April 18, 2007

86th - Bull Dukey!

Me - Good Morning Daddy! I'm going for a run!
Dad - Where you going?
Me - Up to Momin's house.
Dad - Why don't you take the car?
Me - Because I want to run. I'm feeling a wee fat.
Dad - Its faster to take the car.
Me - But that defeats the point of running.
Dad - Put gas in the car.
Dad - How are you going to run?
Me - One foot places after the other at a semi-quick pace.
Dad - Okay, okay. Run to Sheppard and take the bus.
Me - You're not getting this are you?

Eventually, I began my run. I haven't done any physical activity in months and I was never really a strong runner when it came to long distances. Nonetheless, I set out on my ten kilometer run to Momin's house. About two k's into this run i see the overpass which is a semi-steep uphill. I grit my teeth and trudge along.

Right before the hill is a bus stop and at this bus stop is a very cute girl. I look as I run trudge by, she looks, there are smiles and I continue. Now I'm up making my way up the hill, feeling as if I'm about to drop dead. But I push on because the cute girl who I don't know, will never see again, let alone meet may be watching. I slowly and painfully make it to the top and over the apex point so I'm out of view. I wanted to cry. I move along my set path slowly and vaguely determined. I pass finch and go along the bend to find that my path is cut off by a train moving slower than I'm running. 15 minutes later, I continue my run.

I make it all the way to Momin's house to find Mome and Asmar sitting in his car about to leave. I get in the car. It's not like I have anything better to do and where are we going? UofT Scarborough, which is incidentally a two minute drive from my house. Purpose Defeating.

The running continued later in the day and night as well. Now, it is the next morning and I am, you guessed in, in lots of pain. But it's a good pain.

Then there was the incident with a raccoon but that's a whole new story.

Be good.


85th - "Dra-Gon! I don't do that tounge thing"


84th - Mini Rants - Part Two

If the following people could do me a huge favour and choke, that would be just great. If you choke and die, that would be super.

Pink - You're not here for our entertainment. We got it. We figured that out with your first album.

NAACP - Quit speaking for all the coloured people. Half the shit that offends you, none of us care about. You seem to focus way to much on black people. That's showing favoritism! You know who else spoke a lot for coloured people? Slavers.

George Bush - Wait, he already did this once. But he didn't die. Try again.

Fat/Ugly/Whiney/Overly Sensistive People - Fu*k off. Nobody cares about what you're crying about this time. Next time you decided to treat yourself for sticking to your diet for two weeks by eating four Big Macs, do us a favour and choke on one of them.

PETA - Be warned. If I am ever wearing a fur coat and you throw paint on me, my next coat will be a leather coat made of PETA members' skin.

Extremist Feminists - Well, extremist anything. But they're just so annoying. You all need to get together and have a group unbunching of your panties. Afterwards, I'll get you all some flowers and chocolates and all will be better again. Quit blaming us because you're ugly.

Ugly Girls who Guys just seem to Love - It's not because of your great personality. It's because you have low self esteem and that causes you to put out a lot. Stop thinking you're great. You're just a whore. As Turk once said, "We're all God's children in the dark."

People who wear Sunglasses to Clubs - Really? It's already dark enough. You just look like a douche bag.

Yes, I feel like getting my Hate on today. Sue me.


April 17, 2007

83rd - Mini Rants - Part One

I sit here, in my gigantic office chair, enjoying my everything bagel with just the right amount of herb and garlic cream cheese which would be perfect if it weren't mildly over toasted. As I sip my raspberry smootie from the regular brown cup, a reminder that the "roll up the rim to win" contest is now over and I won't be seeing those bright red and yellow cups for another year, somewhere deep down in my bowels being reminded that I didn't do my morning twosies and drinking coffee right now is not the best idea. Between the sweet bastarded taste of my smoothie that's trying to pass itself off as coffee and that uncomfortable feeling in my bowels from the knowledge that I've got quite a few hours until that pressure is relieved, I wonder to myself -- AUTHORS WHO WRITE LIKE THIS ARE ANNOYING! Get to the damn point!


April 15, 2007

82nd - "Not only is Mississauga a long drive away but it's also a damn long word to say."

Here is everything I know about the "Island" or Aruba

- The "Island" of Aruba dates back twenty-one years to 1986. That means it's legal everywhere.

- The "Island" of Aruba is surrounded by water on all sides

- Amaan's new nickname is "Obhe" so that last point can work.

- Currently, the "Island" of Aruba is excited and anxious.

- The "Island" of Aruba subscribes to "The Sixth O'Clock News"

- The "Island" of Aruba is currently at the ACC but still surrounded by water.

- Somewhere deep inside the "Island" (around Santa Cruz, I suppose) lies a great evil.

- The "Island" of Aruba is located in Mississauga, just off the 401.

- For any visitations, conjugal or otherwise, please make arrangements in advance with the "Island" itself and pay the waters.

That's all I got.


April 11, 2007

81st - Something to Think About

One of these pictures may or may not be Asmar's back. The other one may or may not be my butt. Just something to think about.

Wanna guess which is which?

Sarah and Asmar can't answer.


April 9, 2007

80th - *blech*

Hello peoples

Pain killers are GREAT.

This weekend WAS lots of fun. Then I spent four hours in the emergency. Now, I'm not feeling too up-beat about it. I'm sick. The, "He's dying" theory has been put to rest but I'm still in considerable amounts of pain. I should mention again, painkillers are great.


April 8, 2007

79th - Prisoner in a small room.

I'm bloggin away from home. I think I'm being held prisoner because this Packing Nazi wont let us eat until everything is packed.

There is fu*kery most foul afoot.