April 17, 2007

83rd - Mini Rants - Part One

I sit here, in my gigantic office chair, enjoying my everything bagel with just the right amount of herb and garlic cream cheese which would be perfect if it weren't mildly over toasted. As I sip my raspberry smootie from the regular brown cup, a reminder that the "roll up the rim to win" contest is now over and I won't be seeing those bright red and yellow cups for another year, somewhere deep down in my bowels being reminded that I didn't do my morning twosies and drinking coffee right now is not the best idea. Between the sweet bastarded taste of my smoothie that's trying to pass itself off as coffee and that uncomfortable feeling in my bowels from the knowledge that I've got quite a few hours until that pressure is relieved, I wonder to myself -- AUTHORS WHO WRITE LIKE THIS ARE ANNOYING! Get to the damn point!



Anonymous said...

it's ALWAYS abt ur bowel movements...!!!

Anonymous said...

its called being DESCRIPTIVE!
and ya seriously - why is it always about bowel movements?

sixth lie said...

what do you all have against me being regular? it sucks when im not. like right now. i'm not. it sucks. see. point proven.