February 22, 2007

73rd - I believe the only word to describe it is 'snafu'

We've all had our moments of saying some pretty horrible and ignorant stuff. Myself, more than others. However, when you manage to say something so bad that you've managed to offend me - now, that's saying something. I won't name names but this happened last night and I was mortified at what this person who's name I won't say, who's an asshole that he/she could say something like that. That's how my long and sorta sleepless night started. All of me hurts right now.

SNOW! *glee* Does it snow in Kansas? I came outside this morning and my car was completely covered in beautiful, heavy packing snow. then i had to clean the cars and the driveway. Still happy. I love the snow. It's just good. I'd like to thank our resident Ice Queen for this. I hope this lasts into the weekend.

Right now I am trying to figure out how to design a data entry method for computer illiterate people that involves as little new data entry as possible. I'm still working on it which involves learning software I never really cared to learn. It's going very well.

I am broke. This weekend is Shiv's birthday. She's going to be super-old on monday. We're celebrating before her memory starts to go. Happy Birthday Oldie!

Today, I get to hang out with Shiv, Tom, Florina and Sameera. I believe last time we hung out, it was a lot of Wii-ing and harassment while Wii-ing.

Ok - I go now. This wasn't very interesting. So, to make it more interesting. What is your ideal weight and why don't you weigh that? I'll tell you why? You're a fatty. Except for Twig, I'm guessing you like being tossed one-handed. Begin.



Anonymous said...

i AM NOT old!!!!

And I am NOT responsible for this miserable snow!I hope that all of it melts by tomorrow and we have warmer nicer weather. U want long winters...GO FURTHER NORTH, u ass! or go back to Edmonton! Stop ruining our supposedly mild, short ontario winters! YOU SHUT UP!

sixth lie said...

old people get so cranky when it's cold.

Mr. Horse said...

Happy early Bday Shivali! You're nowhere near old. You're still youngen.

And Zaff, who said what they said to offend you and what did they say? I'm curious!

Anonymous said...

you're right, this blog wasn't very interesting. and what is snafu? anyway. my ideal weight is probably 10 pounds less than what i am right now. and im not about to share any numbers. i probably dont weigh that because im too lazy to exercise and i have a bit of a sweet tooth problem?

sixth lie said...

there's this awesome thing called a dictionary which has meanings of words in them. when people don't know what a word means, they refer to said book to find out.

Anonymous said...

and i believe i'm the one who taught you said word (snafu) back in the day...

Anonymous said...

whoops... that last comment was me by the way. Oh,and I didn't actually read this entry, just the title...