although he seems like an angry devil child born only to Satan…. deep down (very very VERY deep down)…he’s not so bad."

You have no idea how long I've had a crush on this girl and this is what she thinks of me. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's sweet, but she thinks I'm a freak. Things could get complicated.

"You have your own brand of logic that does not resemble our Earth logic. Your excess of self confidence is both inspiring and aggravating. You can be cruel, and we're not sure whether you know this and do it on purpose, or have no intention to crush someone else's fragile spirit. However, you have a smile that turns women's knees to jello at 50 feet and can be a fantastic listener."

50 FEET FAAKERS!! I think this one makes up for the ego-bashing I received on that first one. Since when do I smile? Asmar always tells me to, "stop that" when I am smiling.

" always there for me whenever I need him... makes fun of my wardrobe."

Nice & Sweet. I do pick on him about his wardrobe a lot, but that's because he ruins my ties. I love my ties. I think it's pretty obvious who this is.

"Sixth is an interesting individual. He seems to have a rather peculiar facade on about himself but I think he is a little less complex that he appears - not in a bad way."

I am not complex. I'm basically a walking/talking ego. That about sums me up.

"My little brother who wants people to think he is a sexy, arrogant jerk is actually a caring human being who will always be there when you need him the most. He wants to be evil, but he can't help being nice..."

It's always a little disturbing to hear your sister use the word, "Sexy" in relation to her little brother. She only thinks I'm nice because I gave her a lizard. She doesn't know about that thing of hers I destroyed.

"...about the one they call "Sixth" I realize that my thoughts do not have to be in any sequential order since, after all, we all know his thoughts are always all over the place and so out there. So here are my random thoughts about Sixth, in no particular order:
- He is strange.
- He is opinionated.
- He says he's not down with the cousin lovin' and yet he is the first in line to take a cousin licking picture. Enough with you Q's and your gross licking pictures!
- He is good with computers and I use that to my advantage whenever I can. :P
- He is entertaining.
- His inability to stop spending absurd amounts of money on useless crap astounds me.
- He' can I put this diplomatically?...He's never at a loss for words. :P
- He should buy me presents."

That's the politest way someone's ever said, "He never shuts up". Very diplomatic. I'm not down with the cousin lovin' but I am definitely down with the cousin lickinl' and I've decided now, after this comment, I'm down with the Harley lickin' too. [I was going to say "Horse Lickin'" for the new alias, but that would have brought about a whole new page of comments]. Prepare yourself [By this I mean, wash any grimy/slimy wee student crap off your face before I see you]

"he's an ass/jerk/loser/assjerk/etc"

This one came up a lot. Assholes. I credit this to lack of creativity.

"Zaraf is a dumbass....that is all"

Somebody, not naming any named, Edward, can't spell.



- good looking

- very aware of it

- smart

- very aware of it

- charming

- very aware of it

- jerky

- perfectly okay with it

- well dressed

- wears capes in public

- generous

- no “don’t buy” button

- creative

- uses creative powers for evil

- very good flirt

- shameless flirt

- reads all types of books

- including comic books

There is nothing I can say to that. It's pretty much spot on. I was glad someone gave me a chart though.

"He Todd Bertuzzied me and made my elbow bleed. but he made up for it by taking me on a date. It was a good time except for him playing Celine Dion in the car that whole time."

I said i was SORRY! I can't believe you still remember that. You took me on some creepy route by the end of which, i was fairly sure you were going to rape, murder and eat me. Not necessarily in that order. Celine Dion was punishment. I didn't enjoy it either. It had to be done.

"... Zekkie, Jaffar and many other names that i don't feel the need to mention..Mr. i think it got bigger (Erin Mills)..this is the guy who when he first met me said "Ohh i thought you were blue." Ummmm what!!! What person is actually blue?? This is also the guy who loves to insult me for being Tamil, nice and sorry Zekkie but what culture are you from again?! Okkie but seriously all in all the guy can be nice its very rare when he is, I think we get along due to our love of Star Trek..shut up I know some of you reading this are closet geeks yourself."

I'm a Martian. I never said you weren't a *sound effect* HOT Tamil. I'm sorry. I know it's tacky but it's gotta be said. Florina is a Hot Tamale! Damnit! Now, I want candy. We all love Star Trek and most of us are proud of it. My sister used to watch DS9 with me but she'll never admit it.

"What do you call someone who thinks of all he can do to make the conversation awkward before saying anything else - Sixth"

I don't put a lot of effort or thought into it. This goes back to what Mr. Horse said earlier and what Shiv said when she was quoting Apu, "I cannot believe you don't shut up!"

