January 7, 2008

106th - Someone needs a Haircut

I woke up this morning, some few minutes ago. I read for 15 minutes, shaved, showered [i know, it says to shave after you shower, but then I feel unclean the whole day], got dressed, woke up my sister [which is quite the process], went out and started my car, combed my hair while standing in front of the mirror, got my shoes on - wait! Combed my hair?!?!? Hell realized what had just happened and very promptly, that Popsicle did a stand a chance.

I haven't combed my hair ever since I got my mom to knock that off in grade school. I can't figure out why I would do such a thing.

Last night was fun. I may have over dressed a little for the occasion [I had too much time to get ready]. I went to D&B's for the birthday party of Asghar [or Oscar], one of Sameera's friend. Initially, I thought that I was going to be mildly uncomfortable not knowing anyone, minus Sameera and Caboose but it turned out that nobody knew each other. Everyone just knew the birthday boy or just the birthday boy's girlfriend. Nonetheless, the night was fun.

My room, every few weeks goes from clean to growing sentient life. It's currently entered the latter phase and needs to be returned to the clean phase. This expedition is being prompted by the minor annoyance of me losing two of the books I was reading somewhere in the mess. Plus, the clothes needing a washing have starting to mingle with the clothes that do not which now required smell testing. I'll be doing that tonight. Uncool. Anyone wanna come help?



Sarah Q. said...

and you were saying my blog was lame?? tragic lol.

Anonymous said...

pleeeease please let me come clean your room?? it would make me ever so happy!

Anonymous said...

what the hell is wrong with caboose? is that desperation showing?

Anonymous said...

its called sarcasm!

Anonymous said...

sorry, didn't show through. and I don't believe you.

Unknown said...

it would make me happy if u cleaned my room too

wow... u got blogpunked by sarah... thats bad

Anonymous said...

sarah's so right...

this blog was tragic.
So tragically uninteresting...

Mr. Horse said...

You're worse than a girl when it comes to your appearance.