June 14, 2007

91st - ending on a happy note

Tink says:
hay zaff... u have mccafe?
sixth lie says:
i don't buy coffee from mcdonalds, no why? is it good?
Tink says:
i said... do u have mcafee lol dork

...it was a funny moment, that's all.

Lately, my summer has been sucking something serious. This is for a few reasons. One. All my friends are gone and the ones here are generally unavailable due to new relationships still being in their gross stage or very old moldy relationships in their oh-god-i-wasted-my-good-years-with-you stage and the single ones seem to be trying extra hard to find someone. Whichever way you decide to go, none of it is very comfortable. It's all very hormonal. So, I'm lonely - not in the romantic sense, just in the general sense. I have learnt that most girls my age are relatively insane and not the fun kind. When I find the one that's the right mix of neurosis, insanity, princessery, boyishness, intelligence, maturity/immaturity, flirtiness, girliness, a bunch of other 'iness'es, pyromania, ego, temperament, and looks - I'll get right on that. Yes, looks are important. Whomever says they aren't are lying or have been blind from birth and don't know any better.

So, there was some unpleasantness between me and a good friend of mine. I believe I mentioned this in a previous blog as well. This was weeks ago, mind you. I'm noticing that I'm still not entirely over it. I'm still a wee stand-offish about the whole thing. It's fun how very pallid comment on something managed to upset me to such a point when I'm normally so easy going. Any thoughts?

Remember that episode of Third Rock from the Sun where the bald dude whose name slips my mind gets addicted to the internet? So it's been a week now that I don't have internet at home. - DICK!! - that's his name. I knew that I knew it. How could I forget. I loved that show. Anyway, I feel so socially disconnected, it's sad. Caroline has been keeping me amused online for the past few days. She's good online people. That previous sentence might be the lamest compliment I have ever paid someone.

The BIG Tennessee trip is now exactly one week and a few hours away and the plans still aren't set. Realistically, they're not gonna be set till Thursday afternoon about five minutes before we leave. I'm really looking forward to it. Even though I'm not sure if I'm going to make it on time anymore because I might not be leaving on Thursday as planned because someone named my brother can't give me a straight answer. But hopefully, all will go as planned or not planned but work out alright anyway.

I rate this blog a 4 out of 10.



Unknown said...

i woulda said the same 'coffee from mcdonalds' comment too i think.

i've always liked 'happy endings'

Sarah Q. said...

Yeah Iqbal. You would ... small minds think alike as do great minds. But since no has as great of a mind as I do ... No one has yet been found thinking like me. lol.

Anyway ... That was as pointless a blog as the one I wrote this morning. But still amused me a bit. lol. Thats what happens when there is some serious lack of blogging on everyone elses part! Blog ppl! Come on! (please =) )

Unknown said...

tink says "But since no has as great of a mind as I do"

that's great English. i wish i could write broken ass English as well as you.

Mr. Horse said...

I'll be done work in less than a week and then I'll be sitting around with nothing to do and will actually be able to hang out, if you're so inclined. I too am good online ppl. So I can keep you company that way as well. Only problem is that I'm quite lazy. :P

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we think we're over something..only to discover we aren't..that such a small thing affected us so deeply that it just doesn't seem shrug-off-able. Maybe you should say something?

I get what ur saying about friends, I feel like that too, but in a general sense - just disconnected.

just my 2 cents.

asmi said...

deepest comment i've ever seen on your blog is the one above. good job. i agree. lol

i rate your blog a 3/10. haha

Anonymous said...

thanks asmy!

sixth lie said...

i have to agree with asmar on this. that was the deepest thing ever said on this blog. even deeper than that time i almost talked about my feelings.

these word verifications are getting longer and more complicated.


Shiplass said...

A 4 out of 10...honestly....are you coming to the America's then??? Goood! Except your picking the most retarded state on the world to visit. Except Arkansas. No place in the world is more.....yeah...I have no words. Even Georgia is better than Arkansas....

SophiaQ said...

And you guys say that I have issues blogging. AHEM, it's been over a month, Raffaz.

Mr. Horse said...

Update your blog already!