June 12, 2007

90th - Hell Damn Fart!

Just a quick note before we get started - Guys who piss all over the toilet seat. Just a reminder, you can aim the thing. If you still manage to piss all over everything including yourself, you clearly are undeserving of a penis and should pee sitting down like a bitch.

I had this whole blog worked out and now I can't remember any of it. I just got home. Asmar graduated today! YAY ASMAR! We went to this Dimitri's - a dessert place for those who don't know - and they have the worst service ever. It doesn't help that you know the guy who is your server because then you feel vaguely guilty about leaving a shitty tip and stuff but whatever, shit service.

We had a whole fun discussion about golfing on Fathers Day and whether fathers should be able to go in the morning and gold for a few hours with their buddies - without the kids. Every guy, except Bilu pretty much agreed what a father, on fathers day should be able to do as he pleases. I also would like to add the point, it is not ignoring the kids all day. Tee off at 8am means home by 1pm, latest. Rest of the day for kids stuff. Opinions?

So I bought a whole bunch of shit today because I was bored and then had to very promptly return it because it was just a stupid thing to do. Where the hell are Momin and Shivali when I do these things? Yes, I'm blaming them entirely. They know I have zero ability to exercise any form of self control in front of shiny things. Especially when they're red.

This blog has been pretty pointless. I'm sorry. I really can't remember all the cool stuff I wanted to blog about.



Anonymous said...

dont tell me that those clubs were red.

why didnt u call? ure cut off!

sixth lie said...

they were not all red. they were silver with red trim. very pretty.

asmi said...

fathers should spend fathers day with their kids. period. if u want to go golfing go on your damn birthday. on fathers day, sit down and suffer with your children. yeesh

asmi said...

and thank you! yay graduated!