February 15, 2007

72nd - Now you know

I'm trying this thing to keep my blogs generally shorter. Mainly, by sticking to one topic. But that requires blogging more often. It become an issue. This blog touches two issues.

OPINION. I think this is more directed at brown people.

Light Eyes - I don't get the obsession people have with light eyes. Having light coloured eyes automatically makes you attractive. You could have ugly, squinty eyes like Ellen Pompeo (Meredith from Grey's Anatomy) and people think she's got gorgeous eyes. I'm sorry, did we all miss the SQUINTY? There's other examples, but you get the point. Having a different colour eye is rare, yes and it's more eye catching, but just because you have blue eyes or green eyes doesn't automatically mean you have nice eyes and it certainly doesn't bump you into the automatically attractive category. "Oh, my God! He's got blue eyes. He's gorgeous!" Ugly people can have light eyes too. Shape, size, etc don't matter, huh?

My preference - I like brown eyes. I'm not saying I have a bias but - screw it, I probably do. If you have nice brown eyes that stand out, doesn't that seem a lot more impressive than having rare coloured eyes that stand out just because of their colour?

Coloured Contacts - People who wear colour contacts. Are you going for the eerie-zombie-dead-eye look? Is that kinda what you're going for? If so - Mission Accomplished. I'm not saying don't do it. But stop trying to pass it off as your actual eye colour by wearing them all year around. Nobody's buying it. Personally, I want and plan on getting purple contacts but that's for fun. Not because I want people to think I'm a space alien of have some weird disease. Nobody is going to look at me and go, "That guy has purple eyes. They're so pretty"

Now, my birthday list. This is mainly for people who keep asking me what I want. I prefer you come up with your own ideas if you're planning to get me something.

- A wallet - Non Black. Something with a print.
- Shoes (really, don't try to surprise me. I'm picky)
- Batman - Year One
- Minilop named Anthony Hopkins.
- Least I Could Do - Book 1-3
- Busts:
  • Batman
  • Morpheus (Sandman)
  • Death
  • Desire
  • Harley Quinn
  • Joker
  • Catwoman
- X-Box 360 Premium
- Fuzzy Slippers
- A turtle - A big one.
- A PSP (used, if possible)
- A Nindendo DS
- iPod Video - Black
- Clothes (Stores I like - Bluenotes, Zara, Mexx, R W & Co, Guess)
- Most of the stuff from thinkgeek.com
- Sumo Omni Chair from sumolounge.com - Red
- Preacher - Books 5 and Up

There are no set plans around my birthday weekend, but keep it free. The only sure plan I have is to watch 300 in the biggest and loudest theater possible. Then they'll be other stuff. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I'm thinking Mome's Marvel Superhero Exhibit idea might be fun. Oh, and food.

Okay, back to eyes thing.



Sarah Q. said...

I fully agree with the eye thing. I have brown eyes... and i think its wicked. And plus... that whole contact thing ... i tried it ... and i hate it. How can you stand first off poking ur eye out to put something in it... then keeping something in ur eye all day (thats just not normal and so not done) and then at the end of the night when your exhausted u go and poke your eye out again only to poke your eye out in the morning once again! Ok i understand people have to wear contacts sometimes but guys... glasses ... so much classier!! Ok ... wedding time ... party time... wear ur contacts ... but come on... when you see someone wearing a hype pair of glasses ... dont you think in ur head... dang that looks hot. u know?? Well I donno... i think so anyway.
Its a thing.

Mr. Horse said...

I HATE coloured contacts! They look ridiculous and so fake! I think a person's eyes are one of the most important part of them and covering them up with hideous fake looking contacts is something I will never understand.

As for your bday, I think you should ask people to make a donation to the Human Fund. I'd be willing to do that.

Unknown said...

All Star Wings

SophiaQ said...

That's a pricey present list! Haha.

And I COMPLETELY agree about the colored eyes thing. I know of a guy with green eyes who is possibly the most hideous human being I've ever come across with an equally hideous personality.....yet, every time he meets you, he does this insane sort of batting eyelashes action to divert attention to his eyes....and then done. Everyone goes "Oh my God, have you seen ____'s eyes?! They're so pretty". And he grins from ear to ear, thinking he's God's gift to women. *barf*

Brown eyes are good. Colored eyes are good on people who don't make an issue out of it. Haha. My fiance, for one. *snicker*

Oh and in response to your comment on my blog.....you can't piss me off THAT easily - and family members get off easy. So no worries! Haha.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I think those coloured contacts look funky on some people. It can actually be scary sometimes cuz they look so unnatural. I do have a weakness for blue eyes, but only if they're on someone who's actually attractive. I can like brown eyes just as much if they're on someone attractive too.
And yes that birthday list is a pricey one - somehow I'm not surprised.