"... is a bastard…like all other men…although some ppl would like to disagree…but I still stick to my statement…of him being a bastard…but he’s not like other bastards…you only feel like killing him sometimes…when he mentions certain names he knows he shouldn’t..YOU KNOW WAT I’M TALKING ABOUT!!…Oh and if you can’t get enough of Sixth…walk into bestbuy…go towards hometheater..and ask for Link…trust me…its just like talking to him…their mannerisms (yes you have those)…and the sarcastic comments they love to make…and the way they just talk…its crazy!!!! Oh but link is taller…yeh….so back to Sixth…he can be nice too I guess…at times…like he helped me with my teacher’s application…but don’t think he’s just tooo nice…I think he did it cuz I helped him…I’m his “maid”!! wooohoo!! Yehh!!! His maid!!..that’s right!!…DUM DUM DUM!! Hahaha….back to Sixth again….he has changed over the years I must say…doesn't act all high and mighty..wait he still does that…Sixth…in the end…is a bastard…and always will be…but I guess he can be nice at times..haha…oh and wats up with his “pebbl”…I HATE THAT PHONE!! ITS HORRIBLE!! AND UGLY!!! AND HORRIBLE!!! IT DESERVES TO BE DROPPED A MILLION TIMES!!! AND THEN BURNED!!!…is this enough Sixth Or do you want me to go on about you Who the hell asks people to write about him…only you!!! Seee…the boy is WEEIRRDDD!! Haha..but this was fun….now I shall go…"

Crazy lady say, "What?"

"Makes funny faces at the most random and awkward moments. Mostly the moment is awkward cuz of his random face making. Is always up to something ... or not ... i guess we will never know. Makes people smell his armpits and does a bootie dance to annoy me. One day I will get back at him. One day ..... "

My armpits smell fantastic. Ask anybody who's smelt em. Oh, I hope they never stop making my deodorant. I've got a butt gyration add-on now that would make a large black woman proud!

"Despite being known to most as being THE most narcissistic person in existence, Sixth is the kind of guy that can forget all about himself when it comes to someone he truly cares about. While he is completely cocky about himself, he has the ability to be fiercely loyal and completely there for his closest friends and family. He's my boulder with he helps me stay grounded when I get out of control, and helps me fly when i dig myself into a depressing little hole."

Awwww. As it stands, I'm a Red Bull commercial targeted at boulders. I always thought boulder was a word used to describe stupid people. This could be a wee little joke that I'm not getting.

When I first met him, I was convinced he hated me. Since then, we’ve become cool… I am now known as Twig, or skinny bitch. : ) And to me, he will always be the man who has a moral opposition to eating baklava lol.

Just so we're clear. I have never called her a "Skinny Bitch" no matter how many times a thought it. However, Twig is under the misconception that she is intimidating *snicker* - She's not. Baklava is gross.

So, there - That's me. According to you - That was vaguely narcissistic and ego-stroking, wasn't it? Mome, I'm still mad at you. You know why.

As a minor side-note. I hate most of you. Expect Revenge.

Be good.


p.s. Since this entire blog is comments from people, I don't think many people will be leaving comments. So go to THIS LINK and play the game. Leave your top score in the comments section. 5 bucks to whomever is at the top a week from now. Don't cheat. It ruins in fun.


Anonymous said...

I still say I was the nicest.

Anonymous said...

uh huh!!!

Anonymous said...

3...3 is the highest i can go. it's bloody impossibe.

Sarah Q. said...

14 baby! lol. Yeah ok... its not that great. I know. Sheez!
By the way... that post was waayyy too long boy! lol.

sixth lie said...

well, you people had a lot to say about me. ok, really. how bad do you people suck? 124. admittedly, i played for around 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...

I got 89! woohoooo
second place so far to world's nerdiest gamer
p.s - I encountered some breed of uber-geeky gamers on campus today. they all had glasses and unwashed hair and looked like they'd never interacted with members of the opposite sex. they reminded me of you.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAA!!! that's funny!

...wait..HEY HEY HEY...he interacts with me just fine (and screw you zaffar...i dont act like a guy!)

Although..i agree with u on the unwashed hair bit! He definitely needs to wash that clumpy mess more often!

sixth lie said...

you know, i didn't even say anything and i'm getting all this blame. revenge will be mine!

Unknown said...

i actually forgot about how to cheap shotted me until people remind me... well more they remind you of how you coulda done such a thing to the iqster

sixth lie said...

allow me to say this once. 214!

Anonymous said...

125! almost theere

Lendiel said...

sixth! You haven't seen the pics of my little sister yet! Go to my blog and see the cuteness!!

Mr. Horse said...

You know, you should've waited to post the link to that tennis ball game because now no one wants to comment on you and the comments they made about you, but rather they just post to boast about their scores. Jeez, you'd think your narcissistic traits are rubbing off on everyone you know! :P

But I won't take part in such a thing and I refuse to mention what my score was (mostly because it was really really bad!).


ps. There shall be NO Harley licking pictures - EVER! I am instituting a 3 feet rule with you, you must stay at least that far away from me at all times.

Shiplass said...

And THAT post is why you make me laugh.