October 25, 2007

99th - The Muslim way - wake up. pray. kill non-believers. pray. meal time. pray. plan to kill non-believers. pray. prepare your weapons. pray. sleep.

So, I was reading the news and came across Mulla Whatever-the-Hell called for Jihad, holy war on the Pakistani Authorities. Fu*king Mullas always set me off. Anyway, I wrote a letter to the BBC in hopes of accomplishing nothing but still. If nobody contests it, it becomes factual. Here it is...

"do you guys do any sort of research before you say something completely idiotic. look it up.

jihad does NOT MEAN 'holy war' - it refers to a muslim's daily struggle to be good/muslim. not, 'go forth and kill non-believers' as many major media outlets have made it out to be.

considering how muslims are a major news item nowadays, for the sake of not sounding like complete morons, get the oxford dictionary of islam or islam for dummies and look up some of the stuff you guys have posted as fact. what religion actually says to go forth and kill non-believers? name one.

people hiding behind religion to commit whatever acts they're intending are doing just that, hiding behind religion. not following it's edicts and i'm pretty sure, you can look this up, you're a news source [it's called research], people calling themselves muslims aren't the first to do it.

side note - i realize you're probably that whoever is reading this is probably not the right person or this will just go ignored but someone has to say it."

That's all.


